Suspect denies crimes, but LeadsOnline proves otherwise

“LeadsOnline was instrumental in the arrest of a burglary suspect. We had previously interviewed the suspect who was denying involvement in the crime. We let him go and continued the investigation. Using LeadsOnline, we found out that he had pawned a lady’s ring two towns over. We obtained a detailed description of the ring from the victim and went to examine the pawned ring. The ring was identical to the one described by the victim. We took possession of the ring and the elderly victim was able to positively identify it as being her mother’s 50th anniversary wedding ring. Using the information that we now had we were able to elicit a confession for the burglary from a previously uncooperative suspect. When faced with the evidence that LeadsOnline provided us we were able get a confession and the victim was able to recover a family heirloom.”

Lt. William Ryan
Pharr Police Department