Alabama detectives locate $50,000 in stolen metal with online metal theft database

“The day after Christmas, deputies found a subject passed out in a vehicle near the construction site of I-22. Deputies found several sand jacks in the back of the subject’s vehicle. Deputies found that the sand jacks had been stolen from the construction site. One hour after the report was filed detectives activated the free 30-day metal trials of the LeadsOnline Metal Theft Investigations System to investigate the suspect. Detectives discovered that over the Christmas holiday, this subject had sold over 5,000 pounds of steel. Detectives went to the scrap yard and located $51,350 worth of steel forms, sand jacks, and other steel material used in the construction of the interstate. This is just another fine example of how valuable LeadsOnline is to law enforcement! Thank you!”

Sgt. Det. Ellen Scheirer
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office