Leads delivers results the first time for North Carolina Police

“One of my first assigned cases was a breaking and entering of a residence with a larceny of a shotgun. This was one of my first experiences with LeadsOnline. I ran the suspect’s name through the system, and the first search showed me everything I needed to know. I’m really impressed with the LeadsOnline system, and I try to tell any other agency I come in contact with about it. My suspect had actually sold a lot of other property, and I was able to recover other stolen items he sold. Thanks for an awesome system.”

Det. Ronald Clarke
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Dumb luck and help from LeadsOnline solves cases

“During the month of November, my area of the county was experiencing a large increase in metal theft. By dumb luck, we encountered the suspects selling some stolen batteries and metal to a local metal recycling center. While on the scene, we located a pawn slip for a saddle that had been reported stolen. I decided to check LeadsOnline to see if any other items had been sold, and found several other items that matched descriptions of items reported stolen but with no known suspects. With a little dumb luck and a lot of help from LeadsOnline, I closed four additional cases, and put two very dirty thieves in the Brunswick County Detention Center.”

Det. Ryan Newman
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Department
North Carolina