New detective instantly successful solving crimes using LeadsOnline

“I was working with a detective who is new to our unit in investigating a case. I showed him how to use LeadsOnline as a tool to locate stolen items. He had a case where items totaling $4,000 were taken from a residence, and another case in which $2,500 worth of items were taken. I had the victim tell me the names of everyone that had lived at his residence. I checked all subjects with LeadsOnline, and found that a female subject currently living with the victim had pawned the items on the dates in question. I also found that the female suspect had pawned several other items of the victim’s that he did not know about. The victim was able to recover tools, electronic items, and several valuable rings. The new detective was very excited to solve his first case, and was thrilled to use this tool. He now runs every case he gets on LeadsOnline. Thanks again for a wonderful system and tool for law enforcement.”

Det. T. Snipes
Berkeley Police Department