Home invasion suspect identified

“I was able to talk to the correct investigator this morning in the Aug. 25 home invasion case in Fort Worth, and it turns out that LeadsOnline WAS used in this case. In fact, the system was instrumental in nabbing the first suspect in the case, 17-year-old Brandon Shaw, by tracing the jewelry he and two others stole in the crime to a pawn shop.

The investigator, Detective B.C. Johnson, said they wouldn’t have caught Shaw without LeadsOnline – or it certainly would have taken a much longer time. There is still one suspect at large in the case, but they’ve also arrested the second suspect, 19-year-old Darrell Williams.

The story is that Shaw, Williams, and the other suspect still at large broke into the house and viciously beat the parents in front of their children. (So badly that one of the parents had to have reconstructive surgery.) Moreover, it’s believed these guys may have been involved in a rash of other robberies this year, but that still hasn’t been corroborated yet.

Detective Johnson is a big fan of LeadsOnline, and told me that in addition to this case, it has helped him solve ‘many others.'”

Chris Payne
Witherspoon Public Relations
Ft. Worth, TX

LeadsOnline aids in identifying narcotics suspect

“LeadsOnline unexpectedly gave our agency a suspect’s photograph. An undercover narcotics officer came into the Tactical Information Office and asked the other officers to look up a DL photo of a suspect to write five felony drug delivery warrants. Unfortunately, the TIC officer was having software issues at that time. It always seems to happen at just the wrong time. I asked the undercover officer to let me give it a try in LeadsOnline with the hope that the suspect had sold a cellphone to ecoATM. So what you ask? ecoATM are the self-serve green kiosk in malls where customers can sell their used cellphones. ecoATM requires a valid driver’s license, and they also photograph the customer and the cellphone and attach the photographs to the LeadsOnline ticket. When I searched for the suspect I found an ecoATM ticket with a small camera icon. I clicked on the camera and there our suspect was with her smiling face. Since the ticket has the suspect’s driver’s license information and her image, the narcotics officer completed the warrants for her arrest.”

James Dunnam
Fort Worth Police Department

Multiple cities, one great service

“I have been pleased with the LeadsOnline service. I was recently working on a case involving a person who had pawned items in multiple cities. Using LeadsOnline, I was able to trace down items pawned in Dallas, Waxahachie, Lancaster, Irving and Ft. Worth without leaving my desk.

This used to take days to follow-up. I have been able to recover several items and with the cooperation of many pawn shop owners we will be bringing the suspect to justice.”

Det. Daniel Claxton
Dallas ISD Police Department