Gold rings returned to elderly woman after stolen by neighbor

“Oregon, Ohio PD Detectives used LeadsOnline to track down gold rings stolen out of an elderly woman’s home. They were very dear to her. The rings were located at one of our local shops shortly after they were taken. The suspect was a neighbor of the woman that had come and asked to use her telephone. The suspect was also a heroin addict with outstanding warrants. The elderly victim was very happy with our results, and without this service, the ring would not have been recovered, or at the very least it could have been delayed.”

Det. Lawrence George
Oregon Police Department

Stolen items, car break-ins, and drug Arrests

“We had a rash of car break-ins and stolen vehicles. One of the vehicles was recovered in the city of Norwood with a subject passed out inside the car. While working with the Norwood Detectives, they decided to run some of the property that was stolen out of both our jurisdictions.

Eventually, we made the connection that several people were connected in the car break-ins and all participants were heroin addicts trying to support their habit.

We actually had another suspect with the group, but were unable to get him to cooperate. However, we were able to link him to a burglary in Madeira months later, thanks to LeadsOnline, by locating some tools that were sold at a pawn shop in Newport, Kentucky.

At this time, the Madeira Police Department has closed several cases with the assistance of LeadsOnline. It has been a great tool and I am looking forward to using it in the future.”

Det. Eric B. Hoeffel
Madeira Police Department

Heroin addict admits to jewelry theft

“Last week I was dispatched to a theft of jewelry complaint. Turns out it was a felony (over $3,500 worth). After dealing with the victim I logged onto LeadsOnline and found the suspect pawned the items about an hour after she was at the victim’s house. In the end, I have a solid theft case and admission of heroin use as motivation for the crime. As an added bonus, the suspect is feeding me info on heroin deals in my jurisdiction to show cooperation, which will help her with the DA. Without LeadsOnline info, the suspect would have told me to pound sand!”

Det. Joe Benoit
Omro Police Department

Heroin addicts steal heirloom jewelry, police recover it with LeadsOnline

“Stoughton PD had another success story last week recovering a $13,500 ring!! Heroin addicts stole a ring and made the ultimate mistake of taking it down to a local jewelry store who has recently been reporting to LeadsOnline. Well you can figure out the rest – it was easy… the two are in jail. We have very happy victims, especially after getting an inherited ring back. Thanks once again LeadsOnline!!!!”

Det. Erik Veum
Stoughton Police Department

LeadsOnline helps police solve case in less than a week

“Sinclair Community College Police Department was holding a training class on how to use LeadsOnline. During this training, we used a case that involved a stolen tablet that occurred two weeks prior. While we were in training we used the serial number and model number that was provided to officers during the initial theft report. We were shown how to enter the serial and model numbers to see if we could locate any transaction tickets matching the information that we entered. We were also shown how to search for an item by using only partial serial and model numbers. When partial numbers were used we got a total of 15 tickets. While looking through the tickets there was one that stood out to me because it was only a few miles away from our college. We discovered that when you sell an item, the store makes a copy of your driver’s license and puts that information into LeadsOnline. Now having the name of a possible suspect, I determined that the person who sold the tablet was also a student at the college and attended class in the same location that the tablet theft occurred. I retrieved the tablet from the business, and was able to track down the suspect. Exactly one week later on, the suspect agreed to come to the police department and speak with me. After 20 minutes of interviewing him he broke down and confessed to stealing the tablet and selling it to support his heroin addiction. The suspect was arrested and charged with theft and receiving stolen property. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we solved a theft case in one week’s time. If not for LeadsOnline this case would have never been solved. Thanks!”

Officer Joshua Cox
Sinclair Police Department

LeadsOnline catches heroin addicts selling stolen property for cash

“Normally I work sensitive crimes. In one case, I noticed a suspicious person selling silver items and jewelry. It was a male subject I was familiar with. Further investigation noted he had numerous cases with suspicious behavior. I used LeadsOnline to search his girlfriend and discovered numerous transactions from the past few years involving the same types of items. After a great deal of investigation, the victims (all elderly), were located and most of the items were identified. The girlfriend, a heroin addict, was sentenced on five counts of burglary and sentenced to seven years in prison. Sentence to commence immediately. Further cases were discovered in other jurisdictions where she worked as a Home Healthcare Provider.”

Det. Patti Crump
Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office