South Bend PD has great success since using LeadsOnline

“The South Bend Police Department was alerted to a residential burglary in our city. The suspects broke in and stole over $40,000 worth of musical equipment from the home while the resident was out of town. The victim had specific details pertaining to the stolen property and we checked out area shops with no luck. Several days after the incident, South Bend Police Burglary Unit Detective Kelly Waite was utilizing LeadsOnline to check activity outside of the city. While searching data across the country, Detective Waite found a transaction in a Chicago, Illinois secondhand store. The items sold were consistent with some of the stolen property from this residential burglary. The transaction occurred within weeks of the residential burglary being investigated, and the person making the sale had ties to the South Bend, Indiana area. Detective Waite further investigated this sale, traveled to Chicago for follow up, and determined that the property sold at this Chicago secondhand store was indeed some of the property stolen from the South Bend, Indiana residence. The person making the initial transaction was located and information was gathered that led to most of the remaining property being recovered. The majority of the property was still in South Bend, Indiana. The case investigation is continuing and further leads are being followed. LeadsOnline, and the focused investigative effort by Detective Waite, are being credited with this positive outcome to a residential burglary that without them, would have still been unsolved. The South Bend Police Department began their use of LeadsOnline in September 2013. Local secondhand stores and precious metal dealers have been utilizing the LeadsOnline service to document their daily transactions since the start of 2014. Businesses have publicly given praise to LeadsOnline stating the service is free and easy to use for the merchants. Since beginning the use of LeadsOnline, the South Bend Police Department has located dozens of stolen items such as cell phones, laptop computers, game systems, bicycles and electronic devices locally. LeadsOnline has also been credited by the South Bend Police Department Burglary Unit with recovering a stolen handgun and laptop computer in two separate cases in Texas, numerous items in Chicago and locating a felony fugitive in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, among several other successful usage of this tool.”

Det. Sgt. Dominic Zultanski
South Bend Police Department