Catching felons pawning firearms

“We want to recognize our CID Assistant Shannon Hill for all his hard work and expertise helping us track and recover stolen property through LeadsOnline.

Shannon checks LeadsOnline on a daily basis and catches stolen items or felons pawning firearms. In fact, in 2010 Shannon has located 8 felons pawning a firearm. His work with LeadsOnline has caught numerous stolen guns and other property which has been related to Robbery, Burglary, and other investigations.

Shannon / LeadsOnline work has helped investigators recover several pieces of stolen property and led to several arrests. We want to thank Shannon for all his hard work and also thank LeadsOnline for making our job easier.”

Det. Travis Lee
Fayetteville Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division

Home invasion suspect identified

“I was able to talk to the correct investigator this morning in the Aug. 25 home invasion case in Fort Worth, and it turns out that LeadsOnline WAS used in this case. In fact, the system was instrumental in nabbing the first suspect in the case, 17-year-old Brandon Shaw, by tracing the jewelry he and two others stole in the crime to a pawn shop.

The investigator, Detective B.C. Johnson, said they wouldn’t have caught Shaw without LeadsOnline – or it certainly would have taken a much longer time. There is still one suspect at large in the case, but they’ve also arrested the second suspect, 19-year-old Darrell Williams.

The story is that Shaw, Williams, and the other suspect still at large broke into the house and viciously beat the parents in front of their children. (So badly that one of the parents had to have reconstructive surgery.) Moreover, it’s believed these guys may have been involved in a rash of other robberies this year, but that still hasn’t been corroborated yet.

Detective Johnson is a big fan of LeadsOnline, and told me that in addition to this case, it has helped him solve ‘many others.'”

Chris Payne
Witherspoon Public Relations
Ft. Worth, TX

Escaped Indiana convict and burglar found in Minnesota

“In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges.”

Det. Sgt. Shane McHenry
Dearborn County Special Crimes

Protecting all, including the pizza delivery person

“Around 11 p.m. on March 4, a pizza delivery person was beaten and robbed during a delivery. The two suspects (one black male and one white female) had phoned in a fake order to a vacant residence. When the delivery person arrived she was knocked to the ground and drug into the garage by her hair. The suspect’s roughed her up a little bit and threatened her with a club. They took a small amount of cash and two pizzas from her prior to fleeing on foot. A couple of days later, our Crimes Against Persons Sergeant came to me and asked if I could take a look at the case since they had no leads. I read the officer’s report and it listed a cell phone number from which the order had been phoned in. I was unable to locate the number in our local records database or CAD/911 system. I assumed that it was a fairly new number and they probably had not used it much. I then decided as a last resort to run the cell number through LeadsOnline. Sure enough I received a hit. I found two recent transactions in which this number was listed. One transaction was conducted by a black male and the other by a white female. The white female’s address on the pawn ticket was one street over and two blocks down from where the robbery occurred. The two subjects were located the following day and brought in for questioning. They both subsequently confessed to the robbery. Thanks to this system, I was able to identify the two suspects within 20 minutes of receiving the case. Hope this is a good example of the capabilities this system offers to law enforcement. Of course it is only one of many I’ve had over the past few years.”

Ofc. Shad Phillips
Abilene Police Department

Louisiana murder victim’s property found through LeadsOnline

“My cousin was robbed and murdered in the town that I live in and the only thing of value that he had on him was a gold charm on a necklace that he wore around his neck. I used Leads to search local pawn shops and found where the charm was pawned. I took my family in and let them verify that the charm was indeed my cousin’s. It has not solved his murder yet but it did bring some closure to his mother to get the only thing of value that her son had back in her possession.”

Officer Jeremy Prudhome
Centenary College of Louisiana Police Department

Bank robber identified by Colorado detective

“Longmont Police Department’s Community Service Officer / Detective Beth Buchholtz has the primary duty of conducting pawn investigations using LeadsOnline as a major tool in these investigations. She recently viewed the surveillance photos from a bank robbery and realized the suspect was a person who she knew had been making a large number of pawn transactions. She passed this information on to the robbery detective. Additional follow up was conducted by other detectives; an arrest warrant was obtained for and an arrest made of the person CSO Buchholtz identified. Not only is Beth adept at conducting pawn investigations she learns the “players” in Longmont and in this case was able to assist in the arrest of the bank robbery suspect.”

Sgt. Joel Post
Longmont Police Department

Violent robbery leads to victim’s death

“Miami Beach PD called us in reference to suspects wanted in a robbery where the victim, a male in his 60’s, died from the beating and an apparent heart attack. The female suspect would befriend the victim, and then the other subjects would jump him. In this particular case, the suspects made off with a decent amount of jewelry. Once the subjects were located, they admitted to pawning the property, and search of LeadsOnline revealed where the property was, ultimately tying them to the crime. The suspects were charged with felony murder and robbery, with additional charges pending.”

Det. Donald Duhart
Hialeah Police Department

Instant hit via LeadsOnline leads police to violent robber

“During the investigation of a violent robbery, a key witness identified the main suspect by first name and phone number only. All local databases were checked with no success in identifying this suspect. Detective Jeff VanderVeer, the lead investigator, requested that I run the phone number through LeadsOnline. This resulted in the identification of the suspect.”

Det. B Clary
City of Federal Way Police Department

LeadsOnline identifies kidnapping suspect with little information

“We had an aggravated robbery and kidnapping occur with a suspect armed with a handgun. We were able to identify 3 of the 4 suspects and were only provided initials for the unidentified suspect who was the one armed with a handgun. During interviews other suspects advised that the unidentified suspect sold a cell phone in a ecoATM prior to the robbery. A LeadsOnline search identified the armed suspect selling a phone prior to the robbery, thus identifying the suspect and providing video of all suspects together prior to the robbery. The ID led to a warrant being issued for the outstanding suspect for aggravated robbery and kidnapping.”

Sgt. David Adkins
New Lebanon Police Department

Ohio masked man cleans out safe; Gets away, then doesn’t

We had a call of an aggravated robbery at cellphone store where two armed masked men tied up the clerk in the back of the store and cleaned out the safe. Both suspects got away however through investigation, I learned that the same suspects had robbed another cellphone store in Warren County. LeadsOnline came in helpful because I had placed an alert on one of the possible suspects and through further investigation found that one of the suspects was in at a business, hours before the Warren County robbery with the same clothing and shoes on. LeadsOnline is a great tool to law enforcement.”

Det. Robbert Johnson
Germantown Police Department

LeadsOnline brings back music to victim’s ears after being held at gunpoint

“We had a robbery / carjacking victim provide a serial number for a Gibson Guitar that was in the vehicle when it was taken at gunpoint. The Guitar value was $5,000.00. I entered it into LeadsOnline and obtain an instant hit. I have recovered the victims Guitar from the business within 1 hour of him giving us the serial number. LeadsOnline rocks! Now we have a very good lead on the robbery suspects. Thank you for having such an AWESOME tool for us to use. Thank You ”

Birmingham Police Department
Johnny Brooks