Ex-girlfriend steals young children’s video games for cash

“I recently had an investigation where a single father of five children reported a theft. He reported his five children, ages 3-10, had multiple Nintendo DS devices stolen over a period of a month. The father stated at first he thought the children had misplaced them since one was coming up missing after the other, but that was not the case. The father was dating a lady who he trusted, and let inside his home with his children. Unknown to the father, the girlfriend was periodically stealing the Nintendo devices from his children, starting with the 3-year-old child. After all the Nintendo devices were stolen, the father and the girlfriend broke up. A few weeks passed by, and he was told by a relative of his ex-girlfriend that she stole all of his children’s Nintendo games. The relative told the father they had one of the Nintendo devices in their possession, and the ex-girlfriend probably sold the others. We were given a name of the ex-girlfriend, and ran that information through LeadsOnline. We located all of the stolen property, and it was returned to the children. When we located and identified the Nintendo devices, we noticed the ex-girlfriend didn’t even delete the pictures of the children or try to conceal who owned them. We have a warrant out for her arrest. She is currently on the run, not only for this charge, but many others.”

Det. Cpl. Ted Schaeffer
Harrison Police Department