Copper stolen from a church. More than 20 cases solved in Ohio scrap yards with one LeadsOnline search.

“LeadsOnline has once again proven itself to be one of the most useful tools in my investigatory arsenal! We received two reports of copper downspouts being stolen from a local church and a residence. After looking at the information available I went to LeadsOnline and searched for more than 100 pounds of copper being scrapped. Within a span of minutes I had a number of results, one of which contained a person of interest tag from Bexley Police, another local agency. With the information provided by their detective I was able to link the cases together and had good suspects for the crime. Less than a week later the two suspects had surrendered and I was able to obtain confessions showing that the two had been responsible for almost 2 dozen thefts of copper from the Columbus area! The most impressive part of the whole story is that the person of interest tag had only been put on my suspect a few hours before I did my search. Thanks to the information sharing system attached to LeadsOnline I got the break I needed in a case that could have otherwise gone unsolved. Thanks again LeadsOnline!”

Sgt. Stephen Mette
Worthington Police Department

Ohio Police crack metal theft case targeting a local egg farm

“Better late than never. A while ago, the Licking County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation into a large amount of metal being stolen from an egg farm located in Croton, Ohio. During this time, the egg farm was constructing a new building, which they purchased all the material from a company overseas. As the investigation persisted, LeadsOnline was used to search for whoever was stealing the metal, but nothing was found locally. A month later, two individuals were found on the property of the egg farm, and I questioned them about the theft of the metal. During this interview, I discovered there was a large theft ring, and most of the thefts were being committed at the egg farm. By checking all the names through LeadsOnline, I was able to locate eight individuals who were selling the stolen metal to scrap yards in Columbus. All individuals were investigated and eventually arrested for the theft of metal. The total loss for the egg farm was over $1,000,000.”

Det. Sgt. Jay Cook
Licking County Sheriff’s Office

Suspect arrested for shoplifting guitars from major retail chain

“A suspect entered a music store on multiple occasions and stole/shoplifted three guitars with a total price tag of $2,479.97. He sold each one of the guitars at three different businesses located throughout the city. Inventory searches were done at different times and the business generated two reports in this case. The retailer requested prosecution and their loss prevention team has been extremely helpful in the investigation. Our suspect “lawyered” up so there was no interview.”

Lieutenant Robert Strausbaugh
Columbus Police Department

$180,000 armed robbery solved with LeadsOnline

“We had an armed robbery at a local jewelry store where two suspects stole 85 ladies diamond wedding rings valued at over $180,000. After searching LeadsOnline, I came up with a suspect who pawned 25 ladies diamond wedding rings at three different pawnshops. After going to all three pawnshops and taking photos of the rings, the manager at the jewelry store positively identified the rings and the suspect.”

Detective Ron Turner
Columbus Police Department