CSI could not have done better than Cincinnati Police

“I received a burglary investigation, on which another detective had already done the crime scene. She stated she did not find any prints or DNA at the scene, but recovered a coat button from the window sill where the suspect(s) had entered. The suspect(s) closed the window on the coat button after climbing through the window, not knowing it was there. The victim gave me the serial number from the TV that was stolen in the offense and I entered it into LeadsOnline. I immediately got a hit on a subject. My partner and I went out and located the subject at his family member’s house, arresting him on Receiving Stolen Property. When we got ready to transport him back to our district, I asked if he wanted to bring a coat. His girlfriend grabbed his coat for him and it turned out that it was missing a button on the front pocket. The button we recovered was distinctive and matched the rest on the coat. The suspect gave a full confession and a name for another suspect. Without LeadsOnline, we never would have found that suspect.”

Det. Casey Kreider
Cincinnati Police Department