Sentimental (and expensive) Rolex watch recovered

“I have nothing but good things to say regarding the LeadsOnline program. It allows investigators to get the jump on locating property from victims who have been violated, in every sense of the word. Most recently, I was investigating a burglary of a residence where jewelry, laptop computers, and various other electronic equipment was stolen. The backdoor was kicked open and the house was ransacked throughout. The victim was devastated because his Rolex watch had been listed as a piece of property that was stolen. The watch was expensive, but also had sentimental value attached. The serial number of the watch was made available, and I ran it through LeadsOnline. Within a few seconds I located the watch which had been pawned in an adjacent city. The watch was recovered and returned to the owner, who was enthusiastically happy that he was able to have his watch back. As a result, I was able to convict the suspect who committed the burglary above. This case would not have been solved if it wasn’t for the LeadsOnline program. LeadsOnline is a valuable tool for police investigators to use in the recovery of stolen property and the identification of suspects.”

Det. Jimmy Boatman
Cedar Hill Police Department