Nursing home employee identified as suspect in jewelry theft

“On December 10 I received a burglary investigation from a nursing home in my jurisdiction. The complainant stated that someone had been removing jewelry from her bedroom while she was gone. She started noticing the jewelry missing in October going until December 7 when she reported it. During that time the complainant’s family contacted the manager of the nursing home, and made him aware of the incidents. On December 7, the manager placed a `nanny cam` inside of the complainant’s apartment, as well as a plain gold ring in her jewelry box. Later that afternoon the video captured a female nurse aid rooting through the complainant’s jewelry box. She then removed several items of jewelry, and concealed them on her person. The next day the manager reviewed the tape and identified the employee. Her name was then given to me, and I then checked her through LeadsOnline. The results were astonishing. It revealed that she had visited the same shop six times during the months of November and December. I went to that shop, and he still had the items that she had most recently brought in. I photographed those items, showed them to the complainant, and she positively identified the items. Also recovered from the Pawn Shop was the plain gold wedding band that was planted by the nursing home manager. A warrant was then issued for the employee’s arrest. Without LeadsOnline, this crime would have been a lot harder to solve. I would have never been able to find out where she had taken the items, and they probably would have been melted down if I had not located the jewelry in a timely fashion. Thank you again!”

Det. Paul Guercio
Philadelphia Police Department