Putting a stop to more than just one type of crime

“In the early morning hours, Cedar Park Police Department stopped two white males named Daniel and Eric. Daniel and Eric were stopped while carrying several large black bags containing numerous items, which would lead a good officer to believe that a burglary of a habitation occurred. During the stop, CPPD found Daniel was in possession of a meth pipe, and he was arrested. Well, Eric was set free with out any of the property, so CPPD thought. CPPD requested my department check by a residence. Our Deputy found that the residence had been burglarized. We did not find any physical evidence connecting Daniel or Eric to the residence, other than the recovered property. I interviewed Daniel in jail, and got nowhere. Daniel’s story was that he bumped into Eric and he was carrying all the property. Eric’s story was that he bumped into Daniel and he was carrying all the property. Then the story changed to ‘they found the property’. Well to make a long story short, I conducted a check on Eric through LeadsOnline, and found that he had pawned a collector’s Elvis Zippo lighter, which belonged to the victim. Online showed that Eric pawned the lighter on the same day they where stopped by CPPD. I confronted Eric with the LeadsOnline information and he then provided me a written statement, which landed burglary charges on both Daniel and Eric. Eric stated that he had hid the lighter in his sock, while he was being searched by CPPD. This is just one story of how LeadsOnline has changed the course of my investigation, from possession of stolen property to burglary of a habitation. I have used LeadsOnline to successfully locate missing persons, track wanted suspects, and in one incident I was able to catch a complainant / victim in an insurance fraud scam. I recommend LeadsOnline to any Department or Pawnshop establishment.”

Det. Donald Foiles
Williamson County Sheriff’s Office