North Carolina law enforcement investigators share information with other states with LeadsOnline

“Police have been using LeadsOnline for several years now in Fayetteville, North Carolina and have had tremendous success recovering thousands of dollars stolen property. I was able to help two South Carolina counties recover musical equipment stolen from numerous churches then brought to Fayetteville, North Carolina and pawned. That suspect was apprehended and convicted when he was given a plea agreement in South Carolina. That same suspect was also charged by our agency for similar charges and pled to those charges also. I have officers from other agencies that inquired about LeadsOnline and how it helped our agency and advised them to use the trial time and also sent them copies of our City Ordinance. I have been extremely impressed with what LeadsOnline provides to assist Law Enforcement with numerous types of crimes.”

Det. Randall Bartay
Fayetteville Police Department
North Carolina