One hit on LeadsOnline led to 14 warrants between 2 suspects

“Recently, I entered in the serial number for an iPad stolen from a vehicle at the hospital. By the next morning I received a hit on the stolen item via email while at my house. I was able to place a hold on the item and hit the ground running when I returned to work on Monday morning. I then received fingerprint hits on one of the two vehicles broken into, and it just so happened to be the brother of the suspect that sold the stolen iPad. I ran the brother’s name in LeadsOnline upon getting the fingerprint hit, and was then able to confirm that he sold a GPS from the victim. Both items have been recovered and a total of 14 warrants were signed between the two brothers for all they had stolen and the damages that were done! The initial hit on the iPad gave me a great head start going into the week and hopefully they can be arrested before this weekend so that they do not return to victimize more people parked at the hospital! Thank you!”

Inv. Samantha Hayes
Spartanburg Public Safety Department
South Carolina