LeadsOnline saves immeasurable amount of time in recovering stolen property

“Glynn County Police Department received a complaint from a resident of a large amount of tools and equipment stolen. The victim stated that he located some of his items in a local business. I was assigned this case and recovered the items that the victim found. Upon searching for the person who sold the items via LeadsOnline, I discovered that the person has been selling the victim’s property at five different businesses in the southeast Georgia area. The total value of the theft was over $21,000! Using LeadsOnline, I was able to successfully recover over $14,000 worth of property and return it to the victim. This also lead to five theft by deception charges and one felony theft charge against the defendant! LeadsOnline saved an immeasurable amount of time in locating and recovering the property!”

Inv. Jeffery Williams
Glynn County Police Department