$4,000 worth of stolen jewelry recovered while on 30 day trial of LeadsOnline

“I signed up for the free trial of LeadsOnline and the next day I was assigned a theft case involving approximately $4,000 in stolen jewelry. The victim of the case identified a possible suspect. I immediately got on LeadsOnline and entered a search for the suspect’s name. Within a few seconds I got a hit on the suspect that showed she sold approximately half of the stolen jewelry to a secondhand dealer just outside my city. The jewelry was positively identified and then recovered. Charges are pending on the suspect.”

Det. Mike Scholles
Tallmadge Police Department

LeadsOnline identifies Ohio suspect selling stolen scrap metal

“I was assigned a theft case involving approximately $4,500 in stolen aluminum coils and chain link fencing. Using LeadsOnline, I searched a possible suspect name provided by the victim. Within a few seconds, I had a hit on the suspect that showed he had recently scrapped a large amount of aluminum and galvanized steel at a local scrap yard. I followed up at the scrap yard which provided photos of the suspect and the items that he scrapped. The items were positively identified by the victim. Charges are pending in this case.”

Det. Mike Scholles
Tallmadge Police Department