Copper stolen from a church. More than 20 cases solved in Ohio scrap yards with one LeadsOnline search.

“LeadsOnline has once again proven itself to be one of the most useful tools in my investigatory arsenal! We received two reports of copper downspouts being stolen from a local church and a residence. After looking at the information available I went to LeadsOnline and searched for more than 100 pounds of copper being scrapped. Within a span of minutes I had a number of results, one of which contained a person of interest tag from Bexley Police, another local agency. With the information provided by their detective I was able to link the cases together and had good suspects for the crime. Less than a week later the two suspects had surrendered and I was able to obtain confessions showing that the two had been responsible for almost 2 dozen thefts of copper from the Columbus area! The most impressive part of the whole story is that the person of interest tag had only been put on my suspect a few hours before I did my search. Thanks to the information sharing system attached to LeadsOnline I got the break I needed in a case that could have otherwise gone unsolved. Thanks again LeadsOnline!”

Sgt. Stephen Mette
Worthington Police Department

LeadsOnline scrap metal reporting and investigations system is working in Ohio

“An electrical company in the city of Worthington, Ohio had two of their vans broken into. Tools as well as copper wire were taken. Within minutes of the case being assigned to a detective for follow up a suspect was identified using LeadsOnline. The owner of the business met with detectives at the pawn shop where the suspect sold the tools, and positively identified them as belonging to his company. This same suspect sold copper wire for scrap to a local scrap/salvage yard at the same time. There were NO leads in this case and without LeadsOnline their case would have been closed with no arrest made!”

Det. Keith Agin
Worthington Police Department