Virginia police arrest man for stealing his mother’s jewelry

“I recently solved a grand larceny case using LeadsOnline. After taking a report regarding stolen jewelry, I located it using LeadsOnline. It was her son who stole and sold the jewelry. After confronting him with the information, he gave a statement admitting to the theft. He was charged with grand larceny.”

Inv. Mark Davis
Henry County Sheriff’s Office

Victim’s property is recovered within an hour of it being reported stolen

“Using LeadsOnline, I was able to find several pieces of stolen jewelry and one stolen rare gold coin. With this website and the reporting of the businesses, I was able to easily retrieve property for the victim and charges will come. Within an hour after taking the report, I was able to notify the victim that I located some of the stolen items. This is a very valuable investigative tool.”

Dep. Michael Hudson
Henry County Sheriff’s Office