A felony Warrant issued for a man using a fake identity

“In August, Sibley Equipment company filed a report with Woodstock PD where a man using a fake name and driver license number rented a concrete saw and a generator and never returned it. We found the items through LeadsOnline two days later and recovered it. We were able to identify the suspect and we now have a felony warrant for his arrest.”

Chief Len Price
Woodstock Police Department

Suspect strikes twice in theft cases

“There were some guns stolen at a residence, and then a month later, a generator was stolen from a deer camp. I checked LeadsOnline and found the generator, and I also found two of the stolen guns from the other burglary, and I was able to make the arrest. It was the same person who committed both crimes. Thanks LeadsOnline!!”

Chief Dep. Pete Richardson
Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office