Search reveals victim’s unknown stolen items

“While investigating a theft of jewelry case, I located a ring using LeadsOnline. The ring matched the description provided by the victim, and the name on the transaction matched the suspect’s name provided by the victim. The suspect was interviewed and admitted to the theft of the ring along with other jewelry that the victim didn’t know was missing. The suspect stated that she was stealing to support a drug addiction.”

Det. Keith Benhase
Miami Township Police Department

Burglary ring caught before more rings stolen

“While searching for property from a residential burglary, I was able to not only discover 24 recoverable items of jewelry from the burglary, but develop two suspects who ultimately confessed. They gave us the identity of two more involved parties, as well as confessions to burglaries in a nearby county and most likely involvement in a third county. I was so thrilled to make this discovery as our victim had also been burglarized earlier this year and was terrified and ready to sell their home of which they love. I was able to develop suspects in the original burglary and recover many pieces of jewelry from that burglary. It turned into a multi-jurisdictional burglary ring that likely would have done unsolved without the help of LeadsOnline.”

Inv. Asst. Lisa Mead-O’Connor
Union County Sheriff’s Office

Drug addict daughter steals family heirlooms from mother’s home

“I was working a burglary where the victim was robbed of family heirlooms by her daughter, an alleged drug addict. The victim kicked her daughter out of her home this past summer and had not seen her since. The victim provided us with the name of her daughter’s boyfriend. The home was processed for fingerprints and photographed. During the investigation, both suspects were entered into LeadsOnline. I immediately received a hit on the boyfriend suspect. The hit showed he pawned numerous rings that matched jewelry on the victim’s statement. Photographs were taken of the pawned rings and the victim positively identified the rings to be hers. The following day, I received another hit that the boyfriend pawned more items to an out-of-state jeweler that had been in town for a jewelry convention, just days after the burglary. As I began the process of having the items held, I received another hit showing the daughter sold a ring, now tying both suspects to the burglary and stolen property. Within the case I had three total hits thanks to LeadsOnline, and retrieved video from the pawn shop identifying both suspects. The case will be forwarded to the prosecutor’s office with great evidence to pursue felony indictments. Thank you LeadsOnline! Not only did you give me evidence to close my case, you allowed the victim to retrieve her jewelry back that never could have been replaced.”

Det. Brandon Smith
West Jefferson Police Department

$4,000 worth of stolen jewelry recovered while on 30 day trial of LeadsOnline

“I signed up for the free trial of LeadsOnline and the next day I was assigned a theft case involving approximately $4,000 in stolen jewelry. The victim of the case identified a possible suspect. I immediately got on LeadsOnline and entered a search for the suspect’s name. Within a few seconds I got a hit on the suspect that showed she sold approximately half of the stolen jewelry to a secondhand dealer just outside my city. The jewelry was positively identified and then recovered. Charges are pending on the suspect.”

Det. Mike Scholles
Tallmadge Police Department

Property from four burglaries across an Ohio county are recovered with LeadsOnline

“A stolen Nikon digital camera taken in a burglary was located at a local shop that reports to LeadsOnline. After locating the suspect that sold the item, two televisions, a fur coat, and jewelry were located at the suspect’s residence. All recovered items, including the camera, were items that were taken from four different burglaries from across the county.”

Deputy Sheriff William Konic, Jr.
Stark County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline provides evidence to make arrest

“I use LeadsOnline frequently for theft of serialized items or known suspects to the victim. Recently I had a known female suspect sell stolen jewelry. The information I gathered from this site gave me all the probable cause I needed to make an arrest.”

Ptlm. Greg Sens
Marion Police Department

Gold rings returned to elderly woman after stolen by neighbor

“Oregon, Ohio PD Detectives used LeadsOnline to track down gold rings stolen out of an elderly woman’s home. They were very dear to her. The rings were located at one of our local shops shortly after they were taken. The suspect was a neighbor of the woman that had come and asked to use her telephone. The suspect was also a heroin addict with outstanding warrants. The elderly victim was very happy with our results, and without this service, the ring would not have been recovered, or at the very least it could have been delayed.”

Det. Lawrence George
Oregon Police Department

He went to Jared, then they went to jail

“A subject at Jared’s Jewelry grabbed a Rolex watch valued at almost $7,000 and run from the store. With the help of LeadsOnline, I was able to locate the watch at a pawn shop in Columbus about 1.5 hours away. I was able to get the watch back to Jared’s as well as make charges on the female subject that pawned it.”

Det. Eddie Myers
Monroe Police Department

LeadsOnline speeds up the process to recover stolen jewelry

“LeadsOnline is a great tool. I have been able to solve many cases using this service. Recently, a 73 year old victim had some jewelry stolen. The victim believed it was the maid but had no proof. Using LeadsOnline, I was able to look up what the suspect had pawned. As an added bonus, the store she took the items to uploaded photos of the merchandise. This became a great tool to use in interviewing the suspect. Jewelry is so hard to find but LeadsOnline made the process fast and simple. I was able to get the stolen items back to the owner before they were melted.”

Det. Matthew Miller
Xenia Police Department

Ohio detective is able to locate multiple pieces of jewelry in a variety of locations after finding victim’s daughter and her boyfriend responsible

“I am a detective in Ohio and have been using LeadsOnline for over a year. Once again, I had success with this program. I was assigned a case where jewelry was removed from the residence. The victim believed it was his daughter. I searched for his daughter and her boyfriend’s name and found all of the jewelry at multiple locations. I was able to place a hold on the jewelry and retrieve it for the victim. I was then able to charge both the individuals with Felony Receiving Stolen Property. I love this program. ”

Det. Kimberly Haines
Jackson Township Police Department

Proactive Miamisburg detective got a head start, with LeadsOnline, catching these crooks

“While looking into two burglary suspects I found transaction receipts through LeadsOnline. The two had sold jewelry at a business in an adjoining county. Knowing the jewelry was likely taken in a burglary, I responded to that business and took pictures of the property. An alert was sent to area police departments along with pictures of the jewelry. A detective at Kettering PD advised that this jewelry might belong to one of his victims from a burglary that had occurred on that same day. The victims ultimately identified the jewelry and have been able to recover it from the business. The jewelry had a lot of sentimental value as a number of pieces had belonged to a deceased family member. I will be utilizing LeadsOnline to continue to build a case against these two individuals. ”

Det. Sgt. Jeff Muncy
Miamisburg Police Department

LeadsOnline helps Ohio police take stolen guns off the streets

“We received an NCIC hit from LeadsOnline for an iPod and a camera that were reported stolen in a burglary. Investigators located the suspect, who confessed to the offense and turned over a firearm also taken from the burglary. The information provided by LeadsOnline not only identified our suspect, but it got a stolen firearm off the streets. Thanks Leads Online!”

Inv. M. Robinson
Clermont County Sheriff’s Office

WWII pistol returned to owner 22 years after being stolen

“Back in 1991…yes, 1991, I was in high school at the time, and the Delhi Township Police were running us off the lot of Burger King, when they weren’t busy taking burglary reports. In this report, the victim had several guns stolen from his residence. One of those guns was a Mauser Broomhandle with a wooden holster that also becomes a stock. It is a highly collectible gun and for trivia purposes, also the one Luke Skywalker and Han Solo’s blasters were modeled after. My old police chief was a detective at the time and he was eventually able to make an arrest in the offense. However, despite every effort he was unable to recover the stolen Mauser Broomhandle. More than 20 years later, a gun collector sold the stolen Mauser Broomhandle to a shop/gun dealer in Covington, Kentucky, and we were notified through LeadsOnline. The victim was notified and he did not blink an eye at paying to get back the gun his deceased father brought back with him from World War II. I met the victim at the store, and he literally had tears in his eyes. He was so overwhelmed by his emotions about getting the pistol back. After this much time, he never thought it would be found. As the victim went to write a check for the gun, the store manager said the gun collector came in and paid the money back. Some things in life are worth more than money, like a family heirloom and LeadsOnline.”

Det. Adam Cox
Delhi Township Police Department

Stolen handgun recovered in minutes

“Thanks for your quick explanation of how the search works. I located a stolen handgun from 1991 that was just sold to a local business, and that was just within the first 3-4 minutes of being logged in.”

Deputy Roger Hetzel
Crawford County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline helps close cases in minutes

“Using LeadsOnline, I was able to find a stolen rifle that was taken from a vehicle overnight. I had no suspect information or physical evidence to process. LeadsOnline was able to provide me a suspect and location of the stolen gun that was sold in another city. Without LeadsOnline, checking local businesses would be a time consuming task. I completed the case in minutes, and it would have otherwise taken me hours. Thank you LeadsOnline.”

Det. Matthew Miller
Xenia Police Department

A quick check gathers additional evidence

“After obtaining a confession from a suspect for theft of a metal roof, I checked LeadsOnline and found that this suspect had also scrapped several electric motors that were stolen in December. After being confronted with the evidence from LeadsOnline, he confessed to the theft of the electric motors as well.”

Det. Stephen Wilson
Ironton Police Department

Copper stolen from a church. More than 20 cases solved in Ohio scrap yards with one LeadsOnline search.

“LeadsOnline has once again proven itself to be one of the most useful tools in my investigatory arsenal! We received two reports of copper downspouts being stolen from a local church and a residence. After looking at the information available I went to LeadsOnline and searched for more than 100 pounds of copper being scrapped. Within a span of minutes I had a number of results, one of which contained a person of interest tag from Bexley Police, another local agency. With the information provided by their detective I was able to link the cases together and had good suspects for the crime. Less than a week later the two suspects had surrendered and I was able to obtain confessions showing that the two had been responsible for almost 2 dozen thefts of copper from the Columbus area! The most impressive part of the whole story is that the person of interest tag had only been put on my suspect a few hours before I did my search. Thanks to the information sharing system attached to LeadsOnline I got the break I needed in a case that could have otherwise gone unsolved. Thanks again LeadsOnline!”

Sgt. Stephen Mette
Worthington Police Department

LeadsOnline scrap metal reporting and investigations system is working in Ohio

“An electrical company in the city of Worthington, Ohio had two of their vans broken into. Tools as well as copper wire were taken. Within minutes of the case being assigned to a detective for follow up a suspect was identified using LeadsOnline. The owner of the business met with detectives at the pawn shop where the suspect sold the tools, and positively identified them as belonging to his company. This same suspect sold copper wire for scrap to a local scrap/salvage yard at the same time. There were NO leads in this case and without LeadsOnline their case would have been closed with no arrest made!”

Det. Keith Agin
Worthington Police Department

Drills stolen from Ohio business and recovered with LeadsOnline

“We recently had two cases of breaking and entering at a local business. The suspect took 20 carbine drill bits and took them to the scrap yard. I ran the suspect’s name, who was an ex-employee, and I located where he scrapped the drill bits. Cohen and HSI Security was very helpful in my investigation and gathering the evidence needed in my investigation.”

Det. Nathan Wilson
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

Ohio police catch ring of metal theft suspects targeting several counties

“Using LeadsOnline, we identified a ring of suspects breaking into vacant and under construction residences in several counties. They were stealing copper plumbing and electrical wiring. This allowed a multi-agency surveillance operation, confirming their stops with scrap metals sold. We received a 30-count indictment on both the father and son suspects with further indicted suspects possibly forthcoming. Without LeadsOnline, suspects would not have been identified and Det. Justice would have only been able to charge Misdemeanor Theft at best.”

Inv. Asst. Lisa Mead-O’Connor
Union County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline identifies Ohio suspect selling stolen scrap metal

“I was assigned a theft case involving approximately $4,500 in stolen aluminum coils and chain link fencing. Using LeadsOnline, I searched a possible suspect name provided by the victim. Within a few seconds, I had a hit on the suspect that showed he had recently scrapped a large amount of aluminum and galvanized steel at a local scrap yard. I followed up at the scrap yard which provided photos of the suspect and the items that he scrapped. The items were positively identified by the victim. Charges are pending in this case.”

Det. Mike Scholles
Tallmadge Police Department

Ohio Police crack metal theft case targeting a local egg farm

“Better late than never. A while ago, the Licking County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation into a large amount of metal being stolen from an egg farm located in Croton, Ohio. During this time, the egg farm was constructing a new building, which they purchased all the material from a company overseas. As the investigation persisted, LeadsOnline was used to search for whoever was stealing the metal, but nothing was found locally. A month later, two individuals were found on the property of the egg farm, and I questioned them about the theft of the metal. During this interview, I discovered there was a large theft ring, and most of the thefts were being committed at the egg farm. By checking all the names through LeadsOnline, I was able to locate eight individuals who were selling the stolen metal to scrap yards in Columbus. All individuals were investigated and eventually arrested for the theft of metal. The total loss for the egg farm was over $1,000,000.”

Det. Sgt. Jay Cook
Licking County Sheriff’s Office

Suspect arrested for shoplifting guitars from major retail chain

“A suspect entered a music store on multiple occasions and stole/shoplifted three guitars with a total price tag of $2,479.97. He sold each one of the guitars at three different businesses located throughout the city. Inventory searches were done at different times and the business generated two reports in this case. The retailer requested prosecution and their loss prevention team has been extremely helpful in the investigation. Our suspect “lawyered” up so there was no interview.”

Lieutenant Robert Strausbaugh
Columbus Police Department

Ohio police recover items stolen from a retail theft ring

“Huber Heights Police Detective Brian Doyle and I have been working a retail theft ring involving two males and one female. They have been hitting retail stores across the Miami Valley. A search of LeadsOnline revealed several thousand dollars’ worth of new property that was sold by the suspects. This search led Detectives to an additional recovery of approximately $3,000 of stolen property held by the fencer in this case. Thank you LeadsOnline.”

Det. Fred Meadows
Xenia Police

LeadsOnline helps Ohio police arrest repeat offender known for retail theft

“Using LeadsOnline I became aware that a female, who I arrested last month for stealing, was selling an unusually high number of tools that were ‘new in box’. After sending out her information and photo on a metro area information network, I began receiving emails from businesses who recognized her as being a suspect in multiple thefts.”

Det. Ryan Kiser
Reynoldsburg Police Department

$23,000 worth of property recovered for business before they even knew it was stolen

“I was reviewing the results of a search when I noticed one gentleman sold several 1000 lb electric hoists, brand new in the box, at one of our local secondhand stores. A little research on the hoists revealed only one business in the area that sold such equipment. I contacted the business and asked them to conduct a physical inventory of their hoists. A total of nine hoists were missing from the shelves, the exact same number that had been sold at the secondhand store. The person who sold the equipment turned out to be the shipping and receiving manager for the company. He was arrested and charged for the thefts, and the company was able to recover approximately $23,000 worth of inventory they didn’t even know was missing. Without LeadsOnline, the crime might not have been discovered at all, or may have come to light after the property had been liquidated.”

Det. Patrick Sutherland
Toledo Police Department

Suspect who receives a refund for property that has never been sold gets caught

“Earlier this summer, while reviewing LeadsOnline, I discovered (while using the residents pawning outside our jurisdiction option) that a female had been selling gift cards for four consecutive days. Upon looking into the issue further I learned (by admission from the suspect) that she would wake up every day, go into Target or Walmart, remove property from the shelf, walk directly up to the return counter, ask for a refund and receive a gift card for the amount of the merchandise. LeadsOnline’s features are awesome! Thanks!”

Det. Jason Threlkeld
Miamisburg Police Department

$180,000 armed robbery solved with LeadsOnline

“We had an armed robbery at a local jewelry store where two suspects stole 85 ladies diamond wedding rings valued at over $180,000. After searching LeadsOnline, I came up with a suspect who pawned 25 ladies diamond wedding rings at three different pawnshops. After going to all three pawnshops and taking photos of the rings, the manager at the jewelry store positively identified the rings and the suspect.”

Detective Ron Turner
Columbus Police Department

LeadsOnline identifies kidnapping suspect with little information

“We had an aggravated robbery and kidnapping occur with a suspect armed with a handgun. We were able to identify 3 of the 4 suspects and were only provided initials for the unidentified suspect who was the one armed with a handgun. During interviews other suspects advised that the unidentified suspect sold a cell phone in a ecoATM prior to the robbery. A LeadsOnline search identified the armed suspect selling a phone prior to the robbery, thus identifying the suspect and providing video of all suspects together prior to the robbery. The ID led to a warrant being issued for the outstanding suspect for aggravated robbery and kidnapping.”

Sgt. David Adkins
New Lebanon Police Department

Ohio masked man cleans out safe; Gets away, then doesn’t

We had a call of an aggravated robbery at cellphone store where two armed masked men tied up the clerk in the back of the store and cleaned out the safe. Both suspects got away however through investigation, I learned that the same suspects had robbed another cellphone store in Warren County. LeadsOnline came in helpful because I had placed an alert on one of the possible suspects and through further investigation found that one of the suspects was in at a business, hours before the Warren County robbery with the same clothing and shoes on. LeadsOnline is a great tool to law enforcement.”

Det. Robbert Johnson
Germantown Police Department

Stolen items, car break-ins, and drug Arrests

“We had a rash of car break-ins and stolen vehicles. One of the vehicles was recovered in the city of Norwood with a subject passed out inside the car. While working with the Norwood Detectives, they decided to run some of the property that was stolen out of both our jurisdictions.

Eventually, we made the connection that several people were connected in the car break-ins and all participants were heroin addicts trying to support their habit.

We actually had another suspect with the group, but were unable to get him to cooperate. However, we were able to link him to a burglary in Madeira months later, thanks to LeadsOnline, by locating some tools that were sold at a pawn shop in Newport, Kentucky.

At this time, the Madeira Police Department has closed several cases with the assistance of LeadsOnline. It has been a great tool and I am looking forward to using it in the future.”

Det. Eric B. Hoeffel
Madeira Police Department

Drug-related theft: solved in seconds

“I investigated a theft report involving $4,000 worth of camera equipment. The day I was assigned to investigate the report, I logged into LeadsOnline and within seconds had my possible theft suspect identified. I call the pawn shop to verify the camera equipment was still there, and then sent them a police hold. I interviewed the suspect and he admitted to stealing the camera equipment because he has a drug addiction. Due to LeadsOnline, this case was solved within a day of the offense occurring.”

Det. Doug Eveslage
Springfield Township

LeadsOnline helps police solve case in less than a week

“Sinclair Community College Police Department was holding a training class on how to use LeadsOnline. During this training, we used a case that involved a stolen tablet that occurred two weeks prior. While we were in training we used the serial number and model number that was provided to officers during the initial theft report. We were shown how to enter the serial and model numbers to see if we could locate any transaction tickets matching the information that we entered. We were also shown how to search for an item by using only partial serial and model numbers. When partial numbers were used we got a total of 15 tickets. While looking through the tickets there was one that stood out to me because it was only a few miles away from our college. We discovered that when you sell an item, the store makes a copy of your driver’s license and puts that information into LeadsOnline. Now having the name of a possible suspect, I determined that the person who sold the tablet was also a student at the college and attended class in the same location that the tablet theft occurred. I retrieved the tablet from the business, and was able to track down the suspect. Exactly one week later on, the suspect agreed to come to the police department and speak with me. After 20 minutes of interviewing him he broke down and confessed to stealing the tablet and selling it to support his heroin addiction. The suspect was arrested and charged with theft and receiving stolen property. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we solved a theft case in one week’s time. If not for LeadsOnline this case would have never been solved. Thanks!”

Officer Joshua Cox
Sinclair Police Department

Pinpointing illegal activity and money laundering

“I am a detective from the Yellow Springs Police Department and am assigned to the Greene County Ace Task Force. We specialize in major felony cases in our county. My Chief and I were able to use LeadsOnline to pinpoint some illegal pawning that was going on, and I was able to use it in indicting two subjects this week. Due to the specific information that is on your website, we were able to add a money laundering charge for receiving monies on stolen items. So from our victims and our department to you, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR THE INVESTIGATIVE WORLD.”

Det. Naomi Penrod
Yellow Springs Police Department

LeadsOnline Statement Analysis proves guilt

“A truck driver called 911 reporting 4 men were trying to break into his semi while he was parked on an off ramp on one of our highways. While the trucker was on 911, gun shots were heard over the phone and the truck driver claimed he had been shot and stabbed. During the 911 call, the truck driver whispered to the dispatcher “tell my wife I love her” and the call then went dead. When units arrived on scene they discovered the semi had several bullet holes through the driver door. The truck driver was lying in front of the semi with a superficial cut to his abdomen and no gunshot wounds. Evidence at the scene and the 911 recording did not side with the alleged victim’s side of the story. Investigators discovered during the investigation the alleged victim had filed similar reports in the past with the county he resided in. One of the many tools we use to determine the alleged victim’s truthfulness was the LeadsOnline Statement Analysis. The analysis of course determined the alleged victim was not telling the truth. The alleged victim was charged for numerous felonies and was later found guilty. Thanks, LeadsOnline!”

Det. Adam Clark
Van Wert County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline tutorial leads to major case

“Last fall, we were encouraged to register for LeadsOnline and take the tutorial. I called and started my tutorial with a LeadsOnline operator, who was very helpful in showing me how to navigate the system. When the operator showed me how to look up people from my city who were selling items, we both were a bit shocked at one of the results. We were taken aback at one of the results showing over 100 transactions in a very short time for one person. After completing the tutorial, I made the subject a person of interest and started following his activities. I started noticing a pattern of the stores in which he was getting gift cards from, and I contacted all of the stores. Long story short, the subject we located during the tutorial was a heroin addict who had as many as 15 other people working for him, stealing merchandise and returning it for the gift cards, which they were selling. After collecting as much information as I could, the case was turned over to the detective section, and they went and interviewed the suspect. He admitted to stealing the items, returning them, and getting the gift cards which he then sold. All-in-all, the suspect and his crew stole over $20,000 in merchandise over a period of a few short months, and used the money for drugs. The operation is now shut down and he is awaiting those charges while in jail on a probation violation. If it had not been for taking a few minutes to learn your system, this guy and his friends would still be out stealing, returning, and getting drugs for the stolen items. A big “thank you” to the LeadsOnline operator who helped find a case that would have never been noticed otherwise.”

Ofc. Donald Cole
Beavercreek Police Department

Louisville Metro Police found the subject at the casino? You bet.

“A female reported her close friend missing after no one had seen or heard from her in about a week. Through investigation, I learned the missing female had a gambling problem and no one had seen or spoken to her in 7-8 days. A quick LeadsOnline search revealed the missing female had sold a cell phone at an ecoATM machine at a Kroger store located near Jack’s Casino in Cincinnati, OH around the same time she was reported missing. I contacted law enforcement at Jack’s Casino and they were able to locate the female. She had been at Jack’s Casino daily since she was reported missing. I was able to resolve this missing persons case quickly and put her friends and family at ease.”

Det. Mike Lauder
Louisville Metro Police Department