Stolen cars sold to scrap yards; theft ring stopped with LeadsOnline Metal Theft Investigation System

“Recently, there was a rash of vehicle thefts of broken down or abandoned vehicles from the Interstate area of Central Arkansas. It was determined that approximately 30-40 vehicles were taken to a local scrapyard where they were crushed. One vehicle was identified by its owner at the scrapyard.

After an extensive LeadsOnline check by our department’s auto theft detective, information was obtained showing a large number of vehicles being scrapped by two individuals. Due to LeadsOnline’s ability to have photographs of items being scrapped, it was determined that two individuals were responsible for pulling the vehicles to the scrap yard. Without the ability to check information on LeadsOnline, this valuable information would have never come to light. Thanks LeadsOnLine!”

Det. Desizlets and Det. Blevins
North Little Rock Police Department

Detectives alert for scrap theft involving stolen vehicles

“Det. Blevins ran the name of a subject in a stolen vehicle case through the LeadsOnline system. It showed they had scrapped a large number of vehicle bodies to this scrap yard. After viewing the photographs of the subject’s scrapped vehicle bodies, several ongoing cases have started on this subject. Without the information provided by the LeadsOnline system, this subject would have gone unnoticed.”

Det. John Desizlets
North Little Rock Police Department

More than 600 copper urns stolen from Louisiana cemetery; four suspects arrested by detective using LeadsOnline metal theft investigation system

“A local cemetery began seeing a large amount of flower urns missing. The cemetery did not report the thefts to police but did send a letter to a local scrap yard advising of the thefts. One month later, we were made aware of the incident by an employee at a local scrap yard but were unable to locate the person selling the flower urns. Upon searching the LeadsOnline database we found another suspect who was related to the person in question and were able to further the investigation. Four suspects were arrested and two of them confessed to the crime. The four suspects were responsible for taking more than 600 flower urns from the cemetary. Three of them were charged with 612 counts of theft of copper from a cemetery and are currently in jail awaiting trial. The fourth suspect is also in jail and was charged with 30 counts of theft of copper from a cemetery. Photographs obtained from the LeadsOnline database clearly show the suspects selling the flower urns. The suspects cut the urns up in several pieces before selling them. The total loss to the cemetery is over $100,000.”

Det. Chance Cappel
Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office