“Last month I noticed a number of jewelry items, all from the same person, sold to one of the local businesses. I did a check on the person in CLETS and found they were on probation. I went back to LeadsOnline and did a search on the person for the past few months. I found a number of jewelry items which had not been entered in to NCIC because of the lack of serial numbers. I printed out the information and gave it to our SET team member in charge of probation. He ran a probation search on the person and found a number of items in the home which seemed out of place. He found out the person worked for a moving company and checked with the company. They supplied a list of items submitted by various customers who reported items missing when their stuff was delivered. The officer matched the items to the transaction list from LeadsOnline and found the new items on a current list for a serviceman moving overseas. The items match and the officer moved forward in his arrest of the person and return of the property. None of this would have occurred without the entry of the items into LeadsOnline. Great to have such a valuable tool for law enforcement!”
Ofc. Bonnie Terrill
Riverside County Sheriff’s Office