LeadsOnline tutorial highlights feature that gets the case solved

“I recently went through a tutorial with the LeadsOnline Support staff and was able to learn some things that have proved to be helpful, including the Person of Interest table. A junior Investigator and I were assigned a case involving some stolen chainsaws from a local Volunteer Fire Department. After obtaining the serial numbers for one of the chainsaws, we created a Person of Interest profile for one of our main suspects. Within hours we were able to confirm the serial number on the chainsaw and also learned that it was currently in a business outside of our jurisdiction and our main suspect was the one who had sold the chain saw. This later led to an immediate arrest of the suspect and a confession as to where the other chainsaws were located. Had it not been for LeadsOnline and their support staff, we would have had more difficulty closing this case.”

Inv. James Hopkins
Russell County Sheriff’s Office