Stolen jewelry and tough love land woman in Arizona prison

“A female had stolen numerous amounts of jewelry from her mother and step-father. In looking at LeadsOnline I was able to match up a good portion of the stolen jewelry that was sold at numerous Pawn Shops, Jewelry shops, and Coin shops around Tucson. Thousands of dollars in jewelry was returned to the mother and step-father. The daughter plead to charges and faces several years in prison. Thanks for the assistance! ”

Det. William Hanson
Tucson Police Department

16 felony charges against Target’s Blu-ray thieves

“We had a guy who was stealing hundreds of Blu-ray movies from local Target stores. In two incidents he was stopped by security but produced an expandable baton and fled. We only had photos to go off of. We then searched Blu-rays through LeadsOnline. We compared the MVD photos of those people until we located our guy. We charged him and his neighbor with 16 felony charges.”

Det. Jeff Baker
Tucson Police Department