Stolen rifle in Texas is sold in Louisiana and is recovered with the help of LeadsOnline

“A complainant had just returned home from a hunting trip. He parked his truck at his apartments and went inside for the night. When he came out the next morning he found his truck had been broken into and his riflehad been stolen. Conroe PD got a LeadsOnline hit from Benton, LA. We called to verify the serial number and description of the rifle. Upon confirmation, we placed a hold on the gun. Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office recovered the firearm for Conroe PD from the business, and (per their policy) shipped it back to Conroe PD to be returned to the owner. We returned the rifle to the owner and he stated that it was the first rifle he had purchased and was happy to have it back.”

Anlst. Melissa Falcon
Conroe Police Department

Heirloom jewelry thief caught thanks to online records system

“Earlier this year I received a report of several weapons that were taken from a resident. A suspect was listed, but she was not a resident of this city. I checked her through LeadsOnline, but there were no results for her selling any weapons. I did discover, through LeadsOnline, that she had sold a large amount of jewelry at various locations. The complainant in the case had no idea that any jewelry was missing. During my interview with the suspect admitted she sold all of the jewelry and told me that the complainant’s deceased mother wanted her to have it. Not true. She was filed on for the theft.”

Inv. Gary Bishop
Navasota Police Department

Multiple jewelry thieves caught in one search

“One of our street Corporals stopped a suspicious vehicle after he observed the occupants throw an empty jewelry box out onto the road. The result of the stop was the recovery of a significant amount of property and the identification of some suspects of a residential burglary. Through LeadsOnline, I was able to recover the remainder of the property, as well as identify an accomplice who had not been in the vehicle during the stop. Thanks for the help!”

Cpl. Robert Wilson
Pflugerville Police Department

Victim’s bracelet stolen by a family member and recovered in Texas

“I was assigned a case where a very expensive men’s bracelet was stolen. The victim described it with having a Medusa emblem and a St. Jude symbol on it. I searched LeadsOnline and received a hit within minutes. Unfortunately for the complainant, she had a thief in her family. The victim’s uncle stole her bracelet, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The bracelet was valued at $5,000. Thanks LeadsOnline for helping out!”

Det. David Liendo
Webb County Sheriff’s Department

Stolen class ring recovered hours after it was stolen

“I recently worked a case where a class ring valued at $800 was stolen while the victim was at work. By utilizing LeadsOnline, I was able to locate the ring just hours after it was stolen. I was able to recover the ring, and the suspect has since been arrested for the theft.”

Det. Chris Tusi
Conroe Police Department

Nine arrested and three deported after being busted for large burglary hoist

“We had a large burglary where approximately $10,000 in cash, electronics, jewelry, and designer purses were stolen. Among the jewelry was a designer watch. I looked for it on LeadsOnline, and bingo there it was. The person who sold it said she had bought it from another female. That female gave up all the others involved; seven males and three females, including this suspect. We retrieved almost all the electronic items and most of the jewelry and purses. Out of these people, nine were arrested and three were deported. LeadsOnline, you are awesome!!!”

Det. Betty J. Silva
Jacinto City Police Department

Family reunions may be awkward for a while

“Last month I came across a person whose home was burglarized in another city that borders Round Rock. While speaking with the victim, she told me about her wedding ring that was taken in the process. The victim described the ring which was very unique. Circumstances indicated it may have been stolen by someone she knew. I ran multiple checks on LeadsOnline when I decided to finally search for diamonds in Williamson County and Travis County. I located one ring with that description and learned who had sold the ring. The suspect was the victim’s sister in law who I learned had broken into her house while she was at work on multiple occasions as other items belonging to the victim from months prior were also found. The victim got back her wedding ring and a couple other pieces of jewelry. Warrants were issued on two persons that were involved in the burglary. The victim was very happy to get her ring back due to emotional attachment and monetary reasons.”

Ofc. Lindsey Scheffler
Round Rock Police Department

One criminal, two victims, three states; Shreveport makes it look as easy as 1-2-3

“Thanks to LeadsOnline our Investigations Bureau was able to locate multiple pieces of stolen jewelry that was stolen from an elderly couple here in Shreveport, LA. The stolen gold jewelry was sold to a business in Shreveport and also to one in Arkansas. A Felony warrant was obtained and the suspect was arrested in Tyler, Texas. The suspect was then extradited back to Louisiana for the charges. Thanks to the LeadsOnline system and their helpful customer service, we were able to close this case out with an arrest.”

Det. Daniel Albrecht
Shreveport Police Department

Texas detective uses LeadsOnline to unveil that victim’s son is the burglar who stole her jewelry and weapons

“I was recently working a home burglary case in which the complainant just knew it was her neighbors who had broken into her home and stolen all her jewelry and weapons. After a quick check with LeadsOnline, I discovered the complainant’s son had sold all the stolen items. She did not wish to press charges on her son and she paid to get most of her items back. Plus she apologized to her neighbors for falsely accusing them. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Det. Cleveland Dominy
Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen shotgun located and returned to owner

“A Beretta 12-gauge shotgun was taken in a burglary of a building over a month ago. The firearm was located through LeadsOnline at a shop in Dallas. We returned the firearm to the owner, and a felony case against the identified burglar was filed.”

Det. Jalena Page
Rockwall Police Department

This arrest was a long time comin’

“In 1987, the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office took a burglary report in Chauvin, La. There were numerous shotguns and rifles stolen. Although a few weapons were recovered, the remaining firearms were logged away for several years. Thanks to Leadsonline, another firearm has been recovered. The victim is grateful and surprised that after all these years the gun has been recovered. Thanks to Leadsonline the firearm was recovered in Houston, Texas in 2012!”

Lt. Donald Tomlin
Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office

Stolen firearm reported to NCIC and found on LeadsOnline

“Our department recently was granted access to LeadsOnline. I logged on today and saw a hit for a stolen firearm from our agency that was generated four months ago. I was able to confirm the firearm was still stolen and the victim was notified and was very grateful. We have a suspect and a lead for our growing burglary of vehicle crimes here in Kingsville…this is my first hit and I am very proud of it, thanks LeadsOnline and what a great staff.”

Det. Tony Gonzales
Kingsville Police Department

Houston police officer’s stolen Smith & Wesson .357 found in Dallas 37 years later

“Detective Joe Emmett, was checking LeadsOnline and found a stolen Smith and Wesson .357 at a pawnshop. A check found the pistol was stolen in 1973 from a UUMV of a then-Houston Police Officer. Joe did some checking and found the complainant, is now a Lieutenant with the Houston ISD Police Department and is about to retire. He said he would make it up to Dallas with his wife for the property hearing. He was, of course, amazed that the pistol was found this many years later.”

Sgt. David Franklin
Dallas Police Department

Texas police recover stolen handgun a year after crime

“Just a note to let you know another stolen handgun was located through LeadsOnline. A handgun was pawned in a city neighboring Beaumont, and I received a hit from LeadsOnline. The weapon had been stolen a year and eight days prior to it being pawned. The stolen property has been recovered. Thank you very much!”

Det. Darleen Wisby
Beaumont Police Department

Missing woman proven to be fraud

“I was assigned a case in which a woman had reported being physically assaulted by her live-in boyfriend. When she returned home, she found that her boyfriend had moved out, and he had taken her father’s extensive gun collection with him. She called police out to her residence to report the theft. She advised officers that she and her children would stay with a friend for the night and would follow up with detectives the next day. Since her boyfriend was an ex-convict, and now armed with numerous firearms, she was afraid he would follow up on his threats to kill her. I was unable to reach her for several days after the incident, but I finally received a phone call from worried family members who reported that the day after the assault she dropped her children off at school and never returned to pick them up. The woman had been missing for several days. She did not take her purse, phone, vehicle, or any clothes. Her family advised that her children were her life, and she would never go anywhere without them. The case became a missing/abducted person investigation. After exhausting all leads and checking for months for the missing woman, I attended the LeadsOnline conference in Las Vegas where I learned how to get the most out of the system’s features. When I returned to Texas, I checked the LeadsOnline database and found that the boyfriend had sold a few of the stolen guns. I ran the woman’s information and learned that she had been selling the firearms before the initial theft report. I followed up with the shops in person and found CCTV footage of the pair traveling the country and selling firearms along the way. Now thinking the woman may have left on her own will, I checked some social media online and found a picture with the missing woman in the background, drinking beer and dancing with her boyfriend, several months after abandoning her children at school. LeadsOnline allowed me to clear the missing person case and finally give some answers to her family about what happened to the missing mother. It also later allowed me to show prosecutors that the woman was not an abductee, but a willing participant in her fugitive boyfriend’s criminal activities.”

Det. Dusty Simmons
Haltom City Police Department

Stolen gun and commercial vacuum cleaner found in first training session

“During our training session we discovered a stolen gun with the first search we did. Everyone in the department is talking about LeadsOnline! Let’s not forget the stolen commercial vacuum cleaner you helped us find! After the training I went in and found another stolen gun from 2010. Whether you realize it or not you helped get “LEADS” on two separate felonies in one afternoon of training. That is not an everyday occurrence around here at least! Pat yourself on the back!”

Det. Sam Cunningham
Sweetwater Police Department

Eleven guns returned to elderly couple

“I received a case for follow up in reference to 11 stolen firearms. The complainants were able to provide partial serial numbers and descriptions of the firearms. I immediately entered the information I was provided into LeadsOnline. While five of the firearms were recovered locally, the other six were recovered only because the Dallas area businesses and I all used LeadsOnline. A warrant was issued for the convicted felon that burglarized the elderly couple and the property was returned to them, the rightful owners. LeadsOnline provides a great service. I’m so grateful for LeadsOnline.”

Inv. Jessica Halbert
Henderson County Sheriff’s Office

Four stolen guns recovered multiple states away

“We have used LeadsOnline for a couple of years now. Using the system, I have recovered several stolen items including a flat screen TV, chainsaws, weed eaters and four stolen guns… some as far away as Texas! It’s a great tool.”

Det. Gary Barton
Reynolds County Sheriff’s Office

Police recover firearm originally stolen in 2007

“We had an old case from 2007 involving a stolen firearm. Garrison from LeadsOnline notified me a few months ago that there was a possible hit on a serial number that had been entered in our county. I checked and one of the potential hits was a match to a firearm that was from the 2007 report. The firearm had just surfaced at a secondhand dealer a couple towns over from ours. The firearm was recovered and returned to the owner. The owner of the firearm is an elderly gentleman and his health is progressively getting worse. The owner’s wife said it was a real ‘pick me up’ when her husband learned he was getting his firearm back seven years after it was stolen. Thanks LeadsOnline for all you do! ”

Inv. Sgt. Craig Brown
Titus County Sheriff’s Office

Fellow police officer’s stolen firearm returned with the help of LeadsOnline

“I was working a residential burglary case where the victim, who is a police officer, had several firearms stolen. I checked the suspect through LeadsOnline and was able to locate and recover all firearms, which were sold at several different locations. Using LeadsOnline not only helped me develop and confirm my suspect, but it made it very easy to quickly recover the property.”

Det. Jason Smith
Tomball Police Department

LeadsOnline helps solve cases without any leads

“I just have to say, LeadsOnline is an essential tool if you are investigating property crimes. To date I have been able to recover stolen property ranging from firearms, jewelry, electronics, and so much more. There have been times in my investigations where there is no physical evidence to go off of, which we all know happens a lot. LeadsOnline has helped me solve cases that otherwise would have never gone anywhere. As soon as I’m assigned a new case, the first thing I do is search the serial number; or description on LeadsOnline. You guys have become such an important asset. Thank you!”

Inv. Cayce Hampton
Henderson County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline makes catching thieves easier

“A rancher in Webb County reported an expensive saddle, guns, and tools as stolen. Using LeadsOnline, I got a hit on the stolen saddle, assorted carpenters tools, and some drills. Unfortunately, the weapons were not pawned, but the suspect will be brought in for an interview on the whereabouts of the weapons. Thanks LeadsOnline for your help, it really makes my job of catching thieves easier.”

Sgt. David Liendo
Webb County Sheriff’s Department

AR15 is A-OK after being recovered

“In November, a family had someone enter their home and steal jewelry that was worth several thousands of dollars. They also stole several guns, one being a Rock River AR15. The following March, I got a hit from LeadsOnline on a Rock River AR15 that was sold to a business. The business manager placed the AR15 on hold until I was able to pick it up. The AR15 was taken back to the Kaufman County Sheriff’s property room and it was stored there until the disposition of the property hearing. In April, a property hearing was held in Kemp, Texas. The AR15 was awarded to the victim. I tracked the sale of the gun back to three owners, but the track stopped at a gun show sold by an unknown person. Thanks to LeadsOnline for another property recovery, the victim was very pleased to get her son’s AR15 back, the gun was a present for his 21 birthday. ”

Sgt. C. Sexton
Kaufman County Sheriff’s Department

Another firearm recovered and returned with NCIC, LeadsOnline, and Portland Police

“We received an NCIC hit on a rifle sold in a neighboring city. I checked the rifle and was able to positively identify it as the stolen one which was reported in 2013 after being taken from a vehicle. The rifle was recovered and returned to the owner. After interviewing the person who had sold the rifle it was found that he had purchased the gun several years ago at a gun show.”

Det. Travis Wiesman
Portland Police Department

Distance won’t keep this Portland detective and LeadsOnline from recovering property

“We received an NCIC hit on a shotgun which was stolen in 2013 from a vehicle. The shotgun was sold in San Antonio which is a little more than two hours away from our city. The San Antonio Police Department recovered the shotgun and sent it to us. I was then able to return the shotgun which was still in the original soft case to the owner who was very happy to receive his property back.”

Det. Travis Wiesman
Portland Police Department

Can’t sweep this evidence under the rug

“A street sweeper and trailer were reported stolen in our county. The suspect sold it the same day. The ordinance requires a photo be taken of the person, vehicle and item being sold. It also requires a fingerprint. With that evidence we were able to identify the suspect, recover the street sweeper and file a criminal case. The suspect used a friend’s driver’s license instead of his own, but the photo and fingerprint identified the real suspect. The ordinance also requires the information be made available to law enforcement the same day as the sale. The street sweeper was recovered before it could be sold or destroyed; a recovery value of $5,000. Prior to the ordinance and LeadsOnline documentation, we could not solve this type of case or recover property.”

Lt. Mark Sanderson, LCC
Collin County Sheriff’s Office

San Antonio PD catches another copper thief with LeadsOnline

“Using the scrap yard search on LeadsOnline, I was able to locate and positively identify an active burglar who has been hitting the industrial businesses in our jurisdiction. The burglar was breaking into the businesses and stealing copper. Although I was not able to recover the copper stolen in the burglaries, I was able to file on the burglar. The suspect has a lengthy criminal record including multiple burglary cases. LeadsOnline provided photos of the burglar which showed him wearing the same clothing and unique backpack he was wearing when he committed the burglary. FYI this isn’t the first time I have been able to catch copper thieves using LeadsOnline. Thank you for your help!”

Det. Alejandro Martinez
San Antonio Police Department

LeadsOnline helps Houston PD crack down on local business’ employee theft

“We received a phone call from the president of a company regarding possible employee theft. She informed me that she suspected that some of her employees were stealing copper cable and selling it as scrap, and she did not know what to do. A few weeks later, the complainant called again stating that 14,000 feet of network cable had been discovered missing, and she suspected that it was her employees. The complainant had filed a theft report with the Harris County Sheriff’s Department. I requested that she send me a list of all her employees that have access to the material, and she sent a list of 24 names and drivers license numbers. I ran the names and driver license number on LeadsOnline, and found that between January 1, 2014 and October 15, 2014, eight employees sold over 9,000 pounds of copper cable to area scrap metal businesses. I filed charges on all eight employees and made arrangements to arrest them at work. Since the investigation was started, two of the individuals had left the company. We took the six individuals into custody at the work place. The arrest sent out a very loud and clear message to the rest of the employees that stealing from the company was not tolerated. The total amount of the loss by the company was estimated at over $150,000 dollars.”

Officer Oscar Gamez
Houston Police Department

Houston police arrest suspects for scrapping large amounts of stolen copper wire

“I was called out to a scene by a patrol officer who had a large amount of wire stolen from a 30-acre yard that inventoried pipe and wiring. The wire was distinctive because it was encased in an orange, ribbed insulation. Within that insulation was a steel sheathing, then three large wires and one small wire inside. I followed the drag marks on the ground to a cut in the fenced in the perimeter. The scene also showed a roll of duct tape near the wooden spool that the wire was stolen from and pieces of raveled duct tape along the drag marks on the ground. I noted the address of the apartment complex just outside the cut fence and ran the address of the apartment complex through LeadsOnline. I found the suspect because he sold the exact material to a scrap yard and used an ID that had an address of that apartment complex. I was able to recover $6,000 worth of wire at the scrap yard and charge him for third degree aggregate theft for two thefts that occurred at the same location exactly one month apart. Without LeadsOnline there would not have been any leads in this case, and the thieves would have gotten away with over $66,000 worth of copper from the same complainant in a one month period.”

Sr. Ofc. Kyle Brauner
Houston Police Department

Houston PD obtains confessions after using LeadsOnline

“In April, aluminum grates were stolen from around downtown Houston. The grates were placed around the trees near the sidewalk. I obtained pictures of the grates from the victim. I sent a theft alert out to the scrap metal industry at the end of April looking for the grates. A few days later, I asked Officer Cohn to look for the grates on LeadsOnline. Officer Cohn located the grates sold to a local scrap yard within an hour. We tracked the grates to the final destination and were able to recover 6 grates the same day. Two suspects have been identified, confessions were obtained and charges will be filed.”

Sgt. Jesse Fite
Houston Police Department

Officer shows great dedication to law enforcement

“In April, Officer Brauner was researching scrap sales on LeadsOnline and discovered the sale of new copper bus bars. Officer Brauner’s investigation revealed the theft of over $30,000.00 worth of material stolen from the complainant. The complainant said in a letter they never suspected the material was being stolen and the process was extremely quick and efficient. Officer Brauner’s investigation resulted in the arrest of two suspects and the recovery of $1214.72 worth of material. I would like to commend Officer K.B Brauner for his hard work and dedication to the citizens of Houston, Harris County, Texas.”

Sgt. Jesse Fite
Houston Police Department

Suspect who scrapped 2.5 million dollars in brass arrested and charged with the help of LeadsOnline

“During an arbitrary search for brass being scrapped in the Houston area, I located a load of brass pumps. I ran a complete scrap history of the person and learned he had scrapped the same material approximately 150 times over the past year. I located the owner of the material which was a company that manufactured the product. I learned the individual worked for the company. The total monetary loss of the product was estimated to be approximately 2.5 million. The individual was subsequently arrested and charged.”

Officer Audie Cohn
Houston Police Department

Over $35,000 stolen in tools, suspect arrested

“In keeping the momentum of our new tool, detectives were able to locate several items that were taken in a theft from a local construction company totaling over $35,000 in property. We developed a suspect from this information, apprehended him and got a confession. While a lot of the property still remains unrecovered, some of it has been recovered and the ‘bad guy’ went to jail. Priceless! Thank you.”

Det. Sam Cunningham
Sweetwater Police

Suspect steals air conditioning unit and sells in nearby city

“I received a case involving a theft of an air conditioning unit from a local oil field business. After speaking with the complainant I had a possible suspect based on the business owner’s suspicion. Once I obtained his information, I ran the suspect through LeadsOnline and was made aware that he had sold the item in a nearby city. Without LeadsOnline this case might not have been so easily solved. I think this is a great tool and will aid me in many more investigations in the future.”

Sgt. Ben Reynolds
Rusk County Sheriff’s Office

Pasadena detective catches purse snatcher

“While investigating an Organized Retail Theft case in which a female suspect had stolen multiple purses from multiples of a specific store on several occasions, I was able to identify the suspect. A check of LeadsOnline revealed that she had sold 37 purses at the same business in a month’s time frame. Upon arresting the suspect, she confessed that she had sold all of the purses which she had stolen to the business referenced above. I was ultimately able to seize 29 purses valued at approximately $5,000 which will later be given back to the store they came from.”

Det. Kevin Satterwhite
Pasadena Police Department

Home invasion suspect identified

“I was able to talk to the correct investigator this morning in the Aug. 25 home invasion case in Fort Worth, and it turns out that LeadsOnline WAS used in this case. In fact, the system was instrumental in nabbing the first suspect in the case, 17-year-old Brandon Shaw, by tracing the jewelry he and two others stole in the crime to a pawn shop.

The investigator, Detective B.C. Johnson, said they wouldn’t have caught Shaw without LeadsOnline – or it certainly would have taken a much longer time. There is still one suspect at large in the case, but they’ve also arrested the second suspect, 19-year-old Darrell Williams.

The story is that Shaw, Williams, and the other suspect still at large broke into the house and viciously beat the parents in front of their children. (So badly that one of the parents had to have reconstructive surgery.) Moreover, it’s believed these guys may have been involved in a rash of other robberies this year, but that still hasn’t been corroborated yet.

Detective Johnson is a big fan of LeadsOnline, and told me that in addition to this case, it has helped him solve ‘many others.'”

Chris Payne
Witherspoon Public Relations
Ft. Worth, TX

Getting the case rolling

“I have been trying to find a person that will be a suspect and / or witness in a child porn case. I was unable to find him until I ran him in LeadsOnline. This case is turning into an aggravated sexual assault of a child. LeadsOnline has helped me get this case rolling and hopefully get some closure for several victims.”

Det. J.W. McRobbie
Arlington Police Department
Criminal Investigation Division

Stolen property leads to capital murder

“A neighboring municipality had a gruesome double homicide in which a female had been sexually assaulted and then murdered. Her husband had been murdered as he was returning home and tried to enter the residence. There was no physical evidence and no suspects.

While reviewing tickets from a non-participating LeadsOnline store, we got a serial number hit on property reported stolen during the offense. The property had been pawned months after the murders.

We developed a suspect for a gruesome double homicide, and we used LeadsOnline to do a complete pawn history of the suspect. We found that he had pawned other property within days of the offense. The suspect information was passed to the neighboring agency which arrested the suspect based on the information we had obtained. That property had been stolen during the offense. The suspect confessed and was convicted of capital murder.

Case update from Det. McRobbie: “The suspect in that Capital Murder case plead guilty before the court last week to escape the death penalty. We probably would not have found the victim’s jewelry without LeadsOnline. The fact that the suspect pawned the victim’s jewelry after the offense was discussed at trial. Thanks!”

Det. J.W. McRobbie
Arlington Police Department
Criminal Investigation Division

Gun used in attempted murder case recovered 20 years later

“In 1989, Ouachita Parish Sheriff Department worked an Armed Robbery & Attempted First Degree Murder case. During that incident, a Ruger .22 caliber handgun was stolen and was never recovered.

That is, until now. On Feb., 1, 2010 the handgun was pawned in Joshua, Texas. The original Sergeant who worked the case 22 years ago is now our current Sheriff — Royce Toney. The handgun is currently being seized and will be returned to our agency, all thanks to LeadsOnline for alerting us when the handgun was pawned.”

Note: this crime was solved while the department was on the LeadsOnline 30-Day Free Trial.

Staff Sgt. Wade Day
Ouachita Parish Sheriff Department

Protecting all, including the pizza delivery person

“Around 11 p.m. on March 4, a pizza delivery person was beaten and robbed during a delivery. The two suspects (one black male and one white female) had phoned in a fake order to a vacant residence. When the delivery person arrived she was knocked to the ground and drug into the garage by her hair. The suspect’s roughed her up a little bit and threatened her with a club. They took a small amount of cash and two pizzas from her prior to fleeing on foot. A couple of days later, our Crimes Against Persons Sergeant came to me and asked if I could take a look at the case since they had no leads. I read the officer’s report and it listed a cell phone number from which the order had been phoned in. I was unable to locate the number in our local records database or CAD/911 system. I assumed that it was a fairly new number and they probably had not used it much. I then decided as a last resort to run the cell number through LeadsOnline. Sure enough I received a hit. I found two recent transactions in which this number was listed. One transaction was conducted by a black male and the other by a white female. The white female’s address on the pawn ticket was one street over and two blocks down from where the robbery occurred. The two subjects were located the following day and brought in for questioning. They both subsequently confessed to the robbery. Thanks to this system, I was able to identify the two suspects within 20 minutes of receiving the case. Hope this is a good example of the capabilities this system offers to law enforcement. Of course it is only one of many I’ve had over the past few years.”

Ofc. Shad Phillips
Abilene Police Department

Suspect pawns jewelry after murder in Arlington

“There was a capital murder of a well-known figure in the religious community here in Arlington. The detective working the case was able to develop suspect information, but more evidence was needed to tie the suspect to the offense. At the request of the investigating detective, I conducted a suspect search using the LeadsOnline database and found that the suspect had pawned the victim’s jewelry at a pawnshop within walking distance of the murder on the same day as the offense. With this added evidence the suspect was arrested and indicted for capital murder. The suspect pled guilty before the court last week to escape the death penalty. We probably would not have found the victim’s jewelry without LeadsOnline. The fact that the suspect pawned the victim’s jewelry after the offense was discussed at trial. Thanks!”

Det. J.W. McRobbie
Arlington Police Department

LeadsOnline provides crucial link in homicide

“A body was discovered dumped in the brush alongside a road just inside the city limits. The body was that of a decomposed male. Homicide Detectives with Austin Police were able to identify the victim and they learned the deceased male was missing some jewelry. Homicide detectives traced the whereabouts and acquaintances of the victim and learned that he was probably killed around July 30. Homicide detectives contacted the pawn unit of APD to search any pawn activity to the known associates of the deceased male. I searched the Austin Police pawn records and did not find anything on the two names provided to me. I then logged onto LeadsOnline and searched these same individuals. I found a possible match on one of the subjects. He had pawned four rings at an Action Pawn store in Round Rock, TX on July 30.. This pawn transaction was suspicious to the homicide detectives working the case. They went to the pawn shop and photographed the jewelry that was pawned by the known associate. These photographs were shown to the family of the deceased and they positively identified the jewelry as that belonging to the deceased male.

This positive identification and documentation indicating the pawner selling these items about the time the victim died, has provided a great lead for the detectives to possibly solve this homicide case. This information probably would not have been found without the help of LeadsOnline.”

Det. Joseph Lucas
Austin Police Department

Suspect arrested for stealing engraved ring during aggravated assault

“While using LeadsOnline, I noticed suspicious activity when a man in his early 20’s sold an engraved ring with the words ’35 years of service’ written on it. I forwarded the descriptors of the ring to our crime analyst in order to run the ring through our database to see if it was reported in any crimes. I was informed the ring was taken during an aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. Thanks to LeadsOnline I obtained a photo and all descriptors of the seller for further investigation. After further investigation, the complainant identified the seller as the suspect in the crime, and the male was charged.”

Officer Mayra Seay
Houston Police Department

LeadsOnline helps secure a life without parole conviction for Capital Murder

“The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office recently secured a life without parole conviction for a Capital Murder charge. The suspect stole items from the residence and the victim’s items were located using LeadsOnline. This ultimately resulted in the issuance of a Capitol Murder Warrant. The suspect was located in a neighboring county and taken into custody without incident, within 72 hours of the offense.”

Sgt. Corley Weatherford
Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline helps police catch sexual assault suspect

“Detective Virginia Nichols, with the Denton Police Department Crimes Against Children Unit, was investigating a sexual assault of a child case. The suspect had initially contacted the victim via social media. The only identifying information the victim knew was a moniker and a cellular phone number. That phone number was searched through LeadsOnline and we were able to identify the suspect. That suspect was subsequently contacted, he provided a full confession, and was charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child.”

Sgt. Michael Behrens
Denton Police Department

Narcotics task force cracks down on meth abuse

“I am part of an 8-person multi-jurisdictional narcotics task force that has jurisdiction in both Arkansas and Texas. We have focused our efforts on individuals that are “smurfing” pseudoephedrine pills for area methamphetamine cooks. With the use of LeadsOnlabs we have successfully been able to compile several conspiracy cases involving an astronomical number of individuals, both the individuals “smurfing” pills and the cooks themselves. Also, during these investigations we have been able to contact other drug task force agencies with information gained through our investigations which have led to several seizures of methamphetamine labs.

Out of all the surveillance equipment, hi-tech gadgets, and other items we use in our daily efforts to fight the war on drugs, LeadsOnlabs by far is one of the greatest tools at our disposal. In fact, we are currently in the process of attempting to get our pharmacies in the state of Texas on board with your system. Thanks for all your work.”

Sgt. Devin Warner
Bi-State Narcotics Task Force

Electronics recovered from 10 shops across two counties

“Another awesome day for LeadsOnline searches! We recovered 10 laptops and a large screen computer monitor with over $8,000 in recoverable value! Oh, and did I mention the recoveries were from 10 different businesses?! From Carrollton to Haltom City and beyond! Over the last year our complainant’s DEVOUT employee stole laptops to support his meth habit. Once confronted with the inventory discrepancies, he cracked and admitted his transgressions. Would this have been possible without LeadsOnline? Not in a million years! Ten different businesses covering Dallas and Tarrant Counties? Not in a million years! Thank you LeadsOnline and my complainant thanks you!”

Det. Robbie Huckaby
Carrollton Police Department

LeadsOnline aids in identifying narcotics suspect

“LeadsOnline unexpectedly gave our agency a suspect’s photograph. An undercover narcotics officer came into the Tactical Information Office and asked the other officers to look up a DL photo of a suspect to write five felony drug delivery warrants. Unfortunately, the TIC officer was having software issues at that time. It always seems to happen at just the wrong time. I asked the undercover officer to let me give it a try in LeadsOnline with the hope that the suspect had sold a cellphone to ecoATM. So what you ask? ecoATM are the self-serve green kiosk in malls where customers can sell their used cellphones. ecoATM requires a valid driver’s license, and they also photograph the customer and the cellphone and attach the photographs to the LeadsOnline ticket. When I searched for the suspect I found an ecoATM ticket with a small camera icon. I clicked on the camera and there our suspect was with her smiling face. Since the ticket has the suspect’s driver’s license information and her image, the narcotics officer completed the warrants for her arrest.”

James Dunnam
Fort Worth Police Department

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