LeadsOnline identifies career criminal responsible for multiple home burglaries

“I was working an investigation were multiple homes had been broken into in one general area. With no leads at the time, one of the homes that was broken into had a camera so we were able to get a video of the suspects. Pictures were shown to multiple department with no luck getting the suspects identified. I responded to another burglary in the same area where all the others had occurred. The victim was able to provide a good serial number on the stolen items. Once this detective was back into the office, I ran the serial number in LeadsOnline and got a hit. I took that information and linked the suspect to multiple burglaries in our county. We were able to locate the suspect and interview him and his daughter on all the burglaries. With the information received from LeadsOnline, I was able to get a confession and solve the cases. The suspect was found to be a serial burglar and had done this for many years. Without the LeadsOnline, we may not have been able to crack this case.”

Det. Jeff Asbury
Bourbon County Sheriff’s Department