Proactive Miamisburg detective got a head start, with LeadsOnline, catching these crooks

“While looking into two burglary suspects I found transaction receipts through LeadsOnline. The two had sold jewelry at a business in an adjoining county. Knowing the jewelry was likely taken in a burglary, I responded to that business and took pictures of the property. An alert was sent to area police departments along with pictures of the jewelry. A detective at Kettering PD advised that this jewelry might belong to one of his victims from a burglary that had occurred on that same day. The victims ultimately identified the jewelry and have been able to recover it from the business. The jewelry had a lot of sentimental value as a number of pieces had belonged to a deceased family member. I will be utilizing LeadsOnline to continue to build a case against these two individuals. ”

Det. Sgt. Jeff Muncy
Miamisburg Police Department

Suspect who receives a refund for property that has never been sold gets caught

“Earlier this summer, while reviewing LeadsOnline, I discovered (while using the residents pawning outside our jurisdiction option) that a female had been selling gift cards for four consecutive days. Upon looking into the issue further I learned (by admission from the suspect) that she would wake up every day, go into Target or Walmart, remove property from the shelf, walk directly up to the return counter, ask for a refund and receive a gift card for the amount of the merchandise. LeadsOnline’s features are awesome! Thanks!”

Det. Jason Threlkeld
Miamisburg Police Department