Drug addict daughter steals family heirlooms from mother’s home

“I was working a burglary where the victim was robbed of family heirlooms by her daughter, an alleged drug addict. The victim kicked her daughter out of her home this past summer and had not seen her since. The victim provided us with the name of her daughter’s boyfriend. The home was processed for fingerprints and photographed. During the investigation, both suspects were entered into LeadsOnline. I immediately received a hit on the boyfriend suspect. The hit showed he pawned numerous rings that matched jewelry on the victim’s statement. Photographs were taken of the pawned rings and the victim positively identified the rings to be hers. The following day, I received another hit that the boyfriend pawned more items to an out-of-state jeweler that had been in town for a jewelry convention, just days after the burglary. As I began the process of having the items held, I received another hit showing the daughter sold a ring, now tying both suspects to the burglary and stolen property. Within the case I had three total hits thanks to LeadsOnline, and retrieved video from the pawn shop identifying both suspects. The case will be forwarded to the prosecutor’s office with great evidence to pursue felony indictments. Thank you LeadsOnline! Not only did you give me evidence to close my case, you allowed the victim to retrieve her jewelry back that never could have been replaced.”

Det. Brandon Smith
West Jefferson Police Department