Author Archives: LeadsOnline

Dallas police recover electronics from multiple burglaries

“I received a burglary complaint, and I immediately searched on LeadsOnline. I located all the items that were stolen in the burglary at three different shops. I recovered all the items that were stolen in the burglary and swore out a warrant on the suspect. I arrested the suspect on a warrant for receiving stolen property under $10,000 and interviewed the suspect where he confessed to the burglary. Also, one of my detectives used the NCIC hits feature on LeadOnline and recovered two Xbox 360s, an Emerson TV, a Pioneer car stereo, an Element TV, an Echo leaf blower and a Sony PS3 game system. This resulted in the recovery of $2,450 worth of stolen property taken in five burglaries of residences and two BMVs. Thanks for your good assistance!”

Sgt. David Franklin
Dallas Police Department

Stereo stolen by meatball recovered

“I had a $1,800.00 car stereo reported stolen out of a vehicle and had no suspects at the time. Soon after, I was checking the individuals pawning in my county and I noticed a Pioneer Car stereo that was sold to a Pawn Shop in Mobile, Alabama, about an hour away. I noticed that the subject who’d sold it was someone that I had arrested for theft in the past and he had a nickname of Meatball. I went back and looked at the report that patrol took and saw that the victim stated that he noticed a guy in his yard on the day the stereo went missing and he only knew him as Meatball. The stereo was identified as the stolen one and the bad guy was arrested. When I interviewed the suspect, and knew that I had the stereo, he stated that he knew he was done and he better get a lawyer. How did we ever do this without LeadsOnline? Thanks for being there for us.”

Sgt. Ron Baggette
Clarke County Sheriff’s Department

Pawn ticket and GPS data help catch repeat offender

“Earlier this month, one of our fine deputies took a burglary of a motor vehicle report. After reading the report, I found no serial numbers for the Magellan GPS that was stolen from the vehicle, so I figured this would be another inactive case. But the next day, I decided to check LeadsOnline and entered just the words `Magellan GPS` in the description and Baytown, TX, for the city where I thought I might find my suspect. While scrolling through the list of several names, I found one for a suspect my partner and I had dealt with in the past. This suspect was good for some vehicle burglaries in the past and he had just recently pawned an item I was looking for. So, I printed the ticket from my computer and went to the pawn shop. Once at the pawn shop I asked the clerk to bring me the item that I was looking for. And lo and behold, I turned the GPS on and found my complainant’s address inside. I recovered the property and returned it to a happy citizen. Oh, and it didn’t take me long to convince the judge to sign off on the warrant.”

Sgt. Charles Alexander
Chambers County Sheriff’s Office

Over $13,000 recovered in stolen property in first two months of using LeadsOnline

“In the two months since we started using LeadsOnline, our department recovered over $13,000 in stolen property. This is most certainly making my job easier. No more do I have to go off visiting area jurisdictions to pour through mounds of transactions and records, or travel to the city. I wish we joined years ago. The latest recovery will help solve an armed robbery of a pizza delivery person out making an honest living by taking on a second job to provide Christmas gifts for her family. She will be pleased that her new iPhone was recovered.”

Sgt. Randy Morris
Bristol Borough Police

Home invasion case solved with LeadsOnline

“I received a report of items stolen from a house. I waited a few days, and then searched for the items on LeadsOnline and found some of the stolen items. Because of LeadsOnline, the victim was able to get some of her stuff back and the offender went to jail.”

Sgt. Fred Cochran
Blount County Sheriff’s Office

Shoe print leads to arrest with a little help from LeadsOnline

“We checked LeadsOnline for a known subject as a person of interest on a burglary of habitation and theft case. The subject broke into a residence by breaking a window to gain entry. Unfortunately for him, the inside double glass window did not break and fell to the ground. The suspect entered and stepped all over the window with his tennis shoes and took a several items of high value. When investigators approached the male subject and asked for consent to search his residence, the male subject agreed knowing that he did not have any of the stolen items at the house. Investigators knew that already and were looking for his shoes. The shoes were located inside the bedroom with the same exact shoe print as the ones left on the window. Investigators advised him to sit tight and wait for the arrest warrant to come out. Further investigation revealed that he had sold most of the items at a local business. Thanks, LeadsOnline for the help.”

Sgt. David Liendo
Webb County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline speeds up investigation process

“Thanks to LeadsOnline, we were able to confirm a suspect’s involvement in a burglary when he sold an item yesterday that he stole a couple of months ago. With the old method it would be close to a year before the connection would have been made because of the delay in data entry. LeadsOnline allows for instant and timely access to pertinent information that helps solve the crimes and identifies our criminals.”

Sgt. Eric Gossman
Warner Robins Police Department

County commissioner in North Carolina pleased with results of Taylorsville Police investigation

“Recently, one of our county commissioners was the victim of a residential break-in. When I arrived at the scene, I had no evidence, no witnesses, and basically no hope. However, the suspect took guns, jewelry, and money and I spent the next 4 days searching LeadsOnline. On day four, I hit pay dirt! The suspect had sold the items to a business in the next county and I recovered all of the victim’s belongings. Had it not been for LeadsOnline, I may have never solved this case or made an arrest! I absolutely love this LeadsOnline!”

Sgt. Melissa Johnson
Taylorsville Police Department
North Carolina

Stolen stereo equipment located

“I was using LeadsOnline hoping to locate a stolen gun. I did not find the gun, but upon entering the suspect’s name, I did find the stolen stereo equipment from the truck he was operating. What a nice surprise. I know he has the gun, and I know LeadsOnline will help me find it when he sells it. Thanks LeadsOnline.”

Sgt. Ardyth Orr
Muscatine County Sheriff’s Office

LeadsOnline helps confirm identity of suspect

“I have only used LeadsOnline for a short time now. I recently used LeadsOnline in a retail theft where I was able to confirm the identity of a suspect. I found the time stamp provided by the transaction and used Google Maps to estimate the travel time from the time the item was stolen to the time they sold it. It is hard to argue they didn’t do it when the picture of the offender’s driver’s license was posted on the ticket. Even in a small department like mine, LeadsOnline makes my job much easier. Thanks guys!”

Sgt. David Stanley
Mayodan Police Department
North Carolina

Case solve immediately

“Within 15 minutes of using LeadsOnline for the first time, I was able to get a hit on a 2-month-old case regarding a burglary. Previously, we had no leads on a suspect, a name that was well known to this investigator.”

Sgt. Dave Beuter
Linn County Sheriff

Sergeant strikes gold by using the LeadsOnline system

“While investigating a forgery and a theft case involving several dozen items, I began searching LeadsOnline for the stolen items. I was able to locate 61 stolen items from my case and get the items recovered. Sometimes we get lucky in a case, and this was one of those times. If it weren’t for the LeadsOnline service, I may have not recovered the stolen items so easily or quickly.”

Sgt. Clint Bass
Hollywood Park Police Department

Virginia burglary solved before lunch

“Within moments of receiving a burglary report, I knew that I had seen most of the stolen power tools when searching LeadsOnline. From start to finish, it took me three hours to take the report, question the suspect, and take his confession.”

Sgt. Scott Moye
Giles County Sheriff’s Office

Burglary solved within 30 minutes

“Gautier Police Department solved a house burglary 30 minutes after receiving the police report thanks to LeadsOnline. Both stolen televisions have been located and a suspect has been charged with burglary. Furthermore, he is a fugitive from the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Thanks to LeadsOnline, we have located him to bring him to justice.”

Sgt. Matt Hoggatt
Gautier Police Department

Police Department proves LeadsOnline is a necessity

“We have been advocating to get LeadsOnline for some time now. This week I was investigating a burglary and used LeadsOnline to search the suspect. I was able to recover the property within seven days of the burglary. Administration was happy to see we recovered property, but mostly it showed that we had the tools needed to recover the property. I was impressed that we obtained a hit and recovery so quickly after subscribing.”

Sgt. Jennifer Mican
El Campo Police Department

Dryer PD recovers item of significant sentimental value

“In April, Dyer Police Department detectives used LeadsOnline to locate and recover a commemorative style ring, provided to the now 74-year-old victim, for completing 40 years of service with NIPSCO. Although all of the items taken from the victim’s home had been reduced to scrap, this item, which holds enormous sentimental value to him, was able to be recovered.”

Sgt. David Stein
Dyer Police Department

NCIC notification for the win

“We investigated a theft from a vehicle involving a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. A local search by serial number yielded no results. Later on, we received an NCIC notification from LeadsOnline. We researched it and discovered our NCIC entry was an exact match to a ticket from a business. We were able to recover the victim’s property and the local jurisdiction is investigating the illegal sale.”

Sgt. Timothy Woll
Cumru Township Police Department

How Crestview Florida Police win storage wars

“We began an investigation into an individual selling stolen property. Through the use of LeadsOnline, we were able to link him to numerous storage unit burglaries in the surrounding counties, as well as, the City of Crestview. We have been able to arrest the suspect on numerous felonies.”

Sgt. Donald Howe
Crestview Police Department

LeadsOnline is worth its weight in gold

“I have used LeadsOnline in two different agencies where I was assigned as a Detective Sgt. I would estimate that LeadsOnline has been responsible for assisting in clearing 50 cases, which I have investigated over a four-year period. It is worth its weight in gold, and it I can’t see doing my job without it. Prior to LeadsOnline, it was the old shoe leather drill of actually physically visiting the businesses and gold salvage stores or going through endless tickets which took days, sometimes weeks. This database is awe-inspiring and any department, big or small, needs to secure this valuable resource immediately.”

Sgt. David Wood
Clyde Police Department

LeadsOnline helps solve numerous cases

“I recovered over $3000.00 of sound equipment that was stolen from two area churches. I had no serial numbers, just a description. I found the items in about 15 minutes of searching. This is just the latest success with LeadsOnline, as there have been numerous other cases I have been able to solve with their help. Thanks.”

Sgt. Keith Crofford
Bibb County Sheriff’s Department

LeadsOnline provides outcomes and success not possible 10 years prior

“Another great recovery this week for the Wake County Sheriff’s Office in Raleigh, North Carolina. I received a felony Larceny & Fraud case last week, and within minutes of checking LeadsOnline, I had a suspect. Within four hours, I had the victim’s property back and warrants secured on the suspect. The suspect was later taken into custody that evening without incident and charged with four felony counts. I really love this tool that has been provided to our agency. In my 18 years of service, I don’t think this kind of outcome would have presented itself 10 years ago. I’m very appreciative. Thank you LeadsOnline for your assistance in this case, and many more to come!”

Sr. Inv. Christopher Creech
Wake County Sheriff Office
North Carolina

Two stolen saws recovered and returned to the owner

“I took a report months ago on a breaking and entering case. The suspects took two chainsaws, and the victim called the store he purchased them from to obtain the model and serial numbers. I just registered with LeadsOnline the day before I got this report. When I returned back to the office I signed on to LeadsOnline, entered the serial numbers, and found one of the saws. After going to the shop, I got video footage and a copy of the suspect’s driver’s license. I also seized the saw before anyone was able to purchase it. Even though they have not yet been arrested, I found out who my suspect was through this awesome website. I got a call the next day from the shop, and they advised us there was a male in there who was trying to sell the other saw. When I arrived I found out the suspect sold him the saw in the parking lot after the shop refused to buy it. I seized it and returned both stolen saws to the owner. Thank you LeadsOnline. I will for sure be using your help from now on. I just wish I had been on board a long time ago.”

Sr. Dep. Heath Jones
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
North Carolina

The ring wants to be found

“One of our deputies took a phone call from a female who was wishing to report two wedding bands missing from her residence. She had seen the bands three days prior. The victim provided authorities with a list of individuals who had been in her home over the previous three day period. The officer searched each individual’s name through LeadsOnline and within minutes he knew where the rings had been sold and who had stolen them. Within a few hours, the deputy had recovered the stolen rings and made an arrest for grand larceny. The use of LeadsOnline led us directly to the crook. LeadsOnline is an incredible investigative tool.”

Records Camellia Vail
Augusta County Sheriff’s Office

Stolen iPod missing for over a year returned to rightful owner

“Once again, LeadsOnline came through and assisted in locating another stolen piece of property! I was searching through my NCIC Hits and came across a potential match to a stolen iPod that was taken from a high school student over a year ago. The suspect, thinking he was in the clear, sold it to an unmanned kiosk located at a mall within close proximity to our city. With the help of LeadsOnline, I recovered the iPod and return it to the rightful owner. The owner was overwhelmed with delight. Thanks LeadsOnline!”

Public Safety Ofc. Stacy Orchulli
El Cajon Police Department

There’s no price on returning sentimental stolen property

“During a recent delayed burglary investigation with no suspect information, I located a missing item using LeadsOnline. The business was contacted, and they agreed to hold the item. The LeadsOnline search provided me with a suspect name. The victim knew the suspect, and I would never have been able to locate the missing item (which had sentimental value) or identify a suspect without LeadsOnline. LeadsOnline is a great investigative tool and will be part of every investigation I conduct. Thanks.”

Police Service Aid Mark Nelson
St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office

Fort Wayne Police Department finds stolen jewelry near New Orleans

“Our city and county had been experiencing a rash of daytime residential burglaries. One of the victims interrupted the pair of bad guys while they were breaking into his home. Based on his description, we were able to develop a suspect that the victim positively identified. A week after the incident, I found one of my bad guys pawning jewelry in Jefferson Parrish, Louisiana. Taking the description of the items provided by LeadsOnline, I was able to locate an entirely different incident with a similar piece of jewelry listed as stolen. I then contacted the Jefferson Parrish Sheriff’s Office, who was able to locate, hold and photograph the items. Twenty minutes after getting those photos, my victim, and one of her co-workers, positively identified two of the three items sold in Louisiana. Thanks to LeadsOnline and the Jefferson Parrish Sheriff’s Office, I’m able to get a good charge on a bad guy, and most importantly, get property back where it belongs.”

Ptlm. Joseph Lyon
Fort Wayne Police Department

Employee Termination Checklist: Hide the Weed Eater

“An ex-employee was seen on the property snooping around after business hours. After running a name search of the employee, I found that they had pawned a weed eater. The victim did not even know they were missing said weed eater. After confirming that they had one missing, I was able to link the suspect with the larceny of the weed eater and the obtaining property by false pretense.”

Ptlm. Darren Yang
Conover Police Department
North Carolina

LeadsOnline cost law enforcement fewer man hours

“While investigating a burglary complaint, names of the suspects and the items taken were given. Doing a LeadsOnline search revealed the suspect and the items at our local pawn shop. There were even a couple items the victim didn’t yet know were stolen. Contact was made with the pawn shop to gather the items. It was very valuable using the automated confiscation order through LeadsOnline so that the business had an official and informative paper trail for both our records. Upon arriving, my suspects were there pawning something unrelated. Dumb cop luck! Got the items, videos, confessions, and guilty pleas. Thanks to LeadsOnline, I was saved time and effort in several different areas. Thanks again.”

Ptlm. Mark Burgoon
Celina Police Department

Alaska business owner helps police and special needs crime victim

“My case involved a special needs individual who had electronics stolen from his home. After checking LeadsOnline I found both items had been sold at a local store in Fairbanks. The shop owner was understanding and released the items to me so the owner could recover them. Through LeadsOnline I was able to print not only a copy of the transactions but the signature of the suspect. I was able to confirm the signature matched that of the suspect through our local DMV and a theft case is currently at our District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.”

Ofc. Doug Welborn
Fairbanks Police Department

Suspect hops to different cities in Alaska; Fairbanks Police investigators hop faster

“My case involved a subject in relation to stolen property from vehicles. After running her name, we found she appeared to be committing the thefts in Fairbanks and going to Anchorage to sell the property. Through my cases and others with the Alaska State Troopers we were able to track her down and get her arrested on nearly $30,000 in arrest warrants relating to these thefts. She is currently incarcerated and expected to be there for quite some time. I would have taken an incredible amount of leg work to locate the different locations of the transactions which I suspect I would have missed since they were not routine to us.”

Ofc. Doug Welborn
Fairbanks Police Department

Kentucky police get lucky with LeadsOnline

“I recently investigated a burglary of a residence. I used Leads to run the suspect name and I found all the stolen items in multiple pawn shops. As a result I was able to solve a second burglary with the same suspect as a result of Leads.”

Ofc. Ronald Perkins
Williamstown Police Department

Son steals his mother’s jewelry-doesn’t get away with it

“I had a suspect steal his mother’s weddings rings along with other pieces of her jewelry. I checked LeadsOnline and sure enough, he had sold them at a local business. I went to the business and retrieved the items back, which were given back to his mother. He was charged with theft and receiving stolen property. Thank you, LeadsOnline!”

Ofc. Tiffany Davidson
West Carrollton Police Department

Laptop recovered a year after being stolen from vehicle

“While trying to clear up some old theft cases, I checked numerous serial numbers through LeadsOnline. In doing so, I located a laptop that was stolen from a vehicle almost a year ago. Not only was I able to locate it, I was able to get it back to the owner and have applied for warrants against the subject who sold it.”

Ofc. Sean Rosner
Wentzville Police Department

Crooks have nowhere to hide when law enforcement uses LeadsOnline

“I use LeadsOnline as one of my tools in conducting follow-up burglary investigations. While investigating a burglary, I located a piece of property at a business in West Memphis, Arkansas, which a local victim reported stolen from my jurisdiction, in St. Louis, Missouri. Armed with the transaction information, I was able to quickly contact the business and place a hold on the item. I then called the West Memphis Police Department and advised them of the situation. I was able to give a representative of the West Memphis Police Department a suspect’s name and pedigree for the crime of receiving stolen property (our local charge for such an offense) within their jurisdiction. I also advised that the subject has multiple transaction records in Arkansas and Tennessee. I called the victim, advised him of my findings, and gave him contact information for the West Memphis Police Department. Since the item is located out of my jurisdiction, the West Memphis Police Department will conduct further follow-up with the help of the burglary victim. It was all thanks to LeadsOnline that I was able to help the victim locate his missing property, and lead another Police Department toward a suspect that has slipped out of my reach. With LeadsOnline, there is nowhere to hide.”

Ofc. Ervin Lockhart
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department

POI feature on LeadsOnline helps track down suspect

“I stumbled across a subject with extensive transactions in multiple jurisdictions while searching for items stolen in a vehicle prowl. I followed this person as a POI, and he later sold a rototiller hours after stealing it from the front yard of a complainant in my county. He sold it at a shop in my jurisdiction, and was referred for charges.”

Ofc. Austin Mccombs
Sedro-Woolley Police Department

San Francisco and Las Vegas Police work together to get a win for the good guys

“A California businessman was visiting a store in San Francisco when he negligently left his iPad on a display case. The iPad was stolen, and the victim filed a police report, providing the serial number of the item. During a search of LeadsOnline, I got an NCIC hit from a transaction out of Las Vegas. It was no coincidence that the person who sold the stolen iPad was originally a San Francisco resident with a checkered criminal past. With the assistance of a Detective from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the iPad was recovered. Nearly 18 months later, the victim was indeed surprised and happy to have his property returned. In the big scheme of things, this is a very minor success; however, it’s nice to have a small win once in a while.”

Ofc. Brent Dawson
San Francisco Police Department

Pick-pocketed phone recovered from local ecoATM

“I located a possible NCIC hit for a stolen Apple iPhone. The phone was sold at a Burbank, California ecoATM machine that flagged the serial number. The victim completed an online police report stating she was the victim of a pick-pocket while hanging out at a night club. EcoATM staff where advised, and the iPhone was recovered without incident. Once confirmation of ownership was made, the iPhone was returned to the victim.”

Ofc. Brent Dawson
San Francisco Police Department

Camera stolen from San Francisco recovered in Florida

“I located an NCIC hit for a Canon digital camera valued at over $1,000. The victim is a resident from Texas who was visiting San Francisco. His rental vehicle was broken into and numerous items of camera equipment were stolen. The victim completed an online police report and provided serial numbers for some of the stolen equipment. Once the match was found, a hold was placed on the stolen camera. The business was located in Lakeland, Florida! Following confirmation of ownership, the business agreed to release the property to the victim. Unfortunately, we were never able to contact the person who sold the stolen property or establish any other suspect information.”

Ofc. Brent Dawson
San Francisco Police Department

San Francisco PD returns stolen bicycle to owner

“Using LeadsOnline, I located a $1,875 stolen bicycle at a business. The investigation was conducted, and a suspect was identified. The suspect denied stealing the bicycle, and the District Attorney declined prosecution due to lack of evidence. The bicycle will be returned to the rightful owner.”

Ofc. Brent Dawson
San Francisco Police Department

Victim recovers stolen phone after suspect sells it at an ecoATM

“I found a stolen iPhone sold at an ecoATM kiosk. The iPhone had been lost by the owner hours before. The suspect was identified and digital pictures of the ecoATM transaction captured him with a female adult and female juvenile. The suspect was on probation for domestic violence for a brutal domestic violence incident. He was restrained from the victim and her children who were coincidentally with him during the transaction. The suspect was eventually arrested following a probation check-up and confessed to breaking the restraining order. In addition, the suspect confessed to taking the phone while at the same restaurant the victim had originally reported.”

Ofc. Brent Dawson
San Francisco Police Department

Roland PD sends bad guys to jail using LeadsOnline

“I took a report of stolen property and received a couple suspect names and ran them on LeadsOnline. The stolen property was sold just 25 minutes after being stolen. Thanks for making my job easier, LeadsOnline. The victim now has his property back and the two bad guys went to jail!”

Ofc. Greg Cox
Roland Police Department

Police call LeadsOnline a great asset to their department

“I solved a case that included over 30-40 victims in two jurisdictions. I searched LeadsOnline and located an iPod that was sold at a local business just one day after the theft. During the summer, several jurisdictions were getting hit with larceny from vehicles that occurred overnight. By finding this one iPod, it led myself and several detectives to a house that contained over 50 stolen items. As I was searching LeadsOnline for stolen property related to a burglary I was investigating, I came across two class rings that were sold. These two class rings were very unique, and they actually had a name engraved on the inside of the ring. By working with our crime analyst, we were able to determine that the rings were stolen from a neighboring jurisdiction. The rings were part of a burglary series that has led to one person being charged. LeadsOnline is a great asset to my department, and I will continue to use it on a daily basis.”

Ofc. Justin Hubbard
Roanoke County Police Department

Multi-jurisdictional burglar caught with LeadsOnline

“I recently solved a case by searching LeadsOnline that included more than 30 to 40 victims from two jurisdiction. I located an iPod that was pawned at a local pawn shop just one day after the theft. During the summer, several jurisdictions were getting hit with larceny from vehicles that had occurred overnight. By finding this one iPod, it led myself and several detectives to a house that contained over 50 stolen items. As I was searching LeadsOnline for stolen property related to a burglary I was investigating, I came across two class rings that were pawned. These two class rings were very unique, and they actually had a named inscribed on the inside of the ring. By working with our crime analyst, we were able to determine that the rings were stolen from a neighboring jurisdiction. The rings were part of a burglary series that has led to one person being charged. LeadsOnline is a great asset to my department, and I will continue to use it on a daily basis.”

Ofc. Justin Hubbard
Roanoke County Police

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