Investigator able to solve entire case from his desk

“I recently had a family who had to put their daughter and boyfriend out of the house because of personal conflict. The father was in the hospital and not in the house to notice numerous hunting knives, old coins, compound bow and numerous tools and pieces of unique turquoise jewelry missing. The mother was looking for some of the coins to take to her husband in the hospital and discovered they were missing. This led to her looking for other valuables that her husband asked her to check on. She discovered the above mentioned items missing and reported them to us. I immediately worked on getting into LeadsOnline and checking the database for the daughter and boyfriend to see if they had sold any of the missing items. I immediately made a successful hit on the turquoise jewelry that had been sold by the boyfriend. I am still working the case and finding more items that were stolen from his ex-employer, but never reported. This individual has a lengthy felony history and is going to be going away for a long time thanks to the information tracked by LeadsOnline. This all happened from the comfort of my desk without burning a drop of gas! How nice not to have to beat the streets searching all the businesses anymore!”

Sr. Inv. K.H. Jordan III
King and Queen County Sheriff’s Office