Thousands of dollars of jewelry returned to owner

“We received a burglary complaint from a woman who reported that several thousands of dollars in jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and mother had been stolen. She submitted a stolen property list with detailed descriptions of the pieces that were taken. I was given the list to see if any of the items had shown up in LeadsOnline. I searched for the more unique pieces and ended up finding 12 pieces that were valued at approximately $6,000. We retrieved the pieces and returned them to their rightful owner. All the pieces were sold by the same individual at two different shops. He already had several burglary charges pending against him this year. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we can add another one to the list!”

CI Anlst. Melinda Thompson
Kentucky State Police – Post 6

Jewelry stolen by relative recovered and returned

“I recently picked up a case where a family believed a relative stole jewelry from the home while they were letting her live there. I entered the woman’s information into LeadsOnline and immediately received a hit. Sure enough, the suspect sold the jewelry to two area stores. I was able to recover a majority of the jewelry (some had already been sent off as “scrap”) and return it to the family. A majority of the jewelry was family heirlooms, and I was happy that I was able to get it back to its rightful owners.”

Det. Raymond Tice
Franklin Police Department

Drug addict daughter steals family heirlooms from mother’s home

“I was working a burglary where the victim was robbed of family heirlooms by her daughter, an alleged drug addict. The victim kicked her daughter out of her home this past summer and had not seen her since. The victim provided us with the name of her daughter’s boyfriend. The home was processed for fingerprints and photographed. During the investigation, both suspects were entered into LeadsOnline. I immediately received a hit on the boyfriend suspect. The hit showed he pawned numerous rings that matched jewelry on the victim’s statement. Photographs were taken of the pawned rings and the victim positively identified the rings to be hers. The following day, I received another hit that the boyfriend pawned more items to an out-of-state jeweler that had been in town for a jewelry convention, just days after the burglary. As I began the process of having the items held, I received another hit showing the daughter sold a ring, now tying both suspects to the burglary and stolen property. Within the case I had three total hits thanks to LeadsOnline, and retrieved video from the pawn shop identifying both suspects. The case will be forwarded to the prosecutor’s office with great evidence to pursue felony indictments. Thank you LeadsOnline! Not only did you give me evidence to close my case, you allowed the victim to retrieve her jewelry back that never could have been replaced.”

Det. Brandon Smith
West Jefferson Police Department

Stolen Christmas presents returned to children

“We recently solved three extensive residential burglaries, executed a search warrant and made an arrest using LeadsOnline. We recovered a victim’s $5,000 wedding ring and returned stolen Christmas presents to the family’s children. The presents were wrapped under the victim’s Christmas tree when they were stolen from their home. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Steve Wegner
Dane County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline provides evidence to secure the arrest of crooks

“To the wonderful people at LeadsOnline, I am a criminal investigator at the Augusta County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia. I received a report for a larceny of $3,000 worth of gold jewelry that was stolen from a residential safe. The victim named a possible suspect. However, upon speaking with the suspect, he denied any knowledge of such theft. Thanks to LeadsOnline, I searched for the suspect and found he sold the gold jewelry the same day it was reported stolen. Because of this database, I recovered the stolen jewelry, and it was positively identified by the victim. The suspect was appropriately charged, and is still incarcerated pending trial at this time. Thank you guys for all you do!!”

Inv. Caleb Spence
Augusta County Sheriff’s Office

$100,000 worth of stolen jewelry recovered after home caregiver stole from patients

“I found a home caregiver who stole 87 pieces of jewelry from various home healthcare recipients by searching in LeadsOnline. I went to the various shops and photographed each piece of jewelry. I interviewed each victim, and most of them picked out their jewelry from a catalog I created with photos of the recovered jewelry. The total loss was about $100,000, and the suspect received just over $10,000 for the jewelry.”

Res. Ronald Davis
Mesa Police Department

Jewelry recovered in North Carolina after home burglarized

“I solved another case this week using LeadsOnline. A house was burglarized at 6 a.m., and we had a suspect’s name. Using LeadsOnline, I found a match to the name where jewelry was sold less than 12 hours after the home was burglarized. I recovered the jewelry and put the bad guy in jail. I cannot say enough great things about LeadsOnline and how it helps in the investigative process.”

Sgt. David Eckard
Catawba County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Jewelry store employee caught stealing and selling during her lunch break

“I was contacted by a local jewelry store owner who suspected an employee of stealing jewelry from their store. The store owner asked if there was a way to check and see if this person was selling jewelry in the area. I conducted a search using LeadsOnline of the suspected employee and learned this employee sold 33 items dating back to the first month of employment with the jewelry store. The store owner began to search her files and learned items were deleted out of their inventory and/or placed on older receipts to make it appear that the items were sold. The secondhand business still had 21 pieces of jewelry in store. With the inventory hard copy photos, and the photos of the items at the secondhand business, we matched the items. LeadsOnline helped me compare her time card to show in 26 occasions the suspect took the items and sold them during her lunch break and then returned to work. The total amount reported in the 33 items stolen was $205,480, and the amount we recovered from the secondhand shop from the 21 items returned was $129,976. When the suspect was arrested and told about the evidence dating back to June 2013 with the inventory sheets matching the items she sold, she asked for an attorney.”

Det. Steven Espinoza
Fort Wayne Police Department

Property from four burglaries across an Ohio county are recovered with LeadsOnline

“A stolen Nikon digital camera taken in a burglary was located at a local shop that reports to LeadsOnline. After locating the suspect that sold the item, two televisions, a fur coat, and jewelry were located at the suspect’s residence. All recovered items, including the camera, were items that were taken from four different burglaries from across the county.”

Deputy Sheriff William Konic, Jr.
Stark County Sheriff’s Office

$7,000 worth of jewelry recovered immediately

“It has been a good week for me and LeadsOnline! I recovered almost $7,000 worth of jewelry and electronics for our victims. One case was also an immediate hit and recovery. The pawn store had entered one number in the serial number wrong, but I knew it was what I was looking for. Life would be a lot harder without this valuable tool. Needless to say, the victims were very happy. Thanks!”

Sgt. Chase Nagle
Vestavia Hills Police Department

Victim’s property is recovered within an hour of it being reported stolen

“Using LeadsOnline, I was able to find several pieces of stolen jewelry and one stolen rare gold coin. With this website and the reporting of the businesses, I was able to easily retrieve property for the victim and charges will come. Within an hour after taking the report, I was able to notify the victim that I located some of the stolen items. This is a very valuable investigative tool.”

Dep. Michael Hudson
Henry County Sheriff’s Office

Valuables nearly 200 years old recovered in Miami Florida with modern police technology.

“Our district in Miami began experiencing a high level of residential burglaries. One burglary occurred where multiple pieces of jewelry were taken. One of the pieces was a Gold liberty coin from the 1800s encased into a charm with diamonds. I met with the victim which provided a photo of the items and was distraught of having them taken from her bedroom. She said the jewelry had been in her family for generations. I then conducted a LeadsOnline search of a suspect’s name, which had been arrested for an attempted burglary in the area near the victim’s home. The search showed the suspect sold jewelry with a similar description to the victim’s jewelry on the same day the victim reported her burglary. I then went to the Jewelry store and photographed the items. The photo was then shown to the victim, which immediately began to cry and positively identified the items as hers. She also provided vintage photos of her wearing the 1800’s Livery coin charm. The items were then surrendered by the store, and the suspect was arrested and charged. If not for LeadsOnline, the victim would more than likely never have seen her belongings again. LeadsOnline is great.”

Ofc. Julian Cotto
Miami Police Department

Stolen jewelry and tough love land woman in Arizona prison

“A female had stolen numerous amounts of jewelry from her mother and step-father. In looking at LeadsOnline I was able to match up a good portion of the stolen jewelry that was sold at numerous Pawn Shops, Jewelry shops, and Coin shops around Tucson. Thousands of dollars in jewelry was returned to the mother and step-father. The daughter plead to charges and faces several years in prison. Thanks for the assistance! ”

Det. William Hanson
Tucson Police Department

$50,000 worth of jewelry recovered from a house burglary in Georgia

“We had a burglary where over $50,000 worth of jewelry was stolen from a residence. The first day that I put the suspects’ name in LeadsOnline, I was able to recover over $35,000 worth of the stolen items. After the arrest, the offender admitted where the unrecovered jewelry was at, plus some additional items that the victim did not know was stolen. Without LeadsOnline, this case might not have ever been solved.”

Investigator Frank Farr
Morgan County Sheriff’s Office

Michigan police upgrade to LeadsOnline; Rapidly recover $10,000 ring

“We recently had a theft of a ring valued at $10,000 from a local hotel room. One of our deputies was able to find that the ring was sold at a local store using LeadsOnline. The ring was recovered and has been returned to the owner. A suspect has been identified and will be prosecuted for the theft. The ease of use of LeadsOnline allows our deputies and detectives to search for items quickly. Without LeadsOnline, the delay in receiving information on pawns all but makes it impossible to recover stolen items promptly. This is just one of our many recoveries using your excellent system. Thank You.”

Capt. Randy Fewless
Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline speeds up the process to recover stolen jewelry

“LeadsOnline is a great tool. I have been able to solve many cases using this service. Recently, a 73 year old victim had some jewelry stolen. The victim believed it was the maid but had no proof. Using LeadsOnline, I was able to look up what the suspect had pawned. As an added bonus, the store she took the items to uploaded photos of the merchandise. This became a great tool to use in interviewing the suspect. Jewelry is so hard to find but LeadsOnline made the process fast and simple. I was able to get the stolen items back to the owner before they were melted.”

Det. Matthew Miller
Xenia Police Department

Officer uses LeadsOnline to recover $4,000 worth of jewelry from Philadelphia apartment burglary

“One afternoon the complainant reported a burglary. That morning, she received a call from her landlord asking if she had put a ladder up to her second floor apartment and if she had cut the screen. The complainant said no and told the landlord to call the police. She returned that afternoon and found her jewelry missing. One pearl necklace, two diamond necklaces, three Pandora bracelets, one gold type men’s wedding band, one yellow gold type five emerald cut diamond women’s engagement ring, and one gold type ring with an opal and diamonds around the edge of the opal were all missing. The total value was $4,000. The complainant also stated that there was damage to her kitchen window screen valued at $25. Officer Malone went on LeadsOnline and found the complainant’s jewelry that was sold at a business. Police went to the victim’s apartment and showed the complainant a picture of the jewelry and she positively identified her jewelry. After further evidence was gathered the suspect was arrested for the burglary.”

Ofc. Brian Malone
Philadelphia Police Department

Engagement ring found within minutes of search using LeadsOnline

“I was assigned a theft of an engagement ring from a residence. Needless to say the owner was distraught about losing her ring. Upon receiving the report I called the victim. She told me that she suspected the handyman of the theft. I used LeadsOnline to search the suspect for a selling history. Within minutes I located the ring at a local shop and placed a hold on it. By that afternoon the ring was back safely on the finger it belonged. Thanks to LeadsOnline my job was easy. ”

Sgt. Chris Walden
Harris County Sheriff’s Office

Ohio detective is able to locate multiple pieces of jewelry in a variety of locations after finding victim’s daughter and her boyfriend responsible

“I am a detective in Ohio and have been using LeadsOnline for over a year. Once again, I had success with this program. I was assigned a case where jewelry was removed from the residence. The victim believed it was his daughter. I searched for his daughter and her boyfriend’s name and found all of the jewelry at multiple locations. I was able to place a hold on the jewelry and retrieve it for the victim. I was then able to charge both the individuals with Felony Receiving Stolen Property. I love this program. ”

Det. Kimberly Haines
Jackson Township Police Department

Jewel thief, who stole $500,000 in jewels, was found and charged using LeadsOnline

“Thanks to LeadsOnline we were able to track a professional jewel thief across Arkansas, Missouri and Iowa. The subject stole $500,000 in jewels from our county and we were able to make the case on the suspect and get charges against him. We were also able to get a big portion of the victim’s jewels back. Thank you LeadsOnline!”

Det. Doug Henry
Barry County Sheriff’s Office

Brentwood detective helps the elderly and hopes that LeadsOnline will one day be mandatory nation-wide

“LeadsOnline is my primary source for searching transactions since we do not have any businesses in our jurisdiction. Recently, I was able to quickly and effectively locate a substantial amount of jewelry stolen from a retirement facility. All of the jewelry was returned to several very appreciative residents. I am grateful for the convenience of your site and hope that someday reporting to LeadsOnline will become mandatory across the county.”

Det. James Colvin
Brentwood Police Department

Victim gets her one of a kind, custom ring returned with the help of LeadsOnline

“Our first case solved using LeadsOnline resulted in the recovery of a stolen $45,000 ring. My victim reported her ring stolen. She suspected her daughter had taken the ring and may have sold it to a mail in gold buyer as she had recently received literature in the mail from one of them. When I got the got case the following day a quick check of the daughter’s name through LeadsOnline revealed one transaction. That transaction was the sale of her mother’s ring for $6,500 dollars to a high end jewelry buyer in Chicago. I contacted the buyer and was able to recover the ring three days after it was reported stolen. In the end the victim decided not to pursue charges against her daughter, but she got her one of a kind custom designed ring back and was extremely grateful for its return. ”

Det. Jeffrey Lang
South Barrington Police Department

Proactive Miamisburg detective got a head start, with LeadsOnline, catching these crooks

“While looking into two burglary suspects I found transaction receipts through LeadsOnline. The two had sold jewelry at a business in an adjoining county. Knowing the jewelry was likely taken in a burglary, I responded to that business and took pictures of the property. An alert was sent to area police departments along with pictures of the jewelry. A detective at Kettering PD advised that this jewelry might belong to one of his victims from a burglary that had occurred on that same day. The victims ultimately identified the jewelry and have been able to recover it from the business. The jewelry had a lot of sentimental value as a number of pieces had belonged to a deceased family member. I will be utilizing LeadsOnline to continue to build a case against these two individuals. ”

Det. Sgt. Jeff Muncy
Miamisburg Police Department

A music bandit is now singing the jailhouse blues

“The implementation of LeadsOnline has led to the recovery of five antique collector’s guitars and a shotgun that was stolen from a widow that remained as keepsakes for her late husband. An elderly gentleman, who had a great love for music, had passed away at an old age leaving his instruments as memories for his wife. The 80 year old woman had all of his antique guitars placed in his music room within the home so that she would have a daily reminder of her late husband. One day, she walked into the music room and found his guitars had been taken from the home. After the report was filed, the guitars were located using LeadsOnline. They were all recovered, along with the shotgun, which she had not known was previously missing. Locating the instruments led to the arrest of a family member. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Lt. Donald Tomlin
Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office

Stolen guns found after being pawned in another state

“I worked a burglary where several guns were stolen. Upon checking LeadsOnline, I found three of the stolen guns in Memphis. The firearms were recovered, one arrest was made, and two other people are wanted for the burglary. If it had not been for LeadsOnline, the victim would not have his guns back and his insurance did not pay for the guns. Again, thanks LeadsOnline for helping me do my job and helping the victims get their stolen items back.”

Gary Etter
Craighead County Sheriff’s Office

This arrest was a long time comin’

“In 1987, the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office took a burglary report in Chauvin, La. There were numerous shotguns and rifles stolen. Although a few weapons were recovered, the remaining firearms were logged away for several years. Thanks to Leadsonline, another firearm has been recovered. The victim is grateful and surprised that after all these years the gun has been recovered. Thanks to Leadsonline the firearm was recovered in Houston, Texas in 2012!”

Lt. Donald Tomlin
Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office

Kentucky State police find stolen firearms using LeadsOnline

“While investigating a theft of two firearms, I checked LeadsOnline to see if they’ve shown up at any local pawn shops. Upon searching LeadsOnline, I found both firearms at the same store, pawned by our lead suspect in the investigation. Both stolen guns were picked up and returned to their rightful owner.”

Trooper Eric Bowman
Kentucky State Police Post 6

Kentucky police budget includes LeadsOnline

“Our department has been running LeadsOnline and has recovered stolen items. Our oldest recovered items include two handguns with one stolen in 1993 and the other in 2001. This is an amazing system and we will be budgeting for it for years to come.”

Det. Dennis Briscoe
Winchester Police Department

More stolen guns off the streets in South Carolina

“Well I’ve just got to share with you that I have recovered two more stolen guns utilizing your NCIC hit matches. The success I’ve had is amazing. These weapons are valued at approximately $350.00 and $450.00 All the other folks in the office are wondering how to use this feature. I am happily showing them. The more eyes we have getting stolen guns off the street and back to their rightful owner is beneficial. Thanks Leads for making it so easy!”

Det. Kelly Lovelace
York County Sheriff’s Office
South Carolina

LeadsOnline used by investigators in Cleveland County to find stolen guns and electronics

“A burglary was reported to the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department where several guns and electronics were stolen. Three days later, the 46 inch Samsung flat screen television that was stolen out of the residence was located at a pawnshop in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The Mossberg 410 shotgun had been sold at Money Mart Pawn Shop in Pine Bluff. The suspect also sold a Ruger 10/22, Knight Muzzleloader, and a Marlin 17 caliber rifle. The suspect has been identified and is in custody. Almost all of the property reported stolen has been recovered thanks to LeadsOnline.”

Det. Josh Bolland
Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department

Multi-agency stolen firearms case solved in Mississippi

“A burglary of a residence was committed in Natchez-Adams County, Mississippi. Sheriff’s Office Detective Stacy Rollinson discovered a stolen firearm (from said burglary) using LeadsOnline. With this information, Natchez Mississippi Sheriffs Office assisted Vicksburg, Mississippi Sheriff’s Office in a search warrant of the suspect’s house and found eight more stolen firearms from said burglary in Natchez along with ther items stolen in recent Vicksburg burglaries. LeadsOnline is a VERY VALUABLE TOOL for law enforcement. Thank ya’ll very much.”

Det. DeLayne Bush
Adams County Sheriff’s Office

Texas police recover stolen handgun a year after crime

“Just a note to let you know another stolen handgun was located through LeadsOnline. A handgun was pawned in a city neighboring Beaumont, and I received a hit from LeadsOnline. The weapon had been stolen a year and eight days prior to it being pawned. The stolen property has been recovered. Thank you very much!”

Det. Darleen Wisby
Beaumont Police Department

Automated hit locates stolen firearm in Louisiana

“Here’s one for ya… A nearby police agency accidentally entered an incorrect serial number for a stolen firearm into NCIC. A five was mistaken for an “S”. When the firearm was pawned in our jurisdiction, the pawn shop owner made the same mistake. Thus, a hit was indicated on the firearm. Original reports and observations corrected the error. The firearm was recovered and returned. Bad guy went to jail.”

Det. Paul Blunschi
West Monroe Police Department

LeadsOnline leads Georgia Sheriff’s Office to recover stolen guns a year after theft

“I was assigned a burglary case with firearms missing prior to our agency using LeadsOnline. A few months after it was purchased, I pulled this particular report and searched the serial number of one of the firearms. Well, needless to say, a year after the burglary was reported, with the help of LeadsOnline, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office was able to successfully recover both firearms and return them to the rightful owner and get a warrant on the guy who pawned them. Without LeadsOnline I do not think recovery of the firearms would have been possible. Thank you Leads Online!”

Inv. Natasha Horner
Pike County Sheriff’s Office

All in the family: Police recover property stolen by victim’s daughter

“I had a case in which a daughter was stealing property from her parents and pawning/selling it at one of our local shops. I used LeadsOnline to quickly identify 40 stolen items that were pawned by the suspect. I used the transaction report to verify the items with the victim; it was quick and easy. All of the items were recovered and returned to the owner including several firearms. This is another example of how easy and effective LeadsOnline is in catching bad guys. Thanks again!”

Det. Fred McKown
Elko Police Department

Hit on stolen firearms reveals convicted felon as the suspect

“LeadsOnline, you are the greatest!!! In early February, I was working on cases of weapons stolen in our city where the serial numbers were not reported. I made contact with a victim of a breaking and entering to an auto that occurred back in July. The victim had a $2,000 competition style gun stolen, and he provided the serial number to me. I immediatley did a search on LeadsOnline and showed that the stolen gun was sold in January. I recovered the gun and found out that the person who sold the gun is a convicted felon for drugs and was just been released from parole! Now this case is being handled by the Feds! Thanks LeadsOnline!!”

Det. Jarl Taylor
Charleston Police Department
West Virginia

Best law enforcement tool around

“I have been using LeadsOnline for approximately one year as an Investigator with my Sheriff’s Office. To date, I have recovered approximately $50,000 in stolen property. As recent as last week, I recovered two stolen guns that were taken in separate burglaries. This is the best tool that has been developed for law enforcement in decades.”

Inv. Kevin Collie
Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office

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