Victim’s bracelet stolen by a family member and recovered in Texas

“I was assigned a case where a very expensive men’s bracelet was stolen. The victim described it with having a Medusa emblem and a St. Jude symbol on it. I searched LeadsOnline and received a hit within minutes. Unfortunately for the complainant, she had a thief in her family. The victim’s uncle stole her bracelet, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The bracelet was valued at $5,000. Thanks LeadsOnline for helping out!”

Det. David Liendo
Webb County Sheriff’s Department

Stolen Christmas presents returned to children

“We recently solved three extensive residential burglaries, executed a search warrant and made an arrest using LeadsOnline. We recovered a victim’s $5,000 wedding ring and returned stolen Christmas presents to the family’s children. The presents were wrapped under the victim’s Christmas tree when they were stolen from their home. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Steve Wegner
Dane County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen class ring returned to owner

“LeadsOnline works again! I was looking into one of our suspects and discovered he sold a class ring that was stolen. A warrant was issued on the subject, and the property was returned. The owner was grateful to have the property back. This is a great system, and I look forward to solving a bunch of cases in the next year.”

Det. James Smith
Stokes County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Score one more for the good guys

“I’m an investigator with the Oneida Police Department. We are a small department in East Tennessee and do not have a significant amount of resources. I recently worked a case involving the theft of over $14,000 worth of jewelry. We tried the local pawn shops but came up with nothing. I heard about LeadsOnline and signed us up for the trial. As Nicole was walking me through the process, she ran my suspect’s name. There were immediate hits from pawn shops in Knoxville! Having the limited resources that we do, we never would have found the jewelry without LeadsOnline. Because of LeadsOnline, we were able to identify some of the stolen jewelry, obtain a felony warrant on our suspect, and locate where she fled. Score one for the good guys!”

Inv. Shonda Duncan
Oneida Police Department

Multi-agency stolen firearms case solved in Mississippi

“A burglary of a residence was committed in Natchez-Adams County, Mississippi. Sheriff’s Office Detective Stacy Rollinson discovered a stolen firearm (from said burglary) using LeadsOnline. With this information, Natchez Mississippi Sheriffs Office assisted Vicksburg, Mississippi Sheriff’s Office in a search warrant of the suspect’s house and found eight more stolen firearms from said burglary in Natchez along with ther items stolen in recent Vicksburg burglaries. LeadsOnline is a VERY VALUABLE TOOL for law enforcement. Thank ya’ll very much.”

Det. DeLayne Bush
Adams County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline leads Georgia Sheriff’s Office to recover stolen guns a year after theft

“I was assigned a burglary case with firearms missing prior to our agency using LeadsOnline. A few months after it was purchased, I pulled this particular report and searched the serial number of one of the firearms. Well, needless to say, a year after the burglary was reported, with the help of LeadsOnline, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office was able to successfully recover both firearms and return them to the rightful owner and get a warrant on the guy who pawned them. Without LeadsOnline I do not think recovery of the firearms would have been possible. Thank you Leads Online!”

Inv. Natasha Horner
Pike County Sheriff’s Office

Eleven guns returned to elderly couple

“I received a case for follow up in reference to 11 stolen firearms. The complainants were able to provide partial serial numbers and descriptions of the firearms. I immediately entered the information I was provided into LeadsOnline. While five of the firearms were recovered locally, the other six were recovered only because the Dallas area businesses and I all used LeadsOnline. A warrant was issued for the convicted felon that burglarized the elderly couple and the property was returned to them, the rightful owners. LeadsOnline provides a great service. I’m so grateful for LeadsOnline.”

Inv. Jessica Halbert
Henderson County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline identifies suspects that other programs cannot

“I was working a series of home invasion robberies in our city. All I had to identify one of the suspects was a phone number and a description. I checked our police database; no record. I checked our pay-for-use online nationwide database; no record. I searched the internet, but only got the city for the cell phone subscriber. When I ran the phone number with LeadOnline, it gave me the name of my suspect, and showed he sold one of the items stolen during the robbery! This information helped me to author a search warrant that led to the recovery of several more stolen items well as four guns, two of which were confirmed stolen. Four people total were charged in the robberies, and the suspect I identified through LeadsOnline gave a confession. He received over six years in prison and agreed to testify against the gunman, who is looking at 21+ years. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Martin Garland
Bremerton Police Department

Suspect arrested for selling stolen firearms in neighboring jurisdiction

“A residential burglary was committed within our county where two Remington 870 Shotguns were stolen. A LeadsOnline search was conducted, and it revealed that our suspect sold the two shotguns at a business in a town 30 miles away. The guns were recovered, and statements and video from the shop provided added evidence which was used to obtain an arrest warrant for the suspect. He was arrested and is currently awaiting trial for the felony charge of Burglary of a Residence.”

Deputy Sheriff David Blackwell
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

New Mexico detective follows the trail leading to the offender

“The Los Lunas Police Department had a call at a local residence for an aggravated burglary where several musical instruments were stolen along with two handguns. A LeadsOnline search for the musical instruments showed that two instruments, a saxophone and a piano accordion, were sold in Albuquerque. The items were recovered which led us to the person who sold the items and that person led detectives to the actual offender of the burglary. A search warrant was served on the offender’s residence where one of the stolen firearms was recovered, the offender was charged for the stolen firearm as well as other charges.”

Det. Sgt. John Valdez
Los Lunas Police Department
New Mexico

Truck scrapped in another state leads to suspect

“I recently used LeadsOnLine to arrest a subject who was on a drug binge and stealing from numerous victims. I had a stolen Ford F250 truck where I ran the vin and got a LeadsOnline hit showing where it was scrapped in Pascagoula, Miss. I was able to locate the person who scrapped it and was eventually led to the subject who stole the truck as well as numerous batteries and other pieces of equipment. He used to be the victim’s employee. A warrant was signed and the subject was arrested. Probation revocation is pending, as well as court on this charge of Theft of Property-1st. Thanks for the help. Will be nice when Alabama catches up and we can find Alabama scrap yard items.”

Det. Mark Kinsey
Mobile County Sheriff’s Department

Catchin’ the metal thieves before they can do more damage

On Dec. 12 – A business reported a large amount of fabricated steel, stolen. They reviewed their video surveillance and discovered two males loaded metal into a white Chevrolet Suburban two days prior.

Dec. 14 – Video of the theft shown on a Crime Stoppers segment on the local news.

Dec. 15 – I received a tip regarding who the suspect could be. I checked him through LeadsOnline and found three very large scrap tickets (just over 5,400 lbs) for Dec. 10. I pulled up the tickets and saw the photos of him and the vehicle that he was using. The vehicle and his clothing were the same as in the surveillance video and it was obvious as to his identity. I also checked LeadsOnline and ran the tag on the suspect’s vehicle. I located a ticket for Dec. 10, where an accomplice scrapped a large amount of metal (just over 1,800 lbs). In his photo, it showed a picture of both suspects, along with the white Suburban, still wearing the same clothing.

Dec. 15 – First suspect arrested at his residence for theft of property $1,000 to $5,000.

Dec. 18 – Second suspect arrested for a warrant that I had obtained for him for theft of property $1,000 to $5,000. The property was estimated at $3,500.00 but was not able to be recovered. There was not believed to be any additional damage.”

Cpl. Jeff Craghead
Property Crimes
Fort Smith Police Department

Metal theft suspect identified by detective using LeadsOnline metal theft investigation system

“An old dryer and some scrap metal were reported from a residence in our county. A witness provided a license plate number off of the suspect vehicle. By using LeadsOnline, it was possible to get the identities of the two suspects that had stolen the property. A warrant was obtained for the two suspects. One week later, the suspects were arrested on the warrants and both suspects gave a confession to stealing the property. If it would not have been for LeadsOnline there would not have been enough evidence to tie the suspects to the stolen property. LeadsOnline is a great tool and I wish it would have been around ten years ago. The staff at LeadsOnline are very resourceful, and if you have a problem, they have an answer pretty quick.”

Det. Josh Bolland
Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department

Farm equipment stolen and scrapped

“Our office received a complaint from a subject in our parish who said his farm equipment was stolen and possibly sold as scrap metal. The victim’s neighbor said he saw two males on the property the day before, cutting up his farm equipment with a cutting torch. The complainant said he checked his property and had approximately $2,500 in farm equipment stolen. The complainant gave me a name of two subjects he suspected. I placed both of those subjects in a photograph lineup and showed the lineups to the neighbor who identified both suspects. I logged into LeadsOnline and ran a search of both suspect’s names, and one of the suspects had been to a scrap metal dealership in Bastrop, LA after the theft. I called the business and they verified the scrap metal sold fit the description of the farm equipment that was reported stolen. I secured felony warrants for both suspects, and both were jailed pending bond.”

Inv. Roy Williams
Richland Parish Sheriff Office

Chainsaw stolen from local business recovered

“A chainsaw was stolen from a local business, and my Sergeant said that it was likely to be sold because it was brand new and never used. I asked if it had been run through LeadsOnline to check, and she told me that it had not. I logged in to LeadsOnline and ran it through and then put a BOLO on it. Low and behold, I came to work the next day and had a hit on it. The officer received the information, made contact with the shop and is now in the process of getting the property back as well as a warrant for the suspect. All thanks in large part to LeadsOnline!”

Disp. Kyle Davis
Bentonville Police Department

Suspect arrested after stealing multiple vacuums from local stores

“I was informed by the patrol division that a local store in town had reported a suspect for stealing Dyson vacuum cleaners valued at $600 on 3 separate dates. I was also informed by the store loss prevention team that the same suspect had also committed similar thefts at stores in several other towns around the area. I used LeadsOnline to search for Dyson vacuums around the area and located several vacuums sold around the dates of each theft. During the investigation, several suspects were developed from the LeadsOnline reports. I was able to track down several of the suspects to interview them, and they admitted they received the items from a ‘friend’ who had asked them to sell them. A positive ID was made on the ‘friend’ and arrest warrants were obtained. The offender and his accomplice were taken into custody and charged with over 16 felony charges of burglary and theft. The LeadsOnline website was vital to this investigation and a majority of the items stolen were recovered and returned to the store.”

Patrol Michael Bush
Mundelein Police Department

Police recover television stolen from local business

“We had a report of a stolen television from a local business, and as the officers were responding, we put the information into LeadsOnline. We received a hit on the stolen television with all the information we needed. Soon after, the officers recovered the TV at the pawn shop and a warrant will be issued for the suspect. Thanks for all that you do and making this possible!”

Dispatcher Kyle Davis
Bentonville Police Department

LeadsOnline used to find crime traveler in Georgia

“The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office received an unusual telephone call reporting narcotics related activity in a neighborhood. The caller, as it turns out, gave false information about himself and his motive for calling. The suspect, “John Smith”, had purported himself as an undercover police officer resulting in this agency signing a warrant for his arrest for “Impersonation of a Police Officer.” John Smith learned of the warrant through his girlfriend who ran from law enforcement in order to assist John Smith in eluding police contact. During the investigation, it was learned John Smith had a habit of stealing television sets from motels in one location then pawning same in another location away from the first. With the usage of LeadsOnline, this agency was able to locate the areas of where Smith had recently been. Pawn shops from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri that participate in your program enabled this agency to keep up with our suspect then eventually leading to his capture in the State of Georgia. Your LeadsOnline program is an invaluable tool that should be available on every investigator’s desktop.”

Sgt. J.F. Steele
Autauga County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen guns, crack cocaine and $10,000 in stolen bikes found via LeadsOnline

“LeadsOnline showed me where a suspect pawned a stolen $1,000 bicycle. We were able to use this information to verify what a confidential informant had told us and write a search warrant. During the warrant we recovered approx. $10,000 in stolen bicycles. During the warrant we also recovered crack cocaine and 4 stolen guns. The house, we later learned from neighborhood residents, was a new crack house and fence for stolen property.”

Det. Ronnie Morgan
Little Rock Police Department

Meth abusers come in all ages

“Our Drug Task Force prepared a search warrant based on a report from LeadsOnlabs. After executing the search warrant, a large group of people were charged with manufacturing meth and several more felony charges. The people ranged in age from 30 to 65. Thanks for the help in the fight against meth.”

Inv. David Edington
3rd District DTF

First day using LeadsOnline leads to a win for the good guys

“I just started using LeadsOnline today, and I came across a familiar name. The individual has been hiding for some time due to a felony warrant. It just so happened they made a recent sale and gave a different address than what we had. I did some checking and it turned out the person was living at the address listed on the transaction slip. Needless to say, warrant served. Another great tool for the good guys. Thanks!”

Deputy Jason Korst
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office