First day with LeadsOnline reaps success

“On the first day of using LeadsOnline, another detective in my bureau had a burglary investigation that resulted in the identification of the suspect’s eBay account name. I used LeadsOnline to search for the eBay username and located the suspect’s information. The eBay information helped identify the suspects in the burglary.”

Lead Inv. Anthony Pelato
Riverside County Sheriff’s Department

PlayStation pawned 20 miles away is returned to its rightful owner within 10 days of the theft

“In August, members of the Tulane University Police Department documented a simple burglary that occurred on campus where a Sony PlayStation that had been recently purchased, was stolen during the burglary. The item was entered into the LeadsOnline and three days later, I was notified that the item had been sold at a business in a neighboring city, approximately 20 miles away. With the information obtained from the business I was quickly able to identify the suspect and based off of additional evidence secured from the burglary scene, an arrest warrant was issued for the suspect. Within 10 days of the reported burglary I was able to return the stolen PlayStation back to the owner. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Lt. Dennis Serena
Tulane University Police Department

Thousands of dollars of jewelry returned to owner

“We received a burglary complaint from a woman who reported that several thousands of dollars in jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and mother had been stolen. She submitted a stolen property list with detailed descriptions of the pieces that were taken. I was given the list to see if any of the items had shown up in LeadsOnline. I searched for the more unique pieces and ended up finding 12 pieces that were valued at approximately $6,000. We retrieved the pieces and returned them to their rightful owner. All the pieces were sold by the same individual at two different shops. He already had several burglary charges pending against him this year. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we can add another one to the list!”

CI Anlst. Melinda Thompson
Kentucky State Police – Post 6

More jewelry returned after being stolen

“I did a search in LeadsOnline like I usually do when I have a few moments. I was able to locate 22 pieces of gold jewelry that were stolen by one of our local dopers/thieves. He had fenced these items in Las Vegas. I checked for recent burglaries and made contact with one of the victims. Due to the unique descriptions of some items, he confirmed they were his.”

Dep. John Kakavulias
Nye County Sheriff’s Office

Multiple jewelry thieves caught in one search

“One of our street Corporals stopped a suspicious vehicle after he observed the occupants throw an empty jewelry box out onto the road. The result of the stop was the recovery of a significant amount of property and the identification of some suspects of a residential burglary. Through LeadsOnline, I was able to recover the remainder of the property, as well as identify an accomplice who had not been in the vehicle during the stop. Thanks for the help!”

Cpl. Robert Wilson
Pflugerville Police Department

Burglary ring caught before more rings stolen

“While searching for property from a residential burglary, I was able to not only discover 24 recoverable items of jewelry from the burglary, but develop two suspects who ultimately confessed. They gave us the identity of two more involved parties, as well as confessions to burglaries in a nearby county and most likely involvement in a third county. I was so thrilled to make this discovery as our victim had also been burglarized earlier this year and was terrified and ready to sell their home of which they love. I was able to develop suspects in the original burglary and recover many pieces of jewelry from that burglary. It turned into a multi-jurisdictional burglary ring that likely would have done unsolved without the help of LeadsOnline.”

Inv. Asst. Lisa Mead-O’Connor
Union County Sheriff’s Office

Drug addict daughter steals family heirlooms from mother’s home

“I was working a burglary where the victim was robbed of family heirlooms by her daughter, an alleged drug addict. The victim kicked her daughter out of her home this past summer and had not seen her since. The victim provided us with the name of her daughter’s boyfriend. The home was processed for fingerprints and photographed. During the investigation, both suspects were entered into LeadsOnline. I immediately received a hit on the boyfriend suspect. The hit showed he pawned numerous rings that matched jewelry on the victim’s statement. Photographs were taken of the pawned rings and the victim positively identified the rings to be hers. The following day, I received another hit that the boyfriend pawned more items to an out-of-state jeweler that had been in town for a jewelry convention, just days after the burglary. As I began the process of having the items held, I received another hit showing the daughter sold a ring, now tying both suspects to the burglary and stolen property. Within the case I had three total hits thanks to LeadsOnline, and retrieved video from the pawn shop identifying both suspects. The case will be forwarded to the prosecutor’s office with great evidence to pursue felony indictments. Thank you LeadsOnline! Not only did you give me evidence to close my case, you allowed the victim to retrieve her jewelry back that never could have been replaced.”

Det. Brandon Smith
West Jefferson Police Department

Burglary victim discovers relative stole her belongings

“One of our residents reported a home burglary. Using LeadsOnline, we discovered the stolen items were sold at two separate shops. The stolen items included two Samsung tablets and a gold ring. The items were returned to the victim, and it turned out the victim’s nephew was the thief. The victim did not want to press charges because of the family connection. However, she was ecstatic to get her belongings returned so quickly. Thanks again LeadsOnline!”

Det. Dennis Campos
Villa Park Police Department

Stolen Christmas presents returned to children

“We recently solved three extensive residential burglaries, executed a search warrant and made an arrest using LeadsOnline. We recovered a victim’s $5,000 wedding ring and returned stolen Christmas presents to the family’s children. The presents were wrapped under the victim’s Christmas tree when they were stolen from their home. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Steve Wegner
Dane County Sheriff’s Office

Jewelry recovered in North Carolina after home burglarized

“I solved another case this week using LeadsOnline. A house was burglarized at 6 a.m., and we had a suspect’s name. Using LeadsOnline, I found a match to the name where jewelry was sold less than 12 hours after the home was burglarized. I recovered the jewelry and put the bad guy in jail. I cannot say enough great things about LeadsOnline and how it helps in the investigative process.”

Sgt. David Eckard
Catawba County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Property from four burglaries across an Ohio county are recovered with LeadsOnline

“A stolen Nikon digital camera taken in a burglary was located at a local shop that reports to LeadsOnline. After locating the suspect that sold the item, two televisions, a fur coat, and jewelry were located at the suspect’s residence. All recovered items, including the camera, were items that were taken from four different burglaries from across the county.”

Deputy Sheriff William Konic, Jr.
Stark County Sheriff’s Office

Serial burglars caught after stealing jewelry from residences

“I have used LeadsOnline for numerous investigations. One case that stands out in particular, is a case where I was able to locate some jewelry belonging to a victim in the Cocoa area. After finding pieces of jewelry belonging to the victim, I conducted a search of the suspect and found numerous pawns along with a second suspect. During the course of the investigation, it revealed the two suspects had committed over eight residential burglaries and sold their items throughout Brevard County. Approximately $5,000 worth of jewelry was located and the suspects were arrested. One suspect pled guilty and received 15 years DOC and the other just pled to 8 years DOC. Without the assistance of LeadsOnline, the case may not have ever been solved. Thank you!”

Agt. Howard Phillips
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office

Suspect arrested after stealing 10 guitars and jewelry

“We had a home burglary where a victim reported 10 expensive guitars stolen from his collection. One of the guitars was located in a local business because of a LeadsOnline search. This led to the recovery of all 10 of the stolen guitars, and the identification of a suspect. We learned the suspect had also stolen jewelry from his roommate. Over $10,000 in jewelry and another guitar was reported stolen. The guitar and the majority of jewelry was recovered. Additional charges on the suspect were made and both incidents were cleared by arrest.”

Lt. Gail Russell – FBINAA #181
Bradford County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen class ring and various jewelry recovered at business over 100 miles away

“After developing a possible suspect on several residential burglaries in our county, we used LeadsOnline to find that our suspect was taking stolen gold jewelry to a large municipality nearly 100 miles away. One of the stolen items taken to the business was a stolen class ring that was positively identified by the owner. Confronted with this information, the suspect admitted committing multiple burglaries.”

Inv. Justin Riley
Howell County Sheriff’s Office

Nine arrested and three deported after being busted for large burglary hoist

“We had a large burglary where approximately $10,000 in cash, electronics, jewelry, and designer purses were stolen. Among the jewelry was a designer watch. I looked for it on LeadsOnline, and bingo there it was. The person who sold it said she had bought it from another female. That female gave up all the others involved; seven males and three females, including this suspect. We retrieved almost all the electronic items and most of the jewelry and purses. Out of these people, nine were arrested and three were deported. LeadsOnline, you are awesome!!!”

Det. Betty J. Silva
Jacinto City Police Department

Family reunions may be awkward for a while

“Last month I came across a person whose home was burglarized in another city that borders Round Rock. While speaking with the victim, she told me about her wedding ring that was taken in the process. The victim described the ring which was very unique. Circumstances indicated it may have been stolen by someone she knew. I ran multiple checks on LeadsOnline when I decided to finally search for diamonds in Williamson County and Travis County. I located one ring with that description and learned who had sold the ring. The suspect was the victim’s sister in law who I learned had broken into her house while she was at work on multiple occasions as other items belonging to the victim from months prior were also found. The victim got back her wedding ring and a couple other pieces of jewelry. Warrants were issued on two persons that were involved in the burglary. The victim was very happy to get her ring back due to emotional attachment and monetary reasons.”

Ofc. Lindsey Scheffler
Round Rock Police Department

Valuables nearly 200 years old recovered in Miami Florida with modern police technology.

“Our district in Miami began experiencing a high level of residential burglaries. One burglary occurred where multiple pieces of jewelry were taken. One of the pieces was a Gold liberty coin from the 1800s encased into a charm with diamonds. I met with the victim which provided a photo of the items and was distraught of having them taken from her bedroom. She said the jewelry had been in her family for generations. I then conducted a LeadsOnline search of a suspect’s name, which had been arrested for an attempted burglary in the area near the victim’s home. The search showed the suspect sold jewelry with a similar description to the victim’s jewelry on the same day the victim reported her burglary. I then went to the Jewelry store and photographed the items. The photo was then shown to the victim, which immediately began to cry and positively identified the items as hers. She also provided vintage photos of her wearing the 1800’s Livery coin charm. The items were then surrendered by the store, and the suspect was arrested and charged. If not for LeadsOnline, the victim would more than likely never have seen her belongings again. LeadsOnline is great.”

Ofc. Julian Cotto
Miami Police Department

$50,000 worth of jewelry recovered from a house burglary in Georgia

“We had a burglary where over $50,000 worth of jewelry was stolen from a residence. The first day that I put the suspects’ name in LeadsOnline, I was able to recover over $35,000 worth of the stolen items. After the arrest, the offender admitted where the unrecovered jewelry was at, plus some additional items that the victim did not know was stolen. Without LeadsOnline, this case might not have ever been solved.”

Investigator Frank Farr
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office

Officer uses LeadsOnline to recover $4,000 worth of jewelry from Philadelphia apartment burglary

“One afternoon the complainant reported a burglary. That morning, she received a call from her landlord asking if she had put a ladder up to her second floor apartment and if she had cut the screen. The complainant said no and told the landlord to call the police. She returned that afternoon and found her jewelry missing. One pearl necklace, two diamond necklaces, three Pandora bracelets, one gold type men’s wedding band, one yellow gold type five emerald cut diamond women’s engagement ring, and one gold type ring with an opal and diamonds around the edge of the opal were all missing. The total value was $4,000. The complainant also stated that there was damage to her kitchen window screen valued at $25. Officer Malone went on LeadsOnline and found the complainant’s jewelry that was sold at a business. Police went to the victim’s apartment and showed the complainant a picture of the jewelry and she positively identified her jewelry. After further evidence was gathered the suspect was arrested for the burglary.”

Ofc. Brian Malone
Philadelphia Police Department

Father and son team busted in Virginia Beach grand larceny after officer ran jewelry through LeadsOnline

“A burglary from a residence was reported earlier this year. The jewelry was found through LeadsOnline one month later with a very clear picture of the items. The victim was able to easily identify her stolen property. Unfortunately, the jewelry was melted down before recovery, but this led to the arrest of a father and son for the burglary, grand larceny, sale of stolen property, and fraud.”

Ofc. Peter Anoia
Virginia Beach Police Department

Texas detective uses LeadsOnline to unveil that victim’s son is the burglar who stole her jewelry and weapons

“I was recently working a home burglary case in which the complainant just knew it was her neighbors who had broken into her home and stolen all her jewelry and weapons. After a quick check with LeadsOnline, I discovered the complainant’s son had sold all the stolen items. She did not wish to press charges on her son and she paid to get most of her items back. Plus she apologized to her neighbors for falsely accusing them. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Cleveland Dominy
Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office

More than $50,000 dollars in recoveries for these Mississippi cases crossing jurisdictional lines

“Between May and June of this year our county experienced a rash of burglaries and thefts involving antique items, recreational vehicles, weapons, and a quantity of expensive jewelry items. As a normal investigative technique LeadsOnline was researched on a daily basis to determine if any of the stolen items would surface. Within days items associated with our thefts and burglaries began to be sold at various businesses within 100 miles of our location. Using the information provided by LeadsOnline, we were able to arrest five suspects. Investigations in two surrounding counties dovetailed into our investigation and by their access to LeadsOnline they too have solved several theft and burglary cases in their jurisdictions. The value of our recoveries alone have exceeded $50,000 in this one case.”

Deputy Sheriff David Blackwell
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen guns found after being pawned in another state

“I worked a burglary where several guns were stolen. Upon checking LeadsOnline, I found three of the stolen guns in Memphis. The firearms were recovered, one arrest was made, and two other people are wanted for the burglary. If it had not been for LeadsOnline, the victim would not have his guns back and his insurance did not pay for the guns. Again, thanks LeadsOnline for helping me do my job and helping the victims get their stolen items back.”

Gary Etter
Craighead County Sheriff’s Office

Catching felons pawning firearms

“We want to recognize our CID Assistant Shannon Hill for all his hard work and expertise helping us track and recover stolen property through LeadsOnline.

Shannon checks LeadsOnline on a daily basis and catches stolen items or felons pawning firearms. In fact, in 2010 Shannon has located 8 felons pawning a firearm. His work with LeadsOnline has caught numerous stolen guns and other property which has been related to Robbery, Burglary, and other investigations.

Shannon / LeadsOnline work has helped investigators recover several pieces of stolen property and led to several arrests. We want to thank Shannon for all his hard work and also thank LeadsOnline for making our job easier.”

Det. Travis Lee
Fayetteville Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division

Stolen shotgun located and returned to owner

“A Beretta 12-gauge shotgun was taken in a burglary of a building over a month ago. The firearm was located through LeadsOnline at a shop in Dallas. We returned the firearm to the owner, and a felony case against the identified burglar was filed.”

Det. Jalena Page
Rockwall Police Department

15 firearms recovered closing cases in four counties

“In late January 2012, the Williamsburg Police Department recovered 15 stolen firearms from a local pawn shop. The firearms were taken from burglaries that took place in four different counties. Some of the firearms had been in the NCIC system for 10 years. The Williamsburg Police Department was able to arrest one individual and close cases in several counties. Since the arrest, the ATF has opened a case on the individual and federal charges are pending. All of this was possible by monitoring the NCIC reports on the LeadsOnline system. I can’t say enough about how LeadsOnline has assisted my agency in the arrests of burglary suspects and the recovery of stolen property.”

Chief Wayne Bird
Williamsburg Police Department

Firearm recovered 29 years after burglary

“Detective Whittington was informed through a LeadsOnline hit that a Ruger .44 Maginum pistol stolen in a home burglary in 1982 may have been located at a local pawn shop. Detective Whittington contacted the shop owner who said that the firearm was at the store and he would place a hold on it if it was identified by the owner. Contact was then made with the original owner who had the firearm stolen in the burglary. He was able to provide the serial number from paperwork he had kept. The shop provided Detective Whittington with the name of who pawned the firearm. Detective Whittington was able to contact him. He was informed of the situation and advised detectives that he purchased the firearm two years ago from another local pawn shop. Thanks to this information, the owner was able to pay and get the firearm back.”

Lt. William Grimes
Lawton Police Department

Police arrest Tulsa burglary suspect using LeadsOnline; stolen gun found in Oregon

“I had received information that a felon was currently living in Medford, Oregon and was in possession of a stolen handgun taken out of burglary in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I ran the suspect’s name through LeadsOnline and got a hit. The suspect had sold/pawned three stolen digital cameras at a pawn shop in Tulsa prior to coming out to Oregon. The cameras were taken out of the same burglary as the firearm. When I questioned the suspect about pawning any of the stolen property he initially denied it. I was able to show him the LeadsOnline hit and he eventually admitted to his involvement. The property was recovered by the victim. This stolen property would have never been located using our old “hand search” method. LeadsOnline not only allowed us to check local pawn shops, but other locations outside of our jurisdiction.”

Det. Justin Ivens
Medford Police Department

Stolen firearm reported to NCIC and found on LeadsOnline

“Our department recently was granted access to LeadsOnline. I logged on today and saw a hit for a stolen firearm from our agency that was generated four months ago. I was able to confirm the firearm was still stolen and the victim was notified and was very grateful. We have a suspect and a lead for our growing burglary of vehicle crimes here in Kingsville…this is my first hit and I am very proud of it, thanks LeadsOnline and what a great staff.”

Det. Tony Gonzales
Kingsville Police Department

Three burglaries solved; Stolen firearms found in 15 minutes using LeadsOnline

“I was contacted by one of my Burglary victims. Mr. Smith requested I look up a person he thought might be involved in his burglary. I took the name and ran it in your system, but did not receive any information on this subject. I decided to check the articles and guns in the NCIC area of LeadsOnline. I do this on a weekly basis to check weapons. Mr. Smith had also talked to me about the weapons taken in the burglary of his home. I started going down the list and noticed two weapons that matched the description of the ones taken in Mr. Smith’s burglary. I was able to solve three burglaries assigned to me within a 15 minute span and recovered over $5,000 in property. In another case, I located a stolen weapon from Grant County, Arkansas. After checking the name of the person who pawned the weapon, I also located where he had pawned an additional three weapons. The weapons have been secured through the Police Hold section of LeadsOnline and warrants will be filed on this subject.”

Det. R. Tribble
Little Rock Police Department

Stolen firearms found, Multiple burglaries solved in Alabama using LeadsOnline

“A neighbor spotted a suspicious vehicle at a residence in South Montgomery County, Alabama and notified the Sheriff’s Office. The vehicle left the scene, the neighbor followed while keeping the Sheriff’s Office apprised of their travels. Long story shortened, the burglars were caught and identified. Thanks to LeadsOnline, once we identified the burglars, we checked them through LeadsOnline and identified nearly forty items, mostly firearms, the pair had pawned in a short period of time. From this we were able to solve several burglaries in Montgomery County and recovered quite a bit of property for our victims. We shared our information with neighboring counties and they found the pair had also been active in at least one other county.”

Inv. Bill Ballance
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline used by investigators in Cleveland County to find stolen guns and electronics

“A burglary was reported to the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department where several guns and electronics were stolen. Three days later, the 46 inch Samsung flat screen television that was stolen out of the residence was located at a pawnshop in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The Mossberg 410 shotgun had been sold at Money Mart Pawn Shop in Pine Bluff. The suspect also sold a Ruger 10/22, Knight Muzzleloader, and a Marlin 17 caliber rifle. The suspect has been identified and is in custody. Almost all of the property reported stolen has been recovered thanks to LeadsOnline.”

Det. Josh Bolland
Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department

Multi-agency stolen firearms case solved in Mississippi

“A burglary of a residence was committed in Natchez-Adams County, Mississippi. Sheriff’s Office Detective Stacy Rollinson discovered a stolen firearm (from said burglary) using LeadsOnline. With this information, Natchez Mississippi Sheriffs Office assisted Vicksburg, Mississippi Sheriff’s Office in a search warrant of the suspect’s house and found eight more stolen firearms from said burglary in Natchez along with ther items stolen in recent Vicksburg burglaries. LeadsOnline is a VERY VALUABLE TOOL for law enforcement. Thank ya’ll very much.”

Det. DeLayne Bush
Adams County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline leads Georgia Sheriff’s Office to recover stolen guns a year after theft

“I was assigned a burglary case with firearms missing prior to our agency using LeadsOnline. A few months after it was purchased, I pulled this particular report and searched the serial number of one of the firearms. Well, needless to say, a year after the burglary was reported, with the help of LeadsOnline, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office was able to successfully recover both firearms and return them to the rightful owner and get a warrant on the guy who pawned them. Without LeadsOnline I do not think recovery of the firearms would have been possible. Thank you Leads Online!”

Inv. Natasha Horner
Pike County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline helps Ohio police take stolen guns off the streets

“We received an NCIC hit from LeadsOnline for an iPod and a camera that were reported stolen in a burglary. Investigators located the suspect, who confessed to the offense and turned over a firearm also taken from the burglary. The information provided by LeadsOnline not only identified our suspect, but it got a stolen firearm off the streets. Thanks Leads Online!”

Inv. M. Robinson
Clermont County Sheriff’s Office

Best law enforcement tool around

“I have been using LeadsOnline for approximately one year as an Investigator with my Sheriff’s Office. To date, I have recovered approximately $50,000 in stolen property. As recent as last week, I recovered two stolen guns that were taken in separate burglaries. This is the best tool that has been developed for law enforcement in decades.”

Inv. Kevin Collie
Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office

Automated hit from online investigations system locates a stolen shotgun

“I received an NCIC hit for a stolen shotgun from a November 2009 burglary in Greenville, South Carolina. I was able to confirm the shotgun as the correct shotgun from the burglary, and I contacted the shop in Greenville to place a hold on the shotgun. Investigator Perron with Greenville County Sheriff’s Department assisted me in recovering the shotgun, which was turned back to the victim. This has been my first NCIC hit recovery through Leads.”

Det. Phil Tripp
Rock Hill Police Department
South Carolina

Stolen firearms recovered

“I received a call from Phenix, Alabama about a residence that was burglarized where several guns were stolen. Unfortunately, he did not have any of the serial numbers for the stolen guns, but I was able to go back to the store where it purchased in Georgia to obtain the serial number. Ten minutes after I obtained the serial number, I ran it on LeadsOnline and found where the shotgun and one of the other stolen guns were sold in Alabama. I then ran the person’s name through LeadsOnline and found the rest of the stolen guns and property at another shop close by. I forwarded the information to the detective working the case who was able to recover all of the property and obtain warrants for the offender. This case would not have been solved without the assistance of LeadsOnline.”

Det. Tim Busby
Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen gun returned to owner four years after being stolen

“While searching LeadsOnline, I received a hit on a stolen firearm from a burglary in July 2009. The firearm was recovered and returned to the rightful owner. He was very happy to have his rifle back since he thought he would never see it again. This would have never been possible without the great service provided by LeadsOnline. Thanks for making my job easier, and making success stories like this happen every day.”

Inv. Steve Kimbel
Madison County Sheriff’s Office

Kentucky State Police recover stolen firearm in record time

“Kentucky State Police were investigating a residential burglary. There were a few guns stolen along with a custom made gold wolf head pendant. The gold pendant weighed 2 ounces alone and was valued at approximately $4,000. Within hours I located the pendant at a local pawn shop and had a name of a suspect. I have never found a piece of stolen property this fast, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of LeadsOnline!”

CI Anlst. Julia Hicks
Kentucky State Police Post 7

Suspect arrested for selling stolen firearms in neighboring jurisdiction

“A residential burglary was committed within our county where two Remington 870 Shotguns were stolen. A LeadsOnline search was conducted, and it revealed that our suspect sold the two shotguns at a business in a town 30 miles away. The guns were recovered, and statements and video from the shop provided added evidence which was used to obtain an arrest warrant for the suspect. He was arrested and is currently awaiting trial for the felony charge of Burglary of a Residence.”

Deputy Sheriff David Blackwell
Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Louisiana police recover stolen firearm for one of their own

“While receiving training for the LeadsOnline program, we recovered a stolen firearm that was recently sold. The firearm was reported stolen from a residential burglary in 2011. The victim in the case is an employee of the department and was extremely happy to obtain his firearm back!”

Det. Thomas Wheeler
Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office

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