Thousands of dollars of jewelry returned to owner

“We received a burglary complaint from a woman who reported that several thousands of dollars in jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and mother had been stolen. She submitted a stolen property list with detailed descriptions of the pieces that were taken. I was given the list to see if any of the items had shown up in LeadsOnline. I searched for the more unique pieces and ended up finding 12 pieces that were valued at approximately $6,000. We retrieved the pieces and returned them to their rightful owner. All the pieces were sold by the same individual at two different shops. He already had several burglary charges pending against him this year. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we can add another one to the list!”

CI Anlst. Melinda Thompson
Kentucky State Police – Post 6

$234,600.00 recovered in jewelry and 10 arrests were made with the help of LeadsOnline

“Lexington Police detectives David Fetko, Jeremy Day, and Raymond Terry identified a total of ten individuals that appeared to be working together to pawn stolen high-end jewelry. The victim had recently suffered from a medical condition. The 570 items of jewelry recovered has an appraised retail value of $234,600 and had been passed down to the victim by her mother who was an avid collector of jewelry.

The ten suspects associated with this group have been arrested, indicted by a Grand Jury and currently are awaiting trial.”

Sgt. Kevin Goldie
Lexington Police Department

Son steals property from his own father gets caught with LeadsOnline

” During a routine traffic stop and PCS arrest, the subject was run through the system and they returned several hits over the last 8 months. Upon further suspicion, several phone calls were made and it was discovered that the subject’s father was missing several firearms, tools, and jewelry from his residence. I contacted the multiple businesses involved and was able to recover and return 99{eaf91c7142ede36c84724a2d24afac6a4a8d633fc6fbb2c5a4d5437c75438ec9} of father’s property within 24 hrs. ”

Trooper Jeremy Moore
Kentucky State Police Department

15 firearms recovered closing cases in four counties

“In late January 2012, the Williamsburg Police Department recovered 15 stolen firearms from a local pawn shop. The firearms were taken from burglaries that took place in four different counties. Some of the firearms had been in the NCIC system for 10 years. The Williamsburg Police Department was able to arrest one individual and close cases in several counties. Since the arrest, the ATF has opened a case on the individual and federal charges are pending. All of this was possible by monitoring the NCIC reports on the LeadsOnline system. I can’t say enough about how LeadsOnline has assisted my agency in the arrests of burglary suspects and the recovery of stolen property.”

Chief Wayne Bird
Williamsburg Police Department

Kentucky State police find stolen firearms using LeadsOnline

“While investigating a theft of two firearms, I checked LeadsOnline to see if they’ve shown up at any local pawn shops. Upon searching LeadsOnline, I found both firearms at the same store, pawned by our lead suspect in the investigation. Both stolen guns were picked up and returned to their rightful owner.”

Trooper Eric Bowman
Kentucky State Police Post 6

Kentucky police budget includes LeadsOnline

“Our department has been running LeadsOnline and has recovered stolen items. Our oldest recovered items include two handguns with one stolen in 1993 and the other in 2001. This is an amazing system and we will be budgeting for it for years to come.”

Det. Dennis Briscoe
Winchester Police Department

Stolen firearms recovered and felony arrests made in crime against elderly Kentucky woman

“I was contacted by another agency who had requested my help in a stolen jewelry and firearm case. The victim was a recently widowed elderly female who felt that a family member may have been coming into her home over the course of several months and stealing her jewelry and her late husband’s firearms. I was able to recover four of the seven stolen firearms and most of the missing jewelry using LeadsOnline. The items not recovered were in fact located using LeadsOnline, however the thefts occurred over a period of about eight months and some of the items had been sold or in the case of the jewelry melted down. The total value of all the items actually recovered was in excess of $45,000 (One ring appraised at $40,000). The victim’s relative and her boyfriend were identified as the suspects in this case using LeadsOnline and were ultimately charged with numerous felonies.”

Det. Benjamin Shirley
Lexington Police Department

WWII pistol returned to owner 22 years after being stolen

“Back in 1991…yes, 1991, I was in high school at the time, and the Delhi Township Police were running us off the lot of Burger King, when they weren’t busy taking burglary reports. In this report, the victim had several guns stolen from his residence. One of those guns was a Mauser Broomhandle with a wooden holster that also becomes a stock. It is a highly collectible gun and for trivia purposes, also the one Luke Skywalker and Han Solo’s blasters were modeled after. My old police chief was a detective at the time and he was eventually able to make an arrest in the offense. However, despite every effort he was unable to recover the stolen Mauser Broomhandle. More than 20 years later, a gun collector sold the stolen Mauser Broomhandle to a shop/gun dealer in Covington, Kentucky, and we were notified through LeadsOnline. The victim was notified and he did not blink an eye at paying to get back the gun his deceased father brought back with him from World War II. I met the victim at the store, and he literally had tears in his eyes. He was so overwhelmed by his emotions about getting the pistol back. After this much time, he never thought it would be found. As the victim went to write a check for the gun, the store manager said the gun collector came in and paid the money back. Some things in life are worth more than money, like a family heirloom and LeadsOnline.”

Det. Adam Cox
Delhi Township Police Department

Kentucky State Police recover stolen firearm in record time

“Kentucky State Police were investigating a residential burglary. There were a few guns stolen along with a custom made gold wolf head pendant. The gold pendant weighed 2 ounces alone and was valued at approximately $4,000. Within hours I located the pendant at a local pawn shop and had a name of a suspect. I have never found a piece of stolen property this fast, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of LeadsOnline!”

CI Anlst. Julia Hicks
Kentucky State Police Post 7

Stolen firearm from 1986 home burglary recovered in Kentucky

“I was reviewing our NCIC hits and noticed a stolen shotgun was sold in Richmond, Kentucky. The transaction described an Ithaca model 37, 12-gauge shotgun, with a specific serial number. The NCIC listed the original case to Milford Police Department (Michigan). I read the original report which was listed as a home invasion that occurred in 1986 in the Township of Milford. Upon comparing the pawn information against that of a shotgun taken during the incident, I realized they were the same. I contacted the business in Kentucky and requested a hold. I also contacted Richmond PD and an investigator with that department verified the shotgun in the shop was the one stolen in 1986. The shotgun was subsequently recovered. There was no indication the current owner of the shotgun had knowledge of the home invasion.”

Sgt. Scott Tarasiewicz
Milford Police Department

Property recovered after Kentucky State Trooper’s home was burglarized

“A Kentucky State Trooper’s home was burglarized. Several items were taken including his uniform, badge, duty weapons, military medals, military gear, and his duty taser. I searched LeadsOnline every day attempting to find any of the Trooper’s items. A few weeks later, I got a hit through NCIC on his duty taser in another state. This resulted in the arrest of two individuals that we were also able to connect to five other burglaries. I was then able to search their names through LeadsOnline, and this led us to more possible stolen items. Most of the personal property from these burglaries has been returned to the victims including multiple guns, jewelry, and other items. At this time, we are still recovering property and other charges are pending.”

Analyst Christopher Daniels
Kentucky State Police

Fool me once? Nope. You can’t fool me even once with LeadsOnline in my corner

“A suspect was scrapping an odd amount of copper with peculiar frequency and regularity. We had discovered, using LeadsOnline, that the crook had been scrapping various copper and brass products over a six month time period. We were able to determine that the subject had stolen $180,000 worth of scrap metal from his employer. After his arrest, he was released on bond, but his criminal activity continued. After being contacted in reference to a burglary, I was able to locate the same suspect pawning his ex-wife’s $6,000 ring set after breaking into her home and stealing the items. Once again, LeadsOnline directed us to the ring set where police confiscated the item. He was once again arrested. Thanks LeadsOnline! Scoreboard: Copper Thief – 0 points, Detective Moore and LeadsOnline – 2 points.”

Det. Brad Moore
Georgetown Police Department

Kentucky police solve $60,000 metal theft case

“A construction company reported the theft of approximately $60,000 in steel road construction plates from a road construction site in Raceland. The company estimated their weight at approx. 10,000 pounds and the name of the company was burned into them. After coming up with a suspect’s name we were able to use LeadsOnline metal theft investigations system and find where the suspect had scrapped 9,188 pounds of steel at a scrap yard in Huntington, West Virginia. We contacted the scrap yard, and learned that steel they had bought was steel plates. Huntington PD was then contacted, and they checked the plates and found the name of the construction company was burned into the metal. A warrant was obtained for the suspect, and the construction company was able to pick up their road plates. If it had not been for LeadsOnline, this case would probably never have been solved.”

Chief Donald Sammons
Raceland Police Department

Suspect gets busted for stealing scrap metal from employer

“I used the scrap search and found my bad guy within 10 minutes. I then had the scrap yard send me their entire list of transactions for the bad guy. With the complete list I interviewed the bad guy, and he confessed to taking the scrap from his work. Right now it is estimated to be in excess of $5,000. Made my job easy. Total time from search to closed = two hours. Thanks!”

Sgt. Richard Webster
Park Hills Police Department

Suspect confessed to stealing vehicle and scrap metal in Boone County

“A local business in Boone County, Kentucky was burglarized and several scrap metal items and a vehicle were stolen. The crime was reported and the next day we searched LeadsOnline and the results tracked back to one of our suspects. The suspect confessed to the burglary, theft of the vehicle, and told us who the accomplice was. LeadsOnline was essential to the unfolding of this investigation, the recovery of property, and the future successful prosecution of multiple suspects.”

Deputy Sheriff Adam Schepis
Boone County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline helps track down murderer

“In April, the McCracken County Sheriff’s Department responded to a death investigation, which turned out to be a double homicide. Upon checking a person of interest on LeadsOnline, detectives discovered the individual had sold a Harley Davidson wallet, which was believed to belong to one of the victims. At the time, detectives believed the suspect was in Jacksonville, FL and were en route to that location. As detectives were preparing to leave for Florida, they discovered the suspect was actually in the Chicago, IL area, where he sold the wallet. Subsequently, detectives were able to track down the suspect, which resulted in his capture.”

Sgt. Darrin Frommeyer
McCracken County Sheriff’s Department

Stolen items, car break-ins, and drug Arrests

“We had a rash of car break-ins and stolen vehicles. One of the vehicles was recovered in the city of Norwood with a subject passed out inside the car. While working with the Norwood Detectives, they decided to run some of the property that was stolen out of both our jurisdictions.

Eventually, we made the connection that several people were connected in the car break-ins and all participants were heroin addicts trying to support their habit.

We actually had another suspect with the group, but were unable to get him to cooperate. However, we were able to link him to a burglary in Madeira months later, thanks to LeadsOnline, by locating some tools that were sold at a pawn shop in Newport, Kentucky.

At this time, the Madeira Police Department has closed several cases with the assistance of LeadsOnline. It has been a great tool and I am looking forward to using it in the future.”

Det. Eric B. Hoeffel
Madeira Police Department

Louisville Metro Police found the subject at the casino? You bet.

“A female reported her close friend missing after no one had seen or heard from her in about a week. Through investigation, I learned the missing female had a gambling problem and no one had seen or spoken to her in 7-8 days. A quick LeadsOnline search revealed the missing female had sold a cell phone at an ecoATM machine at a Kroger store located near Jack’s Casino in Cincinnati, OH around the same time she was reported missing. I contacted law enforcement at Jack’s Casino and they were able to locate the female. She had been at Jack’s Casino daily since she was reported missing. I was able to resolve this missing persons case quickly and put her friends and family at ease.”

Det. Mike Lauder
Louisville Metro Police Department