LeadsOnline helps close case and recover stolen photography equipment on eBay

“Okaloosa County Deputies took a report of a vehicle burglary in a Fort Walton Beach neighborhood. The victim said that someone had entered his vehicle while it was parked in the driveway of his residence. The suspect stole approximately $43,603 worth of professional photography equipment and other personal property. A few days later, photography equipment matching the description of what was stolen from the vehicle burglary was located for sale on eBay. Using LeadsOnline, we determined the account of the seller belonged to a female in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. We made contact with the female and she informed us that her boyfriend had used her account to sell some photography equipment that he purchased with the intent of reselling. After an in-depth interview with the boyfriend, he confessed to stealing the property and we were able to recover approximately $36,242 worth of the property and deliver it back to a VERY happy victim.”

Inv. Nolan Weeks
Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Department

Burglary suspect leads California detectives to identity thief

“I conducted a check of stolen property by running the name of a possible suspect. The name and birth date of the suspect showed matches for three sales in the Pacific Beach San Diego area. Two of the three sales matched stolen property from two vehicle burglaries, one ring and one purse. While the purse (Coach) is common, the description by the victim matched perfectly. The ring, which was a family heirloom, also matched perfectly. With the assistance of LeadsOnline, we were able to positively identify the suspect and make an arrest, which led to the arrest of a second suspect for unrelated crimes of identity theft. Thank you Leads Online for the assist.”

Det. Aaron Mansker
Coronado Police Department