$50,000 of stolen jewelry recovered

“A burglary of a residence occurred in our city on December 30, 2009. Several items of jewelry and a television were stolen. There were no real leads in the case, so I checked LeadsOnline using a broader description of the stolen items. I located a watch possbily meeting the description bases on how the pawn shop described it and value. I went to the pawn shop and located the serial number of that watch. The value of that watch was nearly $30,000. From the store video, we were able to identify two of the four suspects. An arrest was made in the case. Later, I had a possible hit on one of the other stolen watches. I was able to later identify this watch being stolen with the value of $20,000. In both cases the serial numbers were not recorded by the pawn shops. The search was done on name and series of the watches. The victim had given up hope of the property ever being recovered. This is why I use broader searches.”

Det. Martin Hyvl
Huntsville Police Department