Stolen ring blessed by the Vatican in Rome is returned to is rightful owner.

“I received a case where a handyman stole some jewelry from and elderly, 92, female. My victim was very sharp and was able to give drawings of her jewelry. One piece was a gold sailor pin that she got during WWII for her husband who was in the Navy. The other unique piece was her deceased husbands wedding band that she had a cross placed in the center. She had the cross added in Rome and then had the ring blessed at the Vatican. I used the drawings to search leads by description. The first one I searched for was the gold sailor pin. I immediately got a hit. The pawn ticket also had a gold ring with a cross in the band. I recovered the property and returned them to the owner. A warrant was issued for the suspect and he was subsequently arrested.”

Det. Ed Leach
Hoover Police Department

Even sex offenders get caught with the help of LeadsOnline

“I’m the sex offender and child abuse investigator for the Walker County Cheriff’s Department . I do not work many property crimes as they are not assigned to me. However, LeadsOnline has been very helpful in locating sex offenders. Recently, I found some local sellshop activity by a registered sex offender who is registered in another county. The address given to the local sellshop for his home is in fact in Walker County. After beginning an investigation, I was able to prove he was living in Walker County without registering. The address he had listed was also a violation due to being too close to a daycare and he also failed to terminate his residence in the county where he was registered. I’ve used LeadsOnline several times to help in my SORNA (Sex Offender Registration Notification Act) investigations.”

Inv. Brian Keeton
Walker County Sheriff’s Department

A felony Warrant issued for a man using a fake identity

“In August, Sibley Equipment company filed a report with Woodstock PD where a man using a fake name and driver license number rented a concrete saw and a generator and never returned it. We found the items through LeadsOnline two days later and recovered it. We were able to identify the suspect and we now have a felony warrant for his arrest.”

Chief Len Price
Woodstock Police Department

$7,000 worth of jewelry recovered immediately

“It has been a good week for me and LeadsOnline! I recovered almost $7,000 worth of jewelry and electronics for our victims. One case was also an immediate hit and recovery. The pawn store had entered one number in the serial number wrong, but I knew it was what I was looking for. Life would be a lot harder without this valuable tool. Needless to say, the victims were very happy. Thanks!”

Sgt. Chase Nagle
Vestavia Hills Police Department

Stolen firearms found, Multiple burglaries solved in Alabama using LeadsOnline

“A neighbor spotted a suspicious vehicle at a residence in South Montgomery County, Alabama and notified the Sheriff’s Office. The vehicle left the scene, the neighbor followed while keeping the Sheriff’s Office apprised of their travels. Long story shortened, the burglars were caught and identified. Thanks to LeadsOnline, once we identified the burglars, we checked them through LeadsOnline and identified nearly forty items, mostly firearms, the pair had pawned in a short period of time. From this we were able to solve several burglaries in Montgomery County and recovered quite a bit of property for our victims. We shared our information with neighboring counties and they found the pair had also been active in at least one other county.”

Inv. Bill Ballance
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

Birmingham Police locate a stolen gun

“While searching LeadsOnline for stolen property, I discovered a Taurus .40 Cal handgun that was reported stolen during an incident in the Birmingham West Precinct area. There had been no leads in this case until now. All of the pawn information has been given to the investigating detective.”

Det. Eric Grimes
Birmingham Police Department

Automated reports return hit on gun stolen six years ago

“I received an NCIC Potential Hit on a stolen gun that was pawned at a local gun shop. I was able to verify this was a gun that was stolen in 2007 from Mountain Brook. I seized the gun and returned it to the owner. This would not have been possible without the information from LeadsOnline. Thanks!”

Det. Don Garrett
Mountain Brook Police Department

Stolen firearms recovered

“I received a call from Phenix, Alabama about a residence that was burglarized where several guns were stolen. Unfortunately, he did not have any of the serial numbers for the stolen guns, but I was able to go back to the store where it purchased in Georgia to obtain the serial number. Ten minutes after I obtained the serial number, I ran it on LeadsOnline and found where the shotgun and one of the other stolen guns were sold in Alabama. I then ran the person’s name through LeadsOnline and found the rest of the stolen guns and property at another shop close by. I forwarded the information to the detective working the case who was able to recover all of the property and obtain warrants for the offender. This case would not have been solved without the assistance of LeadsOnline.”

Det. Tim Busby
Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen firearms returned to victim within three days of initial theft

“One of our officers took a burglary report where multiple guns were stolen from a residence. I received this case and used LeadsOnline to locate all the weapons at a nearby business. LeadsOnline allowed me to gather more information on a suspect that I was already looking at. After the victim made a positive identification on the weapons, I tracked down the suspect and was able to gather a full confession. This suspect has committed several thefts recently, and I am pleased to announce that his bond has been revoked, and he will be in jail and off the streets for quite some time. Thanks to LeadsOnline, I closed a case with an arrest and returned all property to the victim within three days. Thanks again LeadsOnline.”

Inv. Michael Kane
Weaver Police Department

Christmas comes early when firearm is recovered 16 years after being stolen

“I was able to identify and recover a Winchester pump shotgun that was stolen from a Korean War Veteran’s home in 2000. Yes, you read that right-16 years ago! I couldn’t have only done this without the assistance of LeadsOnline. The victim stated that at his age of 84, he didn’t ever think that he would see his shotgun again. He relayed a story to me about the gun being given to him by his uncle who adopted him when he was a small child. He stated that out of all the things that were stolen that day, the shotgun was his prize possession because of it being a gift from the man who raised him. I would like to thank LeadsOnline on behalf of this man and all of the other victims that your service has helped. The victim stated that Christmas came early this year and he was overjoyed!”

Sgt. Detective Ellen Scheirer
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

Hit on one gun could lead to eleven more

“I ran a check on a serial number of a stolen gun on LeadsOnline and the gun came back as sold. This gun was one of twelve guns taken. I hope that this “hit” will give Mobile County Sheriff Office and Brunswick Ga. P.D. enough evidence to recover the other 11 guns that were stolen. Thanks for being there, LeadsOnline.”

Deputy Bryant Myles
Mobile county Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline “save search” feature helps solve case

“In March, I saved a search on LeadsOnline for a stolen handgun. The gun was stolen during a breaking and entering of a motor vehicle, and there were no definite suspects in the case. Two months later, I received an email from LeadsOnline informing me that there was a hit on the gun. It was discovered that the stolen gun had been sold to one of the businesses in our county. From the help of LeadsOnline, I was able to recover the handgun and return it to the owner. ”

Investigator Austin Jones
Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office

Firearm recovered

“While searching LeadsOnline, I found that a suspect had pawned a firearm that was said to have been stolen from a nearby city. After confirming the stolen firearm through NCIC and confirming with the business that they had possession of the firearm, I contacted the reporting agency and made them aware of the otherwise unknown activity.”

Detective Sean Boczar
Helena Police Department

Sometimes you’re only a few clicks away from your suspect

“A homeowner gave me a still shot from a Game Camera of a suspect stealing copper wire from a storage shed. After an officer was able to identify the suspect, I used LeadsOnline to find where the suspect sold copper a few hours after the photo was taken. I went to the scrapyard and was able to get video showing the suspect wearing the same clothes and bringing in the same material that shown on the victim’s photo. Without LeadsOnline, it would have taken several days to go to all the scrap yards and search the reports by hand; instead it took a few mouse clicks.”

Det. Justin Howard
Birmingham Police Department

Putting a stop to employee theft

“In May, we began investigating a case of nearly $150,000 worth of stolen batteries. The suspect was selling more than 10,000 pounds of locomotive batteries that appeared to be stolen from his employer. LeadsOnline showed the suspect had been selling the batteries over the past three years to recyclers across Alabama. Without this evidence, the suspect would have continued his activity and the business would still be losing money.”

Det. Justin Howard
Birmingham Police Department

Truck scrapped in another state leads to suspect

“I recently used LeadsOnLine to arrest a subject who was on a drug binge and stealing from numerous victims. I had a stolen Ford F250 truck where I ran the vin and got a LeadsOnline hit showing where it was scrapped in Pascagoula, Miss. I was able to locate the person who scrapped it and was eventually led to the subject who stole the truck as well as numerous batteries and other pieces of equipment. He used to be the victim’s employee. A warrant was signed and the subject was arrested. Probation revocation is pending, as well as court on this charge of Theft of Property-1st. Thanks for the help. Will be nice when Alabama catches up and we can find Alabama scrap yard items.”

Det. Mark Kinsey
Mobile County Sheriff’s Department

One more battery thief off the streets

“On July 10, 2012, we were interviewing a suspect about stolen car batteries taken from a local business. We ran the suspect’s name through LeadsOnline, and that produced evidence of the suspect selling batteries the morning after they were reported stolen. When confronted with the evidence, the suspect confessed to multiple counts of theft. We have since turned the case over to the District Attorney’s Office.”

Det. Justin Howard
Birmingham Police Department

Alabama detectives solve metal theft cases with comprehensive data from scrap metal recyclers

“I contacted LeadsOnline in reference to a trial version of LeadsOnline Metal Theft. You all were happy to oblige and the second day of using the trial version, I was able to identify and solve two metal thefts involving a recent case. I was also able to correctly identify a suspect who was involved in a metal theft and was arrested and bonded using a false identity. The program paid for itself in its second day of use and assisted in closing three cases with a total of six arrests. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Inv. Doug Duke
Cullman Sheriff’s Office

Alabama detectives locate $50,000 in stolen metal with online metal theft database

“The day after Christmas, deputies found a subject passed out in a vehicle near the construction site of I-22. Deputies found several sand jacks in the back of the subject’s vehicle. Deputies found that the sand jacks had been stolen from the construction site. One hour after the report was filed detectives activated the free 30-day metal trials of the LeadsOnline Metal Theft Investigations System to investigate the suspect. Detectives discovered that over the Christmas holiday, this subject had sold over 5,000 pounds of steel. Detectives went to the scrap yard and located $51,350 worth of steel forms, sand jacks, and other steel material used in the construction of the interstate. This is just another fine example of how valuable LeadsOnline is to law enforcement! Thank you!”

Sgt. Det. Ellen Scheirer
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

Birmingham PD use LeadsOnline to help solve kidnapping and home burglary case

“I was investigating a home invasion robbery and kidnapping where the victim was able to supply the serial number of the item stolen from her. Using LeadsOnline, I located the stolen item in a local shop and determined the identity of the person who sold them. I identified and interviewed the suspect less than 24 hours after the robbery. The defendant was in custody within 72 hours, and the item was returned to the rightful owner. Thanks for your assistance.”

Det. George Montgomery
Birmingham Police Department

LeadsOnline brings back music to victim’s ears after being held at gunpoint

“We had a robbery / carjacking victim provide a serial number for a Gibson Guitar that was in the vehicle when it was taken at gunpoint. The Guitar value was $5,000.00. I entered it into LeadsOnline and obtain an instant hit. I have recovered the victims Guitar from the business within 1 hour of him giving us the serial number. LeadsOnline rocks! Now we have a very good lead on the robbery suspects. Thank you for having such an AWESOME tool for us to use. Thank You ”

Birmingham Police Department
Johnny Brooks

LeadsOnline used to find crime traveler in Georgia

“The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office received an unusual telephone call reporting narcotics related activity in a neighborhood. The caller, as it turns out, gave false information about himself and his motive for calling. The suspect, “John Smith”, had purported himself as an undercover police officer resulting in this agency signing a warrant for his arrest for “Impersonation of a Police Officer.” John Smith learned of the warrant through his girlfriend who ran from law enforcement in order to assist John Smith in eluding police contact. During the investigation, it was learned John Smith had a habit of stealing television sets from motels in one location then pawning same in another location away from the first. With the usage of LeadsOnline, this agency was able to locate the areas of where Smith had recently been. Pawn shops from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri that participate in your program enabled this agency to keep up with our suspect then eventually leading to his capture in the State of Georgia. Your LeadsOnline program is an invaluable tool that should be available on every investigator’s desktop.”

Sgt. J.F. Steele
Autauga County Sheriff’s Office

Alabama insurance fraud prevented by detective using LeadsOnline

“I’ve recently learned that the suspect in an insurance fraud case I’ve been working owes a lot of money to his ex-wife for back child support. My using LeadsOnline stopped him from filing a false claim with his insurance. The records I accessed in a search on your system showed the suspect falsely claimed items as stolen from his residence. The case has now been closed. Thanks for your assistance in providing such a useful tool for our agency.”

Sgt. Casey Ott
Autauga County Sheriff’s Office

Suspect runs, but can’t hide thanks to LeadsOnline

“LeadsOnline assists me in finding suspects that have left the area and are out on bond. I located a defendant on the other end of the state. He had stolen several musical instruments from the University and students. I recovered several of the items in Huntsville and Birmingham. He was selling stolen property to music stores. The defendant was out on bond for robbery from the Huntsville area when he committed the thefts on campus. LeadsOnline shows him pawning stolen jewelry in the Montgomery area. He is a suspect in a robbery in Montgomery.”

Sgt. Shawn Giddy
Jacksonville State University Police Department

College student’s stolen laptop recovered; Spring Hill Police get an A+

“In April, I was advised of a missing laptop from a student on campus. The student was able to provide the make, model, and serial number of the missing computer. After filing a report from the student and talking with all the suspects that could have possibly taken the computer. I did a check of the computer at LeadsOnline which came up negative. I then saved the computer information for later activity on the item at local pawn shops. A month later I received an email advising me that the item had been sold at a local pawn shop. The information was used to obtain a confession and guilty verdict on the suspect. Thanks!”

Lieutenant David McLeod
Spring Hill Police Department

Arson and burglary suspects identified through LeadsOnline

“The Clarke County Sheriff’s Department responded to a house fire, and the homeowner realized there were items missing from the outside of the house. We determined that this was actually a burglary and arson, and we received a list of items that were stolen. Later that day, we were searching LeadsOnline for the stolen items and found several that were sold in Mobile, Alabama. Investigators went to the business, retrieved the items, and collected video. With this information, we were able to identify a male and female that lived near the home that was burglarized. The female was arrested, and the male fled to Madison, Wisconsin. He was later was arrested and transported back to Alabama. It was also discovered that the suspects burglarized a total of three homes that day, and most of the items stolen were found using LeadsOnline.”

Sgt. Ron Baggette
Clarke County Sheriff’s Department