Time to fess up

“I was able to arrest a subject last week after recovering over 15 items on LeadsOnline.

The suspect started using ‘crack’ about six months ago and to support his habit he stole jewelry, guns, video games and several other items from neighbors and family members. With the help of LeadsOnline, I recovered almost all of the stolen items.

I was also able to get a confession once I showed [the suspect] the pawn tickets from your system. As a result, warrants were issued yesterday.”

Thank you.”

Det. Sgt. Keith Stumpf
Woodson Terrace Police Department

Stolen guns, crack cocaine and $10,000 in stolen bikes found via LeadsOnline

“LeadsOnline showed me where a suspect pawned a stolen $1,000 bicycle. We were able to use this information to verify what a confidential informant had told us and write a search warrant. During the warrant we recovered approx. $10,000 in stolen bicycles. During the warrant we also recovered crack cocaine and 4 stolen guns. The house, we later learned from neighborhood residents, was a new crack house and fence for stolen property.”

Det. Ronnie Morgan
Little Rock Police Department