$234,600.00 recovered in jewelry and 10 arrests were made with the help of LeadsOnline

“Lexington Police detectives David Fetko, Jeremy Day, and Raymond Terry identified a total of ten individuals that appeared to be working together to pawn stolen high-end jewelry. The victim had recently suffered from a medical condition. The 570 items of jewelry recovered has an appraised retail value of $234,600 and had been passed down to the victim by her mother who was an avid collector of jewelry.

The ten suspects associated with this group have been arrested, indicted by a Grand Jury and currently are awaiting trial.”

Sgt. Kevin Goldie
Lexington Police Department

Stolen firearms recovered and felony arrests made in crime against elderly Kentucky woman

“I was contacted by another agency who had requested my help in a stolen jewelry and firearm case. The victim was a recently widowed elderly female who felt that a family member may have been coming into her home over the course of several months and stealing her jewelry and her late husband’s firearms. I was able to recover four of the seven stolen firearms and most of the missing jewelry using LeadsOnline. The items not recovered were in fact located using LeadsOnline, however the thefts occurred over a period of about eight months and some of the items had been sold or in the case of the jewelry melted down. The total value of all the items actually recovered was in excess of $45,000 (One ring appraised at $40,000). The victim’s relative and her boyfriend were identified as the suspects in this case using LeadsOnline and were ultimately charged with numerous felonies.”

Det. Benjamin Shirley
Lexington Police Department

Business catches employee stealing $1,700 worth of property

“I investigated a breach of trust type of case in which a company’s employee had been removing property from the business and selling it to pawn shops for cash. The victim was unaware of exactly how much property had been stolen at the time of the report. Using the employees name to search, I discovered that the employee had sold approximately $1,700 worth of property and lawn care equipment to multiple pawn shops. The victim was able to identify all of their property, and it was quickly recovered. This discovery resulted in an arrest.”

Det. Brian Smith
Lexington County Sheriff’s Department
South Carolina