Police call LeadsOnline a great asset to their department

“I solved a case that included over 30-40 victims in two jurisdictions. I searched LeadsOnline and located an iPod that was sold at a local business just one day after the theft. During the summer, several jurisdictions were getting hit with larceny from vehicles that occurred overnight. By finding this one iPod, it led myself and several detectives to a house that contained over 50 stolen items. As I was searching LeadsOnline for stolen property related to a burglary I was investigating, I came across two class rings that were sold. These two class rings were very unique, and they actually had a name engraved on the inside of the ring. By working with our crime analyst, we were able to determine that the rings were stolen from a neighboring jurisdiction. The rings were part of a burglary series that has led to one person being charged. LeadsOnline is a great asset to my department, and I will continue to use it on a daily basis.”

Ofc. Justin Hubbard
Roanoke County Police Department