Suspect caught selling stolen items from local home improvement stores and Walmarts

“I was doing an extensive background check on a suspect that was selling brand new drills. The drills were stolen from several home improvement stores in our city. The stores were not aware of the larcenies until I made them aware of the situation. The estimated cost of the drills were $5,000 and I also noticed that the suspect was selling brand new Samsung cameras, Toshiba hard drives, 15 wireless routers, and several computer keyboards. Those items were stolen from our local Walmart stores and they also did not know the items were stolen until we notified them. All the property that was sold by the suspect was recovered and the suspect was charged and eventually convicted. I feel that LeadsOnline is a very useful tool and I have closed several other cases using Leads.”

Det. John Alexander
Greensboro Police Department
North Carolina

Stolen lab equipment found in New Haven. Everybody Yale!

“I was informed that a suspect was selling portable hard drives on eBay. I utilized LeadsOnline, which enabled me to view the suspect’s eBay account. I determined he had numerous hard drives and very expensive laboratory equipment listed for sale similar to those reported stolen from Yale University laboratories over the past year. Using LeadsOnline I was able to obtain the name and telephone number of the two separate individuals who purchased the laboratory equipment. I was also able to serve a search warrant for the suspect’s residence, and we recovered 10 hard drives, as well has other items from Yale University. We recovered $20,000 worth of stolen items.”

Det. Paul Sires
Yale Police Department