More than $50,000 dollars in recoveries for these Mississippi cases crossing jurisdictional lines

“Between May and June of this year our county experienced a rash of burglaries and thefts involving antique items, recreational vehicles, weapons, and a quantity of expensive jewelry items. As a normal investigative technique LeadsOnline was researched on a daily basis to determine if any of the stolen items would surface. Within days items associated with our thefts and burglaries began to be sold at various businesses within 100 miles of our location. Using the information provided by LeadsOnline, we were able to arrest five suspects. Investigations in two surrounding counties dovetailed into our investigation and by their access to LeadsOnline they too have solved several theft and burglary cases in their jurisdictions. The value of our recoveries alone have exceeded $50,000 in this one case.”

Deputy Sheriff David Blackwell
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen gun recovered three years later by Mississippi detective. Never give up.

“I was checking my NCIC Hits and located a hunting rifle that has been stolen from a house in George County, MS three years earlier. The rifle had been pawned at a store in Jackson County, MS. The suspect was already in jail at the time, but this rifle was the last of five (5) that that had been recovered. It is great to be able to return property to people after they have been violated in such a manner. Thanks to LeadsOnline for what you do.”

Det. Jason Smith
George County Sheriff’s Department

Multi-agency stolen firearms case solved in Mississippi

“A burglary of a residence was committed in Natchez-Adams County, Mississippi. Sheriff’s Office Detective Stacy Rollinson discovered a stolen firearm (from said burglary) using LeadsOnline. With this information, Natchez Mississippi Sheriffs Office assisted Vicksburg, Mississippi Sheriff’s Office in a search warrant of the suspect’s house and found eight more stolen firearms from said burglary in Natchez along with ther items stolen in recent Vicksburg burglaries. LeadsOnline is a VERY VALUABLE TOOL for law enforcement. Thank ya’ll very much.”

Det. DeLayne Bush
Adams County Sheriff’s Office

NCIC hit recovers firearm stolen a year prior

“I received an email update on possible NCIC hits from you guys. When I logged on and began checking, I found one of the pawned items matched with a weapon that had been reported stolen a year ago in our county. I was able to locate the original report and contact the investigator assigned to it, and he was able to follow up on the case. There are many times we do not have good leads on stolen property. Leads Online is a great tool to locate items that have been reported stolen.”

Det. Greg Horton
Desoto County Sheriff’s Office

Large amounts of stolen metal recovered thanks to statewide scrap metal database

“We responded to a report of a large amount of metal being stolen. At the time of the report, employees could not give an inventory of the items missing. A few days later, I followed up and discovered that more metal had been stolen over the weekend. This time they had a better inventory and provided a list of Items. I located two transactions that were sold to a shop, and they provided us with a vehicle description for the suspect. I went back to LeadsOnline and located another large metal transaction that was sold to the same shop. I recovered a total of about 4,000 pounds of stolen metal. Thank you LeadsOnline!”

Inv. Daniel A. Thomas
Vicksburg Police Department

Suspect arrested for selling stolen firearms in neighboring jurisdiction

“A residential burglary was committed within our county where two Remington 870 Shotguns were stolen. A LeadsOnline search was conducted, and it revealed that our suspect sold the two shotguns at a business in a town 30 miles away. The guns were recovered, and statements and video from the shop provided added evidence which was used to obtain an arrest warrant for the suspect. He was arrested and is currently awaiting trial for the felony charge of Burglary of a Residence.”

Deputy Sheriff David Blackwell
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Recovery of $8,000 in stolen metals solves multiple crimes

“During the month of February, I received an influx of reports about stolen cast iron drainage grates, manhole covers and drainage grates found in self-service car washes. I made contact with a fellow detective from a neighboring jurisdiction and he provided a possible suspect name since they were encountering the same crimes. Upon running the name on LeadsOnline, we were able to obtain additional suspect information such as vehicle description, co-defendants and a pattern of suspect’s visits to the metal recyclers. Two suspects were arrested and charged with several counts of Grand Larceny after arriving at the metal recycler with almost 2 tons of stolen drainage grates in the bed of their truck. Upon interviewing them, one confessed to committing the crimes. The total amount of the thefts topped $8,000 dollars and most of the complainants were able to recover their property after it was properly identified. The arrests of these two individuals cleared up several crimes in several jurisdictions.”

Det. Jaye Coleman
Jackson Police Department

900 pounds of stolen metal found by investigators using LeadsOnline metal theft investigation system

“A local business filed a report with the Tishomingo, Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department concerning stolen metal. A fence surrounding the business was cut, and approximately 900 pounds of scrap metal was stolen. Information was collected and an individual was listed as a possible suspect. I checked the name of the individual and discovered that he had sold around 900 pounds of scrap to a scrap yard in a neighboring county. The individual stated that he was not involved with the crime during the interview. The individual was shown a copy of the transaction receipt from LeadsOnline documenting the date and time of the transaction along with a description of what was sold. The transaction receipt also had a picture of his driver’s license. The individual confessed to the crime and was charged with Grand Larceny.”

Det. Logan Vaughn
Tishomingo Country Sheriff’s Department

Police solve homicide of scrap metal recycler because he reported to electronic transactions to law enforcement via LeadsOnline

“We began investigating a homicide case in which the victim, Jack Markowitz, was the buyer and seller of catalytic converters and also reported to LeadsOnline. The victim was found dead inside his burning vehicle on Hwy 57 in Gautier, Mississippi. With little to go on, Investigators soon began piecing together the puzzle. Witnesses who passed by the area described to police a black dodge pickup truck with a metal cage on the back that was seen parked next to the victim prior to the crime. Investigators began using LeadsOnline to run inquiries on each person that the victim recently did business with since he was a reporting dealer. During this search, investigators ran the name Steven Brown who was supposed to meet the victim earlier in the day. What investigators discovered, cracked the case wide open. A recent transaction of catalytic converters between Steven Brown and the victim showed a photograph of the catalytic converters, as well as the back of Brown’s black dodge truck and metal cage. Using this information from LeadsOnline helped investigators solve their homicide case in less than eight hours and resulted in a charge of capital murder against Steven Brown. LeadsOnline has been an invaluable tool for the Gautier Police Department, allowing us to solve countless property crimes. In this case, LeadsOnline helped a reporting scrap metal dealer lead police to the criminal who took his life. We look forward to continued service with LeadsOnline.”

Det. Jonathan Whitfield
Gautier Police Department

Statewide electronic reporting system for scrap theft alerts leads police metal theft suspects

“I received a picture of a vehicle where someone was stealing metal. The owner of the metal gave me names of some people in the area hauling scrap metal. I checked their names with LeadsOnline, and one of them had pictures of not only the vehicle, but the man’s metal was on it. Thanks LeadsOnline.”

Sgt. Robert Garner
Smith County Sheriff’s Department

Scrap metal stolen off farm found through LeadsOnline

“I had a victim make a report about several items that were stolen from around his farm. I asked him if he had any trouble with anyone lately, and he gave me a few names. I checked those names and nothing showed up, so I checked the names of some of their known associates. Those associates sold scrap the same day my victim had things stolen. I printed off a picture of a chainsaw that matched my victim’s description and showed the victim. He identified it was his. I arrested all the subjects who were involved including the subjects he first named. Without LeadsOnline they probably never would have been caught.”

Inv. Robert Garner
Smith County Sheriff’s Department

Gun stolen two years ago recovered

“On March 2, 2011, I was checking my NCIC Hits and located a hunting rifle that had been stolen from a house in George County, MS in 2008. The rifle had been pawned at a store in Jackson County, MS. The suspect was already in jail at the time, but this rifle was the last of five that that had been recovered. It is great to be able to return property to people after they have been violated in such a manner. Thanks to LeadsOnline for what you do.”

Det. Jason L. Smith
George County Sheriff’s Department

Nationwide metal theft database solves homicide in less than eight hours

“We began investigating a homicide case. The victim, Jack Markowitz, was found dead inside his burning vehicle on Hwy 57 in Gautier, Mississippi. With little to go on, investigators soon began piecing together the puzzle and discovered that the victim was a buyer and seller of catalytic converters and reported to LeadsOnline. Witnesses who passed by the area described to police a black dodge pickup truck with a metal cage on the back that was seen parked next to the victim prior to the crime. Having a suspect vehicle to look for, investigators began using LeadsOnline to run inquiries on each person that the victim had recent contact with. What investigators discovered cracked the case wide open. A recent transaction of catalytic converters between our newly discovered suspect and the victim showed a photograph of the catalytic converters, as well as the back of the suspect’s black dodge truck and metal cage. Utilizing this information from LeadsOnline helped investigators solve their homicide case in less than eight hours and resulted in a charge of capital murder against the suspect. LeadsOnline has been an invaluable tool for the Gautier Police Department allowing us to solve countless property crimes. In this case, LeadsOnline helped a reporting business lead police to the criminal who took his life. We look forward to continued service with LeadsOnline and hope to attend the conference this year in New Orleans, Louisiana.”

Det. Jonathan Whitfield
Gautier Police Department

Oxford Police work with ecoATM and LeadsOnline to solve homicide in first 48

“A dead body was found inside a house because of a welfare concern. No suspect or evidence was found on the scene. We pinged his cellular device to a town 100 miles south of my jurisdiction near a Walmart. We could not find the phone. For two days the phone did not move. I logged onto LeadsOnline and put his ex-lover’s name into LeadsOnline search because the lover was from that town where the cell phone pinged. We also had a recent report of a disturbance between the two in my jurisdiction. Once I searched his name, it showed he sold the cell phone to the ecoATM inside Walmart. Plus, Walmart video showed he drove the automobile of the murder victim to Walmart. The vehicle was stolen after the murder. With this evidence, he confessed.”

Investigator Hardie Meeks
Oxford Police Department

LeadsOnline used to find crime traveler in Georgia

“The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office received an unusual telephone call reporting narcotics related activity in a neighborhood. The caller, as it turns out, gave false information about himself and his motive for calling. The suspect, “John Smith”, had purported himself as an undercover police officer resulting in this agency signing a warrant for his arrest for “Impersonation of a Police Officer.” John Smith learned of the warrant through his girlfriend who ran from law enforcement in order to assist John Smith in eluding police contact. During the investigation, it was learned John Smith had a habit of stealing television sets from motels in one location then pawning same in another location away from the first. With the usage of LeadsOnline, this agency was able to locate the areas of where Smith had recently been. Pawn shops from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri that participate in your program enabled this agency to keep up with our suspect then eventually leading to his capture in the State of Georgia. Your LeadsOnline program is an invaluable tool that should be available on every investigator’s desktop.”

Sgt. J.F. Steele
Autauga County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen property recovered for American soldier serving in Afghanistan

“Our agency received a report of an apartment burglary. The difficult part about this case was that the victim in this case was serving our country in Afghanistan. The victim provided us with a list of items taken, but he did not provide serial numbers. During the investigation, we discovered that the victim’s identification was also taken and that the perpetrator was using it to purchase various mobile phones. The phones were being delivered to the victim’s address but were always intercepted by the perpetrator. LeadsOnline helped us in the arrest and confession of two of the victim’s next door neighbors. Most of the stolen items as well as ALL of the phones were recovered and returned to the owners.”

Det. Reginald Cooper
Byram Police Department