Thousands of dollars of jewelry returned to owner

“We received a burglary complaint from a woman who reported that several thousands of dollars in jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and mother had been stolen. She submitted a stolen property list with detailed descriptions of the pieces that were taken. I was given the list to see if any of the items had shown up in LeadsOnline. I searched for the more unique pieces and ended up finding 12 pieces that were valued at approximately $6,000. We retrieved the pieces and returned them to their rightful owner. All the pieces were sold by the same individual at two different shops. He already had several burglary charges pending against him this year. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we can add another one to the list!”

CI Anlst. Melinda Thompson
Kentucky State Police – Post 6

Son steals property from his own father gets caught with LeadsOnline

” During a routine traffic stop and PCS arrest, the subject was run through the system and they returned several hits over the last 8 months. Upon further suspicion, several phone calls were made and it was discovered that the subject’s father was missing several firearms, tools, and jewelry from his residence. I contacted the multiple businesses involved and was able to recover and return 99{eaf91c7142ede36c84724a2d24afac6a4a8d633fc6fbb2c5a4d5437c75438ec9} of father’s property within 24 hrs. ”

Trooper Jeremy Moore
Kentucky State Police Department

Kentucky State police find stolen firearms using LeadsOnline

“While investigating a theft of two firearms, I checked LeadsOnline to see if they’ve shown up at any local pawn shops. Upon searching LeadsOnline, I found both firearms at the same store, pawned by our lead suspect in the investigation. Both stolen guns were picked up and returned to their rightful owner.”

Trooper Eric Bowman
Kentucky State Police Post 6