Suspect gets away, but not for long

“Last week, there was an interrupted residential burglary. A Patrol Officer spotted the suspect’s car and the chase was on. The suspect got away, but I was able to identify him. Through LeadsOnline, I found that one of the suspect’s associates had recently pawned several items, and I matched the items to a recent car prowl case. I arrested the guy who pawned the items and he admitted to pawning them for the guy that we had earlier chased. Because of LeadsOnline, I was able to arrest one guy, get some stolen property back to the owner, and get additional charges on the guy who ran from us. Also, last month I was working a group who were breaking into homes all over the Puget Sound area. Using LeadsOnline, I was able to tie them to several other burglaries and get property back to the owners.”

Det. Steve Hoover
Bellevue Police Department