Stolen class ring returned to owner

“LeadsOnline works again! I was looking into one of our suspects and discovered he sold a class ring that was stolen. A warrant was issued on the subject, and the property was returned. The owner was grateful to have the property back. This is a great system, and I look forward to solving a bunch of cases in the next year.”

Det. James Smith
Stokes County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Local jewelry store catches employee

“A local jewelry store filed a police report stating they had gold jewelry missing from their inventory. They suspected an employee took the jewelry but did not know which employee and could not even pinpoint when it occurred. I searched LeadsOnline to see if any of the employees sold any jewelry, and one had. The business where this employee sold the jewelry actually photographed and uploaded those items into the database. I emailed the photos to the loss prevention officer from the jewelers. He positively identified the photos, and matched each photo to an item missing from the inventory. The employee was charged with larceny by employee, and the photographs and transaction records from LeadsOnline aided in getting the employee to confess to the crime.”

Det. Morgan Malone
Monroe Police Department
North Carolina

Jewelry recovered in North Carolina after home burglarized

“I solved another case this week using LeadsOnline. A house was burglarized at 6 a.m., and we had a suspect’s name. Using LeadsOnline, I found a match to the name where jewelry was sold less than 12 hours after the home was burglarized. I recovered the jewelry and put the bad guy in jail. I cannot say enough great things about LeadsOnline and how it helps in the investigative process.”

Sgt. David Eckard
Catawba County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Stolen class ring located in the first 48 hours

“I used LeadsOnline and found my victim’s class ring that had been pawned, and was able to charge the suspect who had broken into the house and stolen several items. My victim was able to get her class ring and her mother’s ring back. I was able to solve this case within two days all because of LeadsOnline.”

Det. Scott Holder
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Leads delivers results the first time for North Carolina Police

“One of my first assigned cases was a breaking and entering of a residence with a larceny of a shotgun. This was one of my first experiences with LeadsOnline. I ran the suspect’s name through the system, and the first search showed me everything I needed to know. I’m really impressed with the LeadsOnline system, and I try to tell any other agency I come in contact with about it. My suspect had actually sold a lot of other property, and I was able to recover other stolen items he sold. Thanks for an awesome system.”

Det. Ronald Clarke
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Firearms recovered from fleeing suspect

“Thanks to LeadsOnline I was able to locate and recover a stolen firearm for one of my victims. The suspect fled arrest and crossed state lines into West Virginia and sold the stolen rifle. Because of LeadsOnline the firearm was recovered and returned to the owner, and the suspect was later located and arrested for the B&E&L into a residence and Larceny of Firearms, along with several other charges.”

Lt. Lee Whitesides
Davie County Sheriff’s Office / CID
North Carolina

Suspect admits to stealing three firearms when confronted with LeadsOnline evidence

“I was working a case involving larceny of a firearm. While interviewing the suspect, I used LeadsOnline to show he sold a Ruger black powder pistol to a local shop. This Ruger pistol was not reported as stolen, and the suspect had no history and only a traffic violation on his criminal report. The suspect then confessed to stealing not just one, but three firearms from my victim. I only wish ALL secondhand stores were on LeadsOnline. I also hope that, in the future, photos of jewelry will be required to be submitted by our local dealers. Thanks, LeadsOnline, for another case closed!!!”

Det. Matthew Burgess
Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Stolen rifle missing since 1983 retrieved thanks to LeadsOnline

“Surry County Sheriff’s Office located a Ruger Carbine 44 magnum rifle in Winston Salem. I assisted in the recovery and was shocked to learn the gun had been stolen since 1983. Simply amazing that something could be stolen almost longer than I have been alive and then located. Simply awesome. Without LeadsOnline, this would not have been located. Thank you.”

Investigator Michael Griffith
Winston Salem Police Department
North Carolina

In 20 minutes, Raleigh detective had all the information he needed to prove that the stolen gun recovered from a suspect belonged to one of his murder victims

Thought you would like to know that we are investigating a homicide where one of our business owners was killed inside his shop. The investigation is ongoing and there is still a lot of work to do. I was able to use LeadsOnline to trace a firearm back to the victim in our case that was initially stolen at the time of the victim’s death. The victim’s firearm was located on the suspect at the time of his apprehension in less than 12 hours. Instead of using ATF to get all the trace forms, I made a simple inquiry with LeadsOnline, contacted the business where I had tracked the guns to, got the list of the previous owner and our victim’s information as the new owner of the firearm. Needless to say, I created a timeline of events concerning the ownership of a firearm, identified the true owner of the firearm, the previous owner of the firearm, and had a clear history of the firearm all within less than an hour. Not sure how long ATF would have taken, but I had hard copies of all the information I needed within 20 minutes.”

Det. Wilbur O’Neal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

Gun found three states away on the three year anniversary of when it was stolen

“Through LeadsOnline I was able to return a stolen firearm to a victim in my county three years to the day after it was reported stolen. Not only that, the firearm had found its way through three states until LeadsOnline found it in a business! The excitement on my victim’s face when I returned his property is worth every penny of this service!”

Deputy Sheriff Garrett Winslow
Gates County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

LeadsOnline and Onslow County Sheriff’s Office keep the memories in the family by recovering this navy vet’s priceless family heirlooms

“A 69 year old Navy Veteran in our county was a victim of a felony breaking and entering with intent to commit larceny, larceny after breaking and entering and larceny of a firearm. The value of the stolen property was estimated at $100,000. These items had been given to him by his father, who has since passed away, so the sentimental value of the stolen items was priceless to him. Most of the items were Military Memorabilia. Thanks to LeadsOnline, I was able to positively identify two suspects, recover nearly all of the items, including a Model 1911, .45 Caliber Pistol, which was recovered several states away. Unfortunately, the Victim had not recorded the serial number, which could have made it nearly impossible to recover. This was a family heirloom that had been given to him by his deceased father, and could not ever be replaced. This was a textbook case, which involved a joint effort between multiple jurisdictions, to include both military and civilian agencies, which all resulted from a lead provided by a hit on a LeadsOnline inquiry. Thank you for all you do to assist us in “Shining the light of Justice on the Darkness of Crime”. ”

Det. Robert Spade
Onslow County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Storm grate thief put behind bars

“The city of Raleigh, North Carolina was experiencing a rising trend in the theft of metal storm grates over a period of two months. Working as a metal theft detective, it is sometimes hard to track stolen metal and identify the suspects in these cases. LeadsOnline made the difference in this case. In total, there were seven cases that specifically identified this series of theft. Using LeadsOnline, a suspect was identified that had been scrapping nothing but storm grates and miscellaneous shredder material. The same day I identified the suspect, an officer called me to tell me he had taken a report of some stolen storm grates, and just missed the suspect at the scrap yard, according to witnesses. With the investigative information obtained from the reports, witnesses and LeadsOnline information, I was able to place the suspect at the scene of the crimes within time, proximity and possession of stolen property. LeadsOnline helped me clear out seven cases, a pattern crime and identify $12,850 in stolen property at a scrap yard.”

Det. Wilbur O’Neal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

Dumb luck and help from LeadsOnline solves cases

“During the month of November, my area of the county was experiencing a large increase in metal theft. By dumb luck, we encountered the suspects selling some stolen batteries and metal to a local metal recycling center. While on the scene, we located a pawn slip for a saddle that had been reported stolen. I decided to check LeadsOnline to see if any other items had been sold, and found several other items that matched descriptions of items reported stolen but with no known suspects. With a little dumb luck and a lot of help from LeadsOnline, I closed four additional cases, and put two very dirty thieves in the Brunswick County Detention Center.”

Det. Ryan Newman
Brunswick County Sheriff’s Department
North Carolina

Tools stolen from woodworking shop and sold to local business in North Carolina

“I ran the name of a suspect who has been suspected in several breaking and entering cases in my county, as well as our neighboring county, through LeadsOnline. I got a hit on the suspect showing he sold numerous power tools. A few days later, I was assigned a report of a felony breaking and entering in a woodworking shop, and felony larceny of power tools. I compared the list of stolen power tools to the list of tools sold by the suspect, and it was a match. The suspect was arrested and placed in jail where he still sits. The burglary reports in the area where he operated have dramatically gone down. It is nice to have LeadsOnline as a resource to stop criminals from creating more victims.”

Det. Darryl Mcphatter
Robeson County Sheriff’s Department
North Carolina

Electric car chargers stolen and found on eBay

“I was assigned a case where a local Nissan dealership reported two Nissan Leaf electric car chargers stolen. The owner’s wife located a few sales on eBay that contained similar items in similar time frames. I ran the seller ID connected to the items and discovered that the seller was an employee of the same Nissan dealership. Coincidentally, he was charged with two counts of larceny by employee. The normal process to obtain this information through eBay takes 20-45 days on average. LeadsOnline saved me a lot of time and effort and helped me close this case quickly.”

Det. Nathan Lecompte
Greenville Police Department
North Carolina

Suspect steals copper wiring from employer for quick cash

“The victimized business in this investigation filed a larceny report believing that some of their employees were stealing copper house wire. A list was compiled by the victim and submitted in the initial report. Detective Rios searched through LeadsOnline and found that one of the victim’s employees scrapped a large amount of copper house wire. Detective Rios obtained tickets and photos of each transaction that showed exactly what the suspect sold. The victim identified all the wiring in the photos as wiring the company keeps in stock for their electrical contracting business. The victim reviewed his inventory which showed that the suspect was taking more wire than what was needed for the jobs. It was then determined that the amount of copper wire stolen amounted to $3,581. The suspect then sold/scrapped the same wiring and received a total amount of $1,982. A warrant was issued for the suspect’s arrest for Embezzlement and Obtaining Property by False Pretenses. He was apprehended and invoked his right to remain silent. There is more follow up to conduct regarding possible associates and other thefts.”

Det. Wilbur Oneal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

Suspect caught selling stolen items from local home improvement stores and Walmarts

“I was doing an extensive background check on a suspect that was selling brand new drills. The drills were stolen from several home improvement stores in our city. The stores were not aware of the larcenies until I made them aware of the situation. The estimated cost of the drills were $5,000 and I also noticed that the suspect was selling brand new Samsung cameras, Toshiba hard drives, 15 wireless routers, and several computer keyboards. Those items were stolen from our local Walmart stores and they also did not know the items were stolen until we notified them. All the property that was sold by the suspect was recovered and the suspect was charged and eventually convicted. I feel that LeadsOnline is a very useful tool and I have closed several other cases using Leads.”

Det. John Alexander
Greensboro Police Department
North Carolina

Trio of suspects caught in larceny with hard evidence confirmed with LeadsOnline

“For over six months, a local jewelry store was reporting that they were having an issue with three unidentified suspects stealing expensive watches. In all the reported thefts, it was the same three suspects. Two of the suspects would cause a diversion and then the third suspect would commit the larceny. In one instance the suspects were observed leaving the scene in a vehicle with limited descriptors. Using LeadsOnline, I was able to determine who the suspects were through the repeated transactions option. There were hits during the reported time frames of the thefts. Further investigation revealed the main suspect had known the associates that were also identified as the remaining two suspects who were also selling the same brand of expensive stolen watches. The main suspect also drove the same make, model, and color vehicle observed during one of the larcenies. A short time after that larceny occurred; the main suspect was selling the watches at a local business. The information from LeadsOnline was used to confirm the identities of the suspects. LeadsOnline also assisted in identifying the stolen watches and gave a time line of events that coincided with the reported larcenies. In total, 19 of 22 watches have been recovered and all three suspects have been identified and arrested.”

Det. Wilbur Oneal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

Raleigh detective uses LeadsOnline to stop a team of thieves from a multitude of consecutive thefts

“I was notified by management of two music stores that they were experiencing a rash of thefts concerning guitars in the local area. I was given a list of guitars that had been reported stolen. In review of the property listed as stolen, it was learned that there was a group of individuals specifically targeting music centers for mandolins and Stratocasters. LeadsOnline was able to assist in locating several of these guitars that were reported stolen and also identified/located additional music equipment that was not previously reported as being stolen. Four suspects that are known to each other and are operating together were identified. A multitude of music equipment and instruments were returned to the victims within a short amount of time. Property was located all throughout Wake County and Cumberland County. All four suspects were located and arrested. Another success with the assistance of LeadsOnline. ”

Det. Wilbur Oneal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

$40,000 worth of jewelry stolen at gunpoint, suspect arrested with help of LeadsOnline

“A jewelry store in Monroe was robbed at gunpoint. Nearly $40,000 worth of jewelry was stolen during the robbery. During the investigation, I searched LeadsOnline and found my prime suspect’s brother sold a ring at a local secondhand shop. The shop photographed the item, and I identified it as belonging to the jewelers. After getting the ring back, we charged the suspect, and recovered about $12,000 worth of the stolen jewelry in his apartment.”

Det. Morgan Malone
Monroe Police Department
North Carolina

Selling stolen jewelry to support a drug habit

“I was assigned a larceny case in which the victim reported $11,000 of assorted jewelry stolen from her residence. In her initial report to law enforcement, the victim provided the name of a person she thought may have been responsible. This person, who the victim considered a friend, was known to have once been addicted to illegal drugs and had accessed the victim’s residence around the time of the report. When assigned this case for investigation, the first course of action I took was to run a quick LeadsOnline search. Guess what? The week prior to this incident being reported, our person of interest had visited a local pawnbroker three times in which she had sold numerous amounts of yellow and white gold for scrap. When confronted with evidence against her, the suspect confessed.”

Sr. Inv. K.L. Penley
Catawba County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

Fraudulently purchased jewelry sold and recovered at local secondhand business

“An initial report to our call center started an investigation concerning a suspect making fraudulent purchases on a closed account to a well-known jeweler in the Raleigh area. During the investigation, it was learned the suspect made a $15,000 purchase in one day, and then, at a later date sold the jewelry to a local pawn shop. A search on LeadsOnline indicated the whereabouts of the stolen jewelry, and also revealed other fraudulent purchases from other jewelry stores in the area. The jewelry was recovered from the pawn shop. Over $15,000 in fraudulently obtained jewelry was recovered from the pawn shop, clearing three cases. This is another example of how LeadsOnline is assisting our department in clearing cases. To date, LeadsOnline has assisted the Raleigh Police Department in clearing 208 cases and recovering $300,430.55 in stolen property in a year.”

Det. Wilbur Oneal
Raleigh Police Department
North Carolina

False police report filed…victim recognizes suspect…as the man in the mirror

“I was dispatched to a breaking and entering that had taken place at an apartment complex we frequently visit. Upon arrival, I spoke with the victim who explained that a masked man entered his home and held him at gun point. The victim was forced to sit in a chair as the armed suspect stole is money, TV, XBOX, and games. The victim told me who the suspect was since he had known him in the past. I investigated the incident, however a lot of the details provided did not make sense. As my supervisor and I were talking about the case, we decided to search LeadsOnline to see if we could locate the stolen items. We found a ticket under the victim’s name for the TV that had been reported stolen a week before the incident was reported. The victim was charged with filing a false report to a police station, and subsequently convicted of it. Thanks, LeadsOnline!”

Ptlm. Alexander Balchev
Hudson Police Department
North Carolina

Selling your Rolex? No problem. Reporting it stolen after you sell it? Big problem.

“Chapel Hill Police Department used LeadsOnline on a 2-week free trial in hopes of opening an account in the near future. As she was showing me around the site and the new features, we found an NCIC hit for a stolen Rolex watch entered by my agency. The watch was sold by the victim who reported it well before the police report was filed, also known as Insurance Fraud. Insurance company is now involved and investigating, hoping to recoup payment and push for prosecution.”

Investigator Patrick Gilchrist
Chapel Hill Police Department
North Carolina