Gold rings returned to elderly woman after stolen by neighbor

“Oregon, Ohio PD Detectives used LeadsOnline to track down gold rings stolen out of an elderly woman’s home. They were very dear to her. The rings were located at one of our local shops shortly after they were taken. The suspect was a neighbor of the woman that had come and asked to use her telephone. The suspect was also a heroin addict with outstanding warrants. The elderly victim was very happy with our results, and without this service, the ring would not have been recovered, or at the very least it could have been delayed.”

Det. Lawrence George
Oregon Police Department

$234,600.00 recovered in jewelry and 10 arrests were made with the help of LeadsOnline

“Lexington Police detectives David Fetko, Jeremy Day, and Raymond Terry identified a total of ten individuals that appeared to be working together to pawn stolen high-end jewelry. The victim had recently suffered from a medical condition. The 570 items of jewelry recovered has an appraised retail value of $234,600 and had been passed down to the victim by her mother who was an avid collector of jewelry.

The ten suspects associated with this group have been arrested, indicted by a Grand Jury and currently are awaiting trial.”

Sgt. Kevin Goldie
Lexington Police Department

Family reunions may be awkward for a while

“Last month I came across a person whose home was burglarized in another city that borders Round Rock. While speaking with the victim, she told me about her wedding ring that was taken in the process. The victim described the ring which was very unique. Circumstances indicated it may have been stolen by someone she knew. I ran multiple checks on LeadsOnline when I decided to finally search for diamonds in Williamson County and Travis County. I located one ring with that description and learned who had sold the ring. The suspect was the victim’s sister in law who I learned had broken into her house while she was at work on multiple occasions as other items belonging to the victim from months prior were also found. The victim got back her wedding ring and a couple other pieces of jewelry. Warrants were issued on two persons that were involved in the burglary. The victim was very happy to get her ring back due to emotional attachment and monetary reasons.”

Ofc. Lindsey Scheffler
Round Rock Police Department

Proactive Miamisburg detective got a head start, with LeadsOnline, catching these crooks

“While looking into two burglary suspects I found transaction receipts through LeadsOnline. The two had sold jewelry at a business in an adjoining county. Knowing the jewelry was likely taken in a burglary, I responded to that business and took pictures of the property. An alert was sent to area police departments along with pictures of the jewelry. A detective at Kettering PD advised that this jewelry might belong to one of his victims from a burglary that had occurred on that same day. The victims ultimately identified the jewelry and have been able to recover it from the business. The jewelry had a lot of sentimental value as a number of pieces had belonged to a deceased family member. I will be utilizing LeadsOnline to continue to build a case against these two individuals. ”

Det. Sgt. Jeff Muncy
Miamisburg Police Department

WWII pistol returned to owner 22 years after being stolen

“Back in 1991…yes, 1991, I was in high school at the time, and the Delhi Township Police were running us off the lot of Burger King, when they weren’t busy taking burglary reports. In this report, the victim had several guns stolen from his residence. One of those guns was a Mauser Broomhandle with a wooden holster that also becomes a stock. It is a highly collectible gun and for trivia purposes, also the one Luke Skywalker and Han Solo’s blasters were modeled after. My old police chief was a detective at the time and he was eventually able to make an arrest in the offense. However, despite every effort he was unable to recover the stolen Mauser Broomhandle. More than 20 years later, a gun collector sold the stolen Mauser Broomhandle to a shop/gun dealer in Covington, Kentucky, and we were notified through LeadsOnline. The victim was notified and he did not blink an eye at paying to get back the gun his deceased father brought back with him from World War II. I met the victim at the store, and he literally had tears in his eyes. He was so overwhelmed by his emotions about getting the pistol back. After this much time, he never thought it would be found. As the victim went to write a check for the gun, the store manager said the gun collector came in and paid the money back. Some things in life are worth more than money, like a family heirloom and LeadsOnline.”

Det. Adam Cox
Delhi Township Police Department

Firearm returned to owner eight years after being stolen

“In 2005 the Juneau County Sheriff’s Office took a theft complaint of three firearms that were stolen. All three guns were entered into NCIC. Eight years later, I did an NCIC Potential Hit search and a gun came back matching one of the guns stolen in 2005. I contacted the businesses in Missouri and located the stolen firearm. The shop shipped the gun to the Sheriff’s Office. I then returned the weapon to the owner. The owner was very happy since the weapon belonged to his grandfather. I wouldn’t have been able to recover this weapon without LeadsOnline. Thank you!”

Det. Shaun Goyette
Juneau County Sheriff’s Office

Guitars and firearms stolen from famous country singer

“I was assigned a report involving the theft of numerous guitars, memorabilia and firearms from a famous country singer. The following two weeks I identified a suspect and through my investigation, identified approximately $25,000 worth of guitars and firearms sold to various businesses in Missouri and Arkansas. Thanks to LeadsOnline, I returned every guitar stolen and several of the firearms back to the owner. Many of these items were very valuable and one-of-a-kind pieces. With the help of LeadsOnline, I quickly identified, placed holds and recovered these items. Without this system, I likely would not have been able to recover all of the items. The amount of hours dedicated to this investigation was drastically cut due to LeadsOnline. The suspect is currently in custody facing numerous charges. Thank you for this website.”

Det. Daniel Smithson
Branson Police Department

Several sentimental guns recovered for victimized family in South Carolina

“I was assigned a Larceny report involving several guns that were stolen from my victim. Although the guns have monetary value to them, they were more sentimental because they were inherited from various family members. The victim provided a name of another family member who he thought may have been responsible for the theft of the guns. I checked LeadsOnline and found he sold 10 stolen guns over the course of a three month period. The majority of the guns had already been sold to a second party by then, but the pawn shop was kind enough to contact the current owners, advise them they were stolen, and offer them store credit so they would not be out any money. I was able to recover all of the stolen guns and signed seven felony warrants on the suspect.”

Inv. Christopher Brumlow
Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office
South Carolina

Christmas comes early when firearm is recovered 16 years after being stolen

“I was able to identify and recover a Winchester pump shotgun that was stolen from a Korean War Veteran’s home in 2000. Yes, you read that right-16 years ago! I couldn’t have only done this without the assistance of LeadsOnline. The victim stated that at his age of 84, he didn’t ever think that he would see his shotgun again. He relayed a story to me about the gun being given to him by his uncle who adopted him when he was a small child. He stated that out of all the things that were stolen that day, the shotgun was his prize possession because of it being a gift from the man who raised him. I would like to thank LeadsOnline on behalf of this man and all of the other victims that your service has helped. The victim stated that Christmas came early this year and he was overjoyed!”

Sgt. Detective Ellen Scheirer
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline recovers meaningful item for victim

“In January, I was conducting my NCIC audit in LeadsOnline. I found a firearm had been sold in a neighboring county which had been flagged. After pulling the Microfiche, I confirmed the firearm as being stolen. I contacted the business and put a hold on the firearm. In February, I recovered the stolen firearm from the neighboring police agency which had picked up the gun for me. This firearm was stolen in 1984 and for the last 32 years it had been owned by several people. The victim was contacted and we learned her Grandfather had given her the gun when she turned 19 years of age. After she picked up the gun from our facility she was extremely happy to have such a sentimental item back after all these years. Another great example how LeadsOnline is a valuable tool for law enforcement.”