Houma detectives don’t play games when it comes to protecting their citizens

“Upon entering his home, a resident of Houma realized his backdoor had been forcibly opened. As he investigated his home, he realized his PlayStation 3 had been removed, along with the controllers and several games. Moving through the home, he discovered that his childrens’ Nintendo DS and PSP had also been stolen from the home. After he filed a report, we did a quick search of LeadsOnline, and we located the stolen items by matching serial numbers of the stolen game systems to those reported by the pawn shop. A few other items within the home had been stolen as well, and they were identified by the victims of the crime. Over $400 in property was obtained from the scene. A suspect has been identified, and there is a warrant currently out for his arrest. LeadsOnline does it again!”

Det. Keith Craft
Houma Police Department