The state of Arkansas, under the direction of state Attorney General Dustin McDaniel, deployed LeadsOnlabs MethMonitor in every pharmacy and every law enforcement agency statewide. He says LeadsOnlabs MethMonitor is helping re-shape the way his state fights the war against methamphetamine abuse.
“When the MethMonitor was implemented in pharmacies throughout the state of Arkansas in May of 2008, the results were impressive. I firmly believe that this system has put a serious dent in the meth manufacturing business in Arkansas, and consequently, it has helped reduce other drug-related crime. I hope that other states battling the meth epidemic will utilize the LeadsOnlabs Meth Monitor and achieve the same great results as we have in Arkansas.”
According to the National Association of Counties, and reported by the Meth Project Foundation, the majority of U.S. counties report that Meth is the most serious drug problem—more than cocaine and marijuana combined.